Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Through the woods and over the river

I believe I have mentioned that I do not like to drive at night. I REALLY do NOT like to drive at night – combination of being out of practice, degradation of my night/low-light vision and deer and other critters seem prone to crossing the road without looking both ways. Add to that, that on Thanksgiving night a lot of over-full, tired, possibly a bit too much to drink people… and cranky because they had to listen to crazy Uncle Whozit all afternoon – are also driving home. Well, I just didn’t want to be out there amongst them.

So, through the woods…

…and over the river….

…Karl, Bob and I went to my dear friend’s home in the Winnebago…a sleepover Thanksgiving but we took our own house!

Our parking spot above and if you look closely in front of the tractor plow, you can see Bob – he had a short outing while it was still light.

The driveway winds around a gorgeous meadow, the day was sunny and skies were beautiful.

Karl and I went for a walk around the meadow and then returned to the house to enjoy wonderful food and company.

Through the woods and over the river, in the Winnebago, with Karl and Bob, to a special place with special people – I am indeed thankful!

In everything, give thanks.

Snow or ice or frost??? – a little of all three, I believe. Karl and I dawdled on this noon time walk yesterday. The sun was warm in spite of the frosty-snowy ground. The low southern sun lit the weeds and grasses, turning them gold.

…and the yard looks more like early evening in late summer than a late fall afternoon…

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ.

…or to quote Father Tim from Jan Karon’s “In His Mountain”:

In everything, give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. May we all remember to hold close those we love and to be thankful for all that we have today.

The lights

Not the Christmas tree lights…I did go back to the village this evening, but I was not having much luck getting the lights – there was lots of car traffic, street spots – it seemed like it was one of those “you have to be there” kind of things and/or beyond my current photography skills to capture.

So…you will need to use your imagination…Bigfork Village is a pretty little town of one long block of shops and art galleries, tucked between Swan Hill, Swan River and Bigfork Bay of Flathead Lake. Every level of every storefront is draped with garland made from local pine boughs. Trees decorated with red ribbons are attached to anything that stands upright. Boughs, bushes, fences…are strung with colored lights. Store windows are lit with their wares as well as Christmas lights, pine cones, and other festive decorations.

It is now a Christmas village and on this night (and afternoon after the decorating) the merchants offer snacks and drinks. Visitors and residents stroll the main street along to the sound of Christmas music broadcast in the street.

Main street in Bigfork is Electric Avenue – named for the electric plant on the Swan River at the base of the Wild Mile – situated above the bridge that leads into the village from the south.

The lights – they were beautiful and the night above is clear and filled with stars. It is the start of the holiday season and here in Bigfork, Montana, it is colorful and full of light.

Bigfork, Montana – Call to Arms!

D Day (Decoration Day) 2008 – Bigfork Elves turned out this morning in response to the Secretary of Decorating’s Call to Active Duty!

The Village was decorated from top to bottom – everything upright gets a beribboned tree attached to it.

All hands – large and small – man the machines…

The Village entrances are guarded from normal traffic…

Friends meet… – my friend and last year’s house and Bob caretaker, Sara and her friend Bill

Work and talk, talk and work…

The “Beverage Babes” dispense beverages to hard working elves…

Left is Gretchen Gates of Eva Gates Preserves and right is Donna Lawson of The Jug Tree Liquor Store.

…what is in the unmarked container????

At the north end of the village is the Bigfork Inn:

This morning, the Inn was host to a continental breakfast for the elves. The Inn also keeps a fire pit going so that cold elves can gather to warm up.

Next to the Inn, the Village Christmas tree is being decorated – Yes, we say CHRISTMAS here in Bigfork, MT!

Tonight, as always on Decorating Day Night, is the tree lighting ceremony and the village art walk. If I overcome my wimpiness for venturing out away from my fire, after dark, there might be photos of that…