Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Purple mountain majesties

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Photo taken 5/16/2010 in Glacier National Park.

Familiar things

The light on the mountains and tree tops of the valley, walking the loop yesterday evening.

From the front porch, the first morning home (April 13, 2010).

Familar things.

Lift up your eyes on high

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things. Isaiah 40:26

Photo taken 2/4/2010: more from the evening walk. This photo is very similar to the one posted previously, but the verse from Isaiah was part of my morning reflection and it led me to look at the group of photos from that evening.

In this morning’s entry, Oswald Chambers in “My Utmost for His Highest” writes:

“If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in Nature. In every wind that blows, in every night and day of the year, in every sign of the sky, in every blossoming and in every withering of the earth, there is a real coming of God to us if we will simply use our starved imagination to realize it.”

My next reading from Andrew Murray’s “Mighty is His Hand” had a similar theme of God in everything:

Accept with gratitude everything that God allows to come into your life. I mean all things – whether from the world without, or attacks from within; whether from friend or enemy; in nature or in grace.


Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things. Isaiah 40:26


From the evening walk

Karl and I walked the mountain loop in the crunchy slush just before sunset. It had been mostly gray and overcast all day, but cleared late afternoon. Temperatures in the 30’s felt mild in the late sunshine and we dawdled on our way.

Not quite alpenglow but the setting sun lit the mountain tops showing them off against the dark clouds.

Photo taken 2/4/2010.

Beardog in the mist

From this morning. That bit of blue at Karl’s chin is his lighted collar.

After a short spurt of Winter, we are back to slush and a dreary mess. But the gray and the mist have their own beauty. And it is both the wonder of “what will it be today” and the mix of things that weave the tapestry of life…and I’m not speaking of only the weather :).

Happy Wednesday!