Like the old Burma shave signs, the signs for the cherry stands line the road into Bigfork. But this sign that advertises not only cherries, but “Tiny the talking bird”, wins the prize for most unique.

And the stand is unique as well. Most of the cherry stands, whether in town or in front of the orchards are kiosk size, like the smaller stand at the far end. But the Bush Jubilee Orchards stand is indeed special.

Clarice Bush of Bush’s Jubilee Orchards (since 1960!) was working Thursday afternoon when I stopped. As I mulled over my purchase and asked if I could take photos she told me that next year is a big year for Bush’s Jubilee Orchards – it will be a celebration of their 50 years growing cherries along Flathead Lake.

Black sweet cherries and Rainier sweet cherries were available today. Organic, and washed if you’d like. Samples are available in case you are undecided. I tried 2 or 3 of both before buying a pound of each as well as a jar of jam.

Then I got to meet Tiny, a salmon-crested cockatoo. Tiny talks, but has figured out that if he waits to talk until given a cherry, he gets more cherries!

He seems to be saying “So why do you think that’s funny?” He actually said “Hello”, very loud and clear, several times. Then he commenced to digging into his cherry!

First step is stem removal.

Tiny took his time. The stem came off quickly and then the cherry was positioned so that he could “open” it to remove the pit.

Tiny, the talking bird…will talk for cherries.
***”Household” Note added 8/9/2009: The air conditioner was put away on Saturday, 8/8/2009 with the knowledge that it may need to be retrieved, but GREAT hope that it can stay stowed!!