Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

to see what we could see

We had to get a bit more creative with our walk location yesterday. The neighbors on our “scenic” route were briefly in residence. It is deer season so I prefer to avoid the adjacent state land. We could have gone to the state park but the sky had cleared between forecast storm fronts and I thought it might be a good day to get what might be the last look at fall color on a sunny day. We went over the hill (my road) which drops down to Echo Lake, a small lake that is beautiful, although a bit crowded and noisy during the summer. This day, though, it was quiet and peaceful. When we arrived there was not even a breeze ruffling the water…

We took the “long way” home and passed by a favorite view of the Swan River…

and the Swan Range with a bit of powdery snow on some of the peaks…

It was an idyllic hour break – I had reached a good point to stop working, the sun was out and we went. Shortly after we returned, things clouded over and the afternoon was gray. All afternoon as I worked I kept thinking how glad I was that we went when we did.

Another bonus last evening – the sky cleared again and the waxing moon lit the old garden area enough for Karl and I to play a bit of soccer by the “light of the silvery moon” …and when we were done, it stayed around long enough for me to take its picture.


This morning started foggy, changed to sunny, although a bit hazy and I went to town and bought a new camera… Woohoo!!! – But by the time the battery was charged, the weather had started to move in – gray overcast skies… not the best day to play but I did manage to have some fun.

Fun, fun, fun!

Rosy gold dawn

Halloween morn dawned with a rosy-orange sky. When I walked to the edge of the woods I could see the colors, the mountains and the gold of the larch in the foreground. I didn’t capture the colors quite as I remember – the sky was softer and the larch brighter – you will need to use your imagination a bit…

This last week – 10 days has been Fall Perfection – sunny days, with impossibly blue skies and the soft colors of the grass and trees as they change and die. Since I took this morning’s photos, the sky has clouded over and the temperature dropped a bit. The forecast is for a change to rainy and then wintry (next week) weather. It has always at least flurried on Halloween night when I’ve been in Montana… we’ll see what happens tonight, but this morning I caught a bit more of fall…

…in the rosy gold dawn.

Ornithology 101

Alrighty then!! I have heard from some readers, done a lot of googling and I believe that both the bird in On Eagle’s Wings and in yesterday’s not a ornithologist are actually immature bald eagles! – yes!!! – Eagles! Nothing against the Osprey who is a gorgeous raptor also, but there is a certain mystique about seeing eagles and the post title and theme: On Eagles Wings – really needed an eagle photo – and I had seen the bird that day! Bald eagles are fairly common here but not where I grew up in northwest Ohio – it always thrills me to see them….

To check for yourself, here is a great link:

From Heidi Rettig (her blog is Two Kitties ) Immature Bald Eagle . Heidi lives on Flathead Lake, within 20 or so miles of me. We just “met” via Pioneer Woman’s blog – and she is also from the midwest – Minnesota…or at least lived there – funny, small world sometimes.

Ok, back to birds….I found an article that talks about how often people mistake immature bald eagles for golden eagles. …AND the kicker is that my mother got out HER bird book and emailed me – immature bald eagle is her call!

My Mama says so – so…

from yesterday’s “not an ornithologist” (photo taken in Wayfarer’s Park 10/28/2008)


from July’s “On Eagle’s Wings” (photo taken June 30, 2008 Wayfarer’s Park)…

Young (immature) bald eagles.

Not an ornithologist…

In early July, I wrote a very dramatic post titled “On Eagles Wings” – it even has its own page. I identified a beautiful bird as a Golden Eagle. I had been leaning towards Osprey because of the white, but the head…had my bird book out and everything. And seeing the bird, identifying it as an eagle – it helped me formulate what I wanted to say…

This morning, I started the work day very early so as to be able to take some time mid-morning for an errand run and a walk with Karl in the State Park by Flathead Lake. It was a gorgeous day – warming up into the 50’s.

No ice on the roads yet…

We dawdled and enjoyed the sunshine, the smells (Karl) and the views. As we approached the summit of the walk where the trail has views out to the lake, we saw a large bird on a dead tree.

I think it is an Osprey…a couple who came up while I was taking photos said it was an Osprey…and if it is, so is the bird I identified as a “Golden Eagle” in my post “On Eagle’s Wings”. Oh, well – he or she is beautiful and I feel fortunate to have had a close look at such a magnificent bird. I think I will quit identifying birds and just show the photos – I am 0 for 4 on bird id’s on this blog…

***See October 29th correction to an Immature Bald Eagle.