Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

Sunday’s story

Even though I did the mega shopping trip on Friday – and I do mean mega! And even though I had a list…argh!! – I ALWAYS forget something(s). So Karl and I took off early yesterday – stopping to walk in Somers before heading back to the grocery to get the forgotten items.

It was clear at the house but a large fog bank sat between the road near the top just below the house and the main highway. The main highway and the valley floor were clear. During our entire walk the fog stayed at that midpoint.

The sky above, around and to the west was clear and blue.

And along the walk path, against that upper and western blue, in a garden I always admire…

the sunflowers were blooming!

Flathead Lake scenes from the archives

aka a “blast from the past”… September 2002, I put my Whitefish home for sale and moved into a furnished rental on Flathead Lake for the winter. The furnished lake rentals are very inexpensive through the winter – rent for a month is less than 1/2 of the summer weekly “cottage” rental price. It was an opportunity to leave my home furnished for sale appeal and try out Bigfork area as well as be “on” the lake for a wee bit. As it turned out, it was a glorious late summer/early fall and the boys and I got to enjoy our beach many afternoons.

All photos taken October 2002 with my Canon Digital Elph – a whopping 2.1 megapixels – circa early 2001. I was remembering that fall and the photos from that time – I want to try some Photoshop techniques on the photos of the boys near the water…to bring them out and blur the background. Fun for the future! – for now, these still jog the memory.

Shocking Pink

This morning, sitting at my desk – suddenly the color seemed to shoot up in the sky. I grabbed my camera…

Just as fast as it came – the vibrant color faded and disappeared.

…shocking pink!

Blue holes

Yesterday morning was heavily overcast. I have learned to take the camera no matter what. As we left the property and entered the adjacent land which opens to the full sky and mountain view, a vivid blue hole in the overcast appeared. In my head, I said “a blue hole” and it reminded me of “The Blue Hole” – an anomaly in Castalia, Ohio.

“The Blue Hole” was one of those things like “House of Mystery” or “the largest” whatever. In my memory, it was the only venue of that nature that we ever stopped to see when I was a child. “The Blue Hole” was a deep water thing – supposedly of some nature that made it impossible to determine the depth. Also, it apparently lacked oxygen in the water. My memory is of a very blue water hole, surrounded by a fence and about 50 feet in diameter. I remember leaning against the fence and peering into the depths.

The thing is, I think I remember stopping at “The Blue Hole” more than once…and I think we had to pay to see it. And now I wonder why, as we never stopped at any of the other oddity tourist things.

The clouds brought up the memories of “The Blue Hole” and I was forming the blog post in my head…thinking to get any current information and web site links that had more information than I could dredge up from memory. When I googled “The Blue Hole Ohio”, I had a small shock. A number of entries referred to the scam that was “The Blue Hole”. Other sites had explanations. Some links were blog entries as this will be – childhood memories from people my age. “The Blue Hole” as an “attraction” no longer exists…and, of course, it had oxygen in it!

So, “The Blue Hole” of my childhood is a bit of a mystery. But the experience remains and the memory of the vivid blue..the memories surfacing today as I looked at the “blue holes” in the overcast sky of northwest Montana.

Blue holes…a bit of a mystery.

Tempting fate

Yep, I put it away…and I did it yesterday (Sunday) morning, when it was supposed to get to 90…but the morning started at 44 and Saturday did not get to where it was supposed to AND another cold front is following this mini-heat thing and it is late August AND I WANT IT TO BE FALL!!!! – so I tempted fate….