Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Three Views…and a closeup

The morning walk on our “home” loop.

The range we see every day.

One low misty cloud creeping over the ridge.

So mysterious.

Early evening on the way home from a walk by the lake.

The range we see every day.

Late, last evening, 9:00 p.m. – sunset is currently about 9:30.

The range we see every day.

Three views…and a closeup.

What a beautiful day

The part-time neighbors who give me permission to walk the mountain loop adjacent to my property have gone to their full-time home as of yesterday morning. The forecast cold front had whooshed through, taking the hazy skies with it.

At 62F with remnants of the wind still ruffling the grasses, Karl and I took a lunch time walk.

What a beautiful day!

RV morning

Through the window and past the lilac bush the sun comes up over the mountains and through the woods.

The beardog enjoys the morning – off leash…the rules here are wonderfully lenient!

And camp coffee, always the best!

RV morning.

Summers’ RV Park

The short story is that I had intended to leave early this morning for Costco/grocery …then decided I’d take the motorhome as it needs a run and would be cooler for Karl as I can run A/C off the generator when it is parked (plenty of space to park it where I shop). THEN decided that as long as I was doing that, why not take a run around the lake and maybe stay somewhere overnight if I found a spot I liked…and THEN decided why go to Kalispell, will just head around the lake – there is a Safeway I like in Polson (south end of the lake) so can get everything I want there… which I did but ended up coming home as it is hazy and sultry so wasn’t really looking like being outside would be nice and the place I had in mind didn’t have a great spot.

The spot I tentatively planned to stay overnight was just north of Polson on Highway 93. But when I decided that I would rather just go home, I about-faced which took me back across the river and through Polson…

Across the bridge.

Through Polson.

The Safeway.

Along the south east edge of the lake on MT 35…preparing to turn north towards Bigfork.

A quick stop at Bowman Cherry Orchards for some Rainier cherries…

…and some Flathead Cherry Wine! I bought a pound of Rainier cherries and a bottle of cherry wine. This particular bottle is a blend of pie (tart!) and sweet cherries – labeled a medium dry by Bowman.

So, currently, Bob, Karl and I are set up in the motorhome at home…central air and what we needed was here and it just shakes up the routine a bit, even if the house is just on the other side of the garage. It is thundering and dark and the A/C covers the noise. I get 1 tv channel and have Antiques Roadshow on which I never saw and am partly fascinated and partly just liking the human voices while I do the post and think what I want for my supper. Neither Bob nor Karl wanted out when we arrived at Summers’ RV Park.

Echo Lake in the morning

Echo Lake…due east of home, along a dirt and gravel road over the foothills. On a weekday morning, there is minimal activity on the water – a few fisherman, a few waterskiers.

We access this piece of lakeshore from a public fishing access site. There is a nice trail around an inlet that provides plenty in the way of things to explore for Karl and beautiful vistas for me. We have a long amble as it is cool now, but getting warm on its way to hot.

Echo Lake in the morning.