Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Still waters

The sun came out late this afternoon and convinced me to take a break before a final hour of work to be done. The mountain loop walk is off limits with neighbors in residence so we headed to Wayfarer’s.

The air felt balmy at 50 F.

We dawdled and watched – across the lake…Still waters.

Crazy time

It is nearly 10:30 p.m. … LATE for this morning person! Typically, I have been in dreamland for over an hour by 10:30 p.m.

I finished most of my work day at 6:30 p.m. and took Karl to Wayfarer’s for a walk. A long day that needed a break – Karl and I both needed fresh air, a long walk and a change of scenery. It has continued to be unusually warm and even at 7-7:45 when we were by the lake, it was above 70 and felt balmy. The walk was wonderful – the low bushes are more red every day, the sun was setting behind the Bitterroots to the west and the lake was barely ruffled by a bit of a breeze. We dawdled around the mid-range path I chose for this evening.

A quick stop for a few items and we headed for home as the sky was turning gold and pink with the last of the sun.

Dinner, a bit more work day and then time to wind down.

I knew I had photos from our Wednesday morning walk…

Sun on the grass, the rising sun – funny to be looking at them this night when it is late for me – but, it brings back that soft, beautiful morning… Crazy Time.

…I feel strangely exhilarated to be up this late!

Happy Dog

There was a happy girl also! I took a late afternoon break (yesterday) from the house and computer to walk with Karl at Wayfarer’s Park along Flathead Lake. The brush is starting to turn red, the air was clear and the temperature an extremely pleasant 71.

Happy Dog!

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend – the last long weekend of Summer. On Labor Day itself, I did labor – gladly! The first major delivery date for a new project (the one I went to San Francisco for) is due this Friday. It will be a push of a week but the reward is a long weekend next weekend and I plan to roll in Wild Thing for some favorite spots in Montana and a rendezvous with a fellow blogger along the way.

Despite the busier than normal work schedule, we never scrimp on walks. Yesterday, an early evening walk at Flathead Lake – rain had threatened all day but except for a few sprinkles, all we got was lovely clouds and occasional brilliant sunshine.

On the way home from the lake walk, the sun was low, the horizon filled with dark clouds, but a few peek holes allowed the rays to shine across the fields and light the foothills.

This property is on the corner of MT Hwy 35 and my road. I stopped to see if I could catch the sun lighting up the mountains and took a hurried first shot through the gate…and liked it.

Labor Day, 2009.

A favorite spot for a Sunday.

Another favorite spot…I love the barn and the silos, the lake, mountains and clouds in the background, the fence and grass in the foreground. It is a favorite view – made favorite first by a day last winter when the entire scene was frosty.

Today, Sunday, September 6, 2009 in the year of our Lord, it was beautiful as always.

This day has seen clouds, sunshine, cool, nearly hot and at the moment it is beautifully blustery and cool. I am in my sunroom – office with all of the windows and doors in this little house wide open. It is 63 outside and close to that inside. I am comfortable. Karl and Bob are napping near. The wind is whistling its low, dull, comforting whoosh through the pines.

A favorite spot for a Sunday.

Photo taken on Somers Rd. near Somers, MT on 9/6/2009.