Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Downtown Somers, MT

I am not a car buff by any means and tend toward the truck/SUV kind of thing as I have enough trouble with my hair, so a convertible or going “topless” in the Jeep is not on my list of things to do. But, I DO appreciate the classic lines of both THIS convertible and the cafe as they appeared this Saturday morning.

And the Somers Bay Cafe? – a most excellent breakfast spot. And while I have no first hand experience, I have observed that it is full at lunch time and is also reputed to be a most wonderful dinner place with a complete “Wine and Spirituals” (see previous post) selection. The Somers Bay Cafe is joined by Del’s Bar, Tiebucker’s (dinner only restaurant) and Sliter’s Hardware for the total of Somers’ downtown merchants. There is another bar on the outskirts of town.

And Patty Wylie – if Somers is between your new Montana home and mine, the Somers Bay Cafe would be a wonderful place for a first time meet!

Sweet summer rain

It has been raining for the better part of the last 24 hours. From drizzle to downpour everything has been given a good long drink. Thunder rumbled briefly yesterday morning as the cold front hit the mountains, but since, it has been a sweet summer rain.

Photo taken July 12, 2009 as the weather started to change. It is the road home – closer to my house than the series photos.

The Road Home Series on Flickr

Friday morning

Ending the week as we started with an early morning walk by Echo Lake.

I have been pounding the keyboard all week. The nights and following mornings have been deliciously cool and crisp with days of warm sunshine. Today, the end of the work week, is a bit more relaxed and I will finish early afternoon and run some errands. I have it on good authority (Russ, my UPS man!) that the chip sealing on the highway is complete. The weekend is supposed to be warmer, maybe even hot by MT standards, so I will do all of my out and abouting today leaving the weekend free for lazing about mostly…the darn floors and such are dusty again and I cleaned them not two or three weeks ago…

A happy and joyful Friday to all!

Echo Lake on a summer morning

My driveway has a curve to the west as it meets the road. West on my road leads to Montana highway 35 from which I go most everywhere. This week MT Hwy 35 is being chip sealed 4 miles in both directions from my road. I plan on avoiding it until they are through.

But, my road is also a road to Echo Lake, a medium-small lake that lies in the foothills just a few miles away.

This morning, I turned East on my road.

Looking between the bug splats on my windshield, you can almost make out that the road changes from asphalt to gravel. I am thankful to live on the asphalt part!

Along the road is mostly thick forest but there are beautiful meadows in some spots.

That is Blackies Bay to the south along the road. There are a number of small lakes/large ponds in this area.

The lake was quiet when we arrived. Karl puttered along this access and then we walked a road that borders the end of the lake and a marshy area.*

As we returned, an early morning water-skier approached. I was ready to take a photo of the geese taking off as the ski boat turned…

…but they were unfazed by the boat and it made the turn without getting too near them.

On the drive home, with the sun behind me, it was easier to see into the woods and get a glimpse of some of the cabins and homes. Every once in awhile I would see one that seemed so appealing to me.

And then I turned into my own drive and caught the first glimpse of my home…

…and it looked so very nice to me. It looked wonderfully nice to me and I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that I have this place to live, in this beautiful woods…

…a good dog to walk with and a good cat to come home to.

* Below are links to posts with Echo Lake photos from Fall 2008

Echo Lake Fall

Echo Lake 2