Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Lupins by the Lake

Karl and I have been hitting the long loop walk at Wayfarer’s Park early morning. Sunrise is just after 5:30 a.m. this time of year so by 8:00 a.m. it is already getting warm. It is a 25 minute amble from near the highway, up and along a ridge above the lake and back down through the woods completing a circle.

The lupins as well as choke cherries, ferns and ivy are thick along the path. But this year, the lupins are the standout and they have been in full color for nearly 2 weeks. We occasionally pass visitors who are camping in the park and they ask if it is always like this.

Often enough to always make me glad I live here!

Photos taken from Wayfarer’s Park, Bigfork, MT June 12, 2010

Change in the weather

Montana is prone to overnight 180 degree changes in weather. We went from cool and rainy to warm-hot to us and dry.

It has been beautiful! A nice amount of rain and now mid 70’s, sunshine… The rain of last week has added to the lush green of spring but one warm, dry day and newly sown grass seed made it necessary to get out sprinklers and hoses.

The nice weather is distracting.

All we want to do is meander around the yard and woods and sit in the shade or on the front porch.

The lupins aren’t helping either…

They are blooming throughout the woods.

One fine day

Everything that is Montana in the Spring is in this photo: green grass and trees, blue sky, white clouds…dark clouds, snow rapidly retreating from the mountain tops.

The air is as clear and clean as it looks. A breeze comes up off and on and the dark clouds skirt the mountain tops but at noon, when Karl and I walked it felt like the late Spring day that it was.

A day a little warm in the sun for a black dog who isn’t quite rid of his winter undercoat. He’s waiting for me in a spot of shade.

Meanwhile, back at the house…

Mr. Bob gets a somewhat slower start to his Monday.

One fine day all around :)!

a picture perfect day

Photo taken this morning, 5/22/2010 on the way home from Kalispell. Currently, reader PatW’s recipe for Old Fashioned Rhubarb Torte is in the oven and smelling wonderful on this sunny, cool (50ish F), Saturday afternoon…results later.

The forecast rain looks to be heading south. The air is clear and bright. It is a picture perfect day.

Red sky in morning…

…sailors take warning.

And maybe RVrs? Rick and Jeannine head east later this morning. Happy Trails dear friends~!

Photo taken 5/18/2010 from the foothills of the Swan Range, a bit out the back door.