Laundered sky
Last night, after the rain…
Last night, after the rain…
The only large fire in Montana was fully contained yesterday but Missoula had smoke yesterday afternoon and we had it here this morning. If I didn’t know it was smoke, I was say it was just hazy skies. I’m thankful we have had so little fire activity this summer, but the effects make for the shadowy, blue mountain views that I enjoy.
Early this afternoon, the wind started, the rain started and the temperature dropped from 78 to 68 in the last hour – the smoke will get washed out with this nice, cool, front – and hopefully all of the thunderstorms will have enough rain to keep any fires from starting.
Morning light on foliage.
More fun with flowers.
Both from this morning’s walk.
On my way out to get the mail, I noticed this guy and his friend out the window. The first shots are through the window and I didn’t have time to try for a bokeh shot. This young buck has been around a bit, but I mostly see does so fun to see this guy. In a fit of cleverness I decided to call him “Bucky”…
He obligingly looked right at me – tree shadows, and general deer coloring versus woods coloring – natural camouflage… sometimes they are standing very still and I walk nearly up to them or get surprised to suddenly see a small herd in the yard.
That’s 8 points on that beautiful set of antlers! I am going to have a talk with him about staying in my yard during hunting season. I have posted “No hunting” as does my neighbor – he is too visible with that “rack” and although locals hunt for meat, there are those who hunt for trophies – would hate for Bucky to be that. I wouldn’t mind finding the shed of antlers, though!
A bit of heat and neighbors in residence have kept the walks short and confined to the woods. The woods is drying, crackly and scratchy, but shady…
Yesterday, though, started cool and crisp. A fresh breeze plus a high temperature of 74 – and a need for a few grocery items, sent me to the park by the lake for a walk with Karl before taking care of the shopping errand.
Although we were both plenty warm by the time we finished the loop trail, it was beautiful – blue sky, white clouds, sparkly lake with enough wind for white caps and the light that is changing towards the fall angle…
The views, the sun, the breeze, the smells (Karl’s thing) – all worth getting a bit warm for.
See Herb Garden, Part 1 for the start of this project to turn the previous owner’s leftover topsoil aka Karl’s dirt pile into an Herb Garden…
The pile has been weeded and some garden weed and feed applied. I smoothed it out mostly in the shape I think I want and have been putting a few rocks in the vicinity in preparation for making a rock border and maybe a few here and there in the “garden” for “interest”.
Last weekend I went to the nursery, clutching my “Swan Bucks” (nursery coupons) only to find that they do not have any herbs left. Same story 2 other places. Sooooo… decided that I would let the snow do what it will to my shape and start looking for seeds and plants in the Spring. The garden catalogs always have ideas for “planned” gardens and although I don’t necessarily want that, I decided I probably need some help in what looks good as far as mixing the height of things. And I might add some perennials that make pretty cut flowers for the house – there are a few that the deer don’t like – at least the nursery says so…I haven’t consulted the deer…
Although not a casualty to the deer, one of my hanging baskets gave up the ghost last week. The blue lobelia went first – I’m thinking too much sun as I know it likes shade. The lobelia died in both baskets, but everything (mountain bells) died in the smaller. I finally put the thing out of its misery, moved the remaining basket to a hanger on the garage and got 2 baskets of petunias from the end of the year 50% off sale. Hopefully, all will hang in until the snow flies… It was impatiens that did so well last year.
A little weather note … 2 months ago yesterday, it snowed about 4 inches here. We had our longest, little “heat wave” this past week of 3 days that barely hit 90. This morning it is 44 and maybe will make it out of the 70’s… with another mini-heat wave of 3 days due this weekend. After this weekend we are past the mid-point of August and although September and even October can have beautiful warm (upper 70’s) days – the days are getting noticeably shorter, the light is changing – we are headed towards Fall! I love this time, love Fall – this morning’s cool, crispness is a wonderful signal that it is not far off!