Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Restful Evening

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Both photos taken last evening 9/20/2010. …yea, the new pet bed is working out… :)

The song link below was the music for this morning’s Pray as you go podcast. It started my day beautifully. The lyrics are the words to the above scripture passage.

Wishing all a Peaceful Tuesday :)!

Bear and Beardog

That is a bear. That is a black bear. I think it is a yearling cub. It is not Karl.

It is not Karl, because Karl is next to me and the black bear is down there…

Karl was just in front of the front porch, noshing on a treat as I was unloading groceries from the Jeep. The Jeep was also just in front of the front porch…to the south of Karl.

Karl suddenly jumped up, did his scent gulp thing and started the bear bark alternating with nose in the air scent gulp thing.

I grabbed Karl’s leash and went back out. I think that Karl knows that he is not 100%…he waited. I leashed him. The cub was still there. I dashed back for pepper spray and camera and we went to the edge of the ravine…watching for Mama.

Karl kept up the bear bark. Once I was there for backup, he strained at the leash. I took the photos. We came inside.

A black bear, although exciting, was not the only adventure of the day.

A nap for Karl, a glass of wine for me.

Bob??? He is in front of the woodstove – the woodstove which has a small fire crackling merrily… Our Saturday…partly!

Echo Lake evening walk

Today started cloudy and cool but ended clear and warm. Karl and I jumped in the Jeep and headed east over the hill to a spot on Echo Lake where we like to walk. The summer residents are mostly gone and the lake was quiet under an azure sky.

We mosied along the trail that borders the inlet and out onto the peninsula. Ducks, seagulls, a turtle and kayakers were on the lake.

It was a lovely evening for an amble by Echo Lake.

**What a difference in Karl this weekend! His energy is up, his eyes are clear and he has no symptoms of nausea or discomfort that I’m now fairly sure were a result of the long course of antibiotics that were part of the initial protocol.

Swan River and Swan Range…WITH snow!

Swan River in the foreground, Swan Range in the rear…dusted with a bit of new snow!

The day was not as dreary as this photo looks – Karl and I were headed to Wayfarer’s for a walk…there was actually quite a lot of blue sky at the time :)!

Photo taken 9/6/2010.

Evening at Flathead Lake

It has been one thing after another of things that need to get done…work, appointments, the stuff of life. Last evening, after a day of mostly overcast, off and on rain, a few sun breaks and repeat – the partly clearing sky and brisk breeze beckoned Karl and I to Wayfarer’s Park to walk by the lake.

Whitecaps, wind in the trees and temperatures cool enough for a warm jacket made for a fitting start to September.

Evening at Flathead Lake.