Being in the right place at the right time
Montana, mountain sunrise.
Karl and I do not usually walk the loop this early.
But, this morning, circumstances took us out early.
And we ended up being in the right place at the right time.
Montana, mountain sunrise.
Karl and I do not usually walk the loop this early.
But, this morning, circumstances took us out early.
And we ended up being in the right place at the right time.
I don’t think there is much more to be said…
Mountains and meadow on Monday morning.
I love August! It is my birthday month. Growing up, it was the time when we went on family vacation coming home to the time for thinking about back to school – I loved “back to school” :)!
Here in Montana, although it is typically the month with the hottest temperatures, we have almost turned that corner of being far enough from the solstice that there is enough darkness to cool things off quickly…and then it takes most of the day to reach that hottest temperature and it doesn’t stay there long. There is also a weather phenomonon that occurs around the 3rd week of the month where it gets very cool, sometimes “fire up the woodstove” cool.
And the best thing about August is that after August comes September and even if summer officially goes to nearly the end of September, September seems like Fall.
I am an outspoken proponent of living in the present, being grateful for each moment and being aware of the current moment…except for July :)! I have berated myself in past years for wishing away July but have finally given myself permission to not like July and look forward to it being over. For me, it turns out that is the way to enjoy July. In the mumbling, grumbling, “can’t we just get this over” mindset, I find myself enjoying the anticipation of getting through it and almost appreciating the annoyance…a kind of “it feels so good when it’s over” way of enjoying the moment and a sense of being close to something badly wanted.
And this July, certainly has not been the worst as far as heat. And we have had rain.
Yesterday and last night, rain and thunderstorms. Early yesterday morning, Karl and I boarded Wild Thing with the Jeep in tow and headed to town. The Jeep was dropped for a service appointment and we continued on our way to gather groceries and supplies. A heavy downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning kept us in the WalMart parking lot for an hour but a fresh pot of coffee and some homemade biscotti got us through.
We moved to the Costco parking lot when things cleared. The clouds were spectacular – above as we headed out for a walk before shopping. There is a sports complex of soccer fields, baseball diamonds and 2 one mile loops for walking and running adjacent to Costco. The walking/running trails are on land that is to be a green buffer – pleasant to walk on and lots of Big Sky to see!
Oh…and just in case the August cool down is cool enough for a woodstove fire…
Just shy of 2 cords of firewood sit under cover.
Another cord of this downfall, cut and dumped in the splitting venue will be dry enough to split for this year and the rest will be a good start on next year. There is still some downfall to pick up and cut as well as some trees to take down to start drying, but this August 1, I am good for wood. AND, the chimney sweep is to be here Tuesday morning
August first morning…looking up :)!
At dusk.
Through the sunroom window.
In my side yard.
Eyes on me.
Doe and fawn.
Photos taken 6/26/2010 at 9:12-9:20 p.m. – Dusk, sunset was 9:22
Walking down the driveway with Karl, the nearly full moon was visible through the trees. The sunrise alpenglow had me considering a run down the road to see what morning looked like over the valley. But the moon was still high and I didn’t want to leave the woods.
It did not cool off last night to the usual upper 40/low 50’s (F) and was a balmy 67 per my home weather station at 5:00 a.m. this morning. But there were gusts of winds high in the trees and some of that breeze made it to the ground. There was something about the sound of the wind in the trees, the feel of the warm breeze and a bit of melancholy that stopped me from chasing the color and kept me on my home ground.
The upper jet blew the few morning clouds into mares tails. I ventured to the edge of the woods to get a look. I was glad I was held home by the quiet and peace of my own woods.
Thursday evening, it clouded up, got dark and windy, the temperature dropped from 74 to 54 and the NOAA weather alarm went off with a notice of a severe thunderstorm approaching. I unplugged everything and joined Karl and Bob in the bedroom for a cozy evening reading and listening to the wind and low rumble of thunder.
The large cell passed south of us but we had wonderful soaking rain showers off and on all evening and into the night.
I was surprised to see Bob lying in the wet grass Friday morning when we went outside.
Karl checked on him…
And joined him. A bit of pick-up sticks was in order for the day.
The new moisture and rising sun combined to give the morning a misty start.
By the time Karl and I took our morning walk, the mist was just beginning to break up. Sun shone through here and there and lit the edges of misty clouds with lacy light borders.
The day stayed cool and an afternoon walk was all sunshine and blue sky.
Another pale moon and a bit of alpenglow finished our Friday.