Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

You know it is hot when…

…Bob is in the shade.

…and he’s snoring…

Karl and I were out early.

We walked near Flathead Lake at Wayfarer’s Park just before 8:00 a.m. – It was not quite 60 but after climbing to the overlook (Flathead Lake, Wayfarer’s Park) – we were warm enough.

As I write this (3:30 p.m.), it is 86! And tomorrow, we really get our comeuppance as a cool front is due to overrun this heat and that usually makes for thunderstorms….

Into every life a little rain must fall…

…but oh, the raindrops left behind are beautiful!

The squalls that were only rumbles of thunder and dark clouds at my house, must have rained plenty in Bigfork. This photo from Wayfarer’s park when Karl and I walked this morning: Pointed Mariposa and Indian Paintbrush. (Double-click this one – so gorgeous full screen!)

At home today, a repeat of yesterday, but today’s fun DID include rain. Green continues in yards, pastures and on the mountainsides :)!

Thunderstorm over the Road Home

All afternoon the thunder has been rumbling, the sky darkening, then brilliant sunshine and repeat. With the last of the group work sessions complete and a thunderstorm warning issued by NOAA, I jumped in the Jeep to see how things looked outside of my woods.

Things looked a bit dark over the road home. Thunder continued but I saw no lightening.

Bob and I wait and watch from the front porch. The beardog does not like thunder – he is in the closet with a DVD playing for comfort.

Early Summer evening

The second day of Summer started cloudy but cleared by late afternoon and the evening was beautiful.

The setting sun lit up the woods down the driveway.

The end of the lupins added to the scene.

We walked down the driveway as the light turned gold.

And a bit later…a beautiful Summer moon.

Hmm, think I’ll put canteloupe on the grocery list :)!

First day of Summer 2010: Northwest MT

Summer normally comes in fits and spurts to Northwest Montana. Warm and even hot days in March, April and May are interspersed with blizzards, snow squalls and rain. June typically is cool and rainy and an early June snowstorm is definitely NOT unheard of.

So far, June 2010 has skipped a snowstorm … in the valley. But on the eve of the Summer Solstice we had:
76F sunshine and blue sky
dark clouds giving way to wind…
marble sized hail….
torrential downpour with the temperature dropping into the 50’s in half an hour…
lighting with accompanying thunder that rattled the windows…

The first day of summer dawned less than clear and stayed that way – a rainy day that had me finally starting a fire in the woodstove late afternoon. And given that it was the first day of summer and a fire was roaring…I decided that sipping whiskey was in order and made a dash to Bigfork for some Old Overholt (Rye whiskey).

But before the Rye, a respite in the rain and a possible bear, necessitated a walk.

The air was sniffed…

The beardog was on full alert.

No bear was found.

The whiskey was sipped…on the front porch as even at a damp 50 something F, a fire in the woodstove heated up the little house in the woods to over-warmish…

First day of Summer 2010: Northwest MT.

The Road Home: Almost Summer

Friday evening, after an extra long work day, Karl and I went to Wayfarer’s for a “clear the cobwebs” walk, picking up burgers and fries on the way home. The rain – sun – rain cycle we’ve been in has spurred the green growth in yards, fields and woods. The most recent rain left a fresh bit of snow on the mountain tops. The road home had a “fill my heart” beauty to it – almost Summer.

Photo taken June 18, 2010 7:15 p.m.