Posts from the ‘Montana’ category


Paradise, Montana that is… The Clark Fork River Valley is a beautiful river valley west of Flathead Valley. The drive there is along Flathead Lake for 25 miles and then east over the southern Bitterroots to Plains and then Paradise, Montana. We drove to several high points and along the river.

A day in Paradise.

Dogs in the sand (from the archives)

Karl and his friend Bella, a 1/2 Karelian-1/2 Yellow Lab – April 2003 on Flathead Lake while the lake was at its pre-runoff low. We got to the sand from Somers. The dogs ran in the sand, seemingly just for the joy of running.

It was one of those idyllic mornings – still, beautiful, serene.

Back in the woods

Several weeks ago it was reported through the neighborly grape vine that a female grizzly and twin cubs were in the area. I started avoiding the 40 acres of state land that is part of our walking loop – it is brushy without any real paths, contoured enough that it is hard to see over and around … it just seemed prudent to avoid that area for a bit. It is/was unlikely that she would stick around – there is no food source and too much (relatively) people activity to be comfortable. At any rate, it has been weeks and no more sightings and more importantly no scat to be found…and believe me, Karl would find it if it was there. Bear scat is his most favorite doggie cologne – it is incredibly rank…

The “maps” above show the lay of the land here. On the plat – the yellow block is my 8 acres. The loop to the “right” (east) goes across subdivision land that is 5-10 acre parcels. There is only one house and no sign of any other activity – I hope for some time. The home that is there is only occupied occasionally. The homeowners also own several of the other parcels and ok’d my walking there when they are not in residence. That is the part of the walk with the spectacular mountain views and meadows as the original developer went a bit crazy with tree clearing.

The loop to the north (top of the map) is on the 40 acre state land. That parcel is landlocked and so only adjacent owners and people granted access by owners are out there. I have seen another person(s) twice in nearly two years and never any tracks but my own in the winter. The state selectively logged this land several years ago – nicely, leaving good, healthy trees. The land has retained its natural look. The selective cut made the area more fire-safe as well as healthier.

Karl and I are back to walking the full loop. The “neighbors” have gone to their full time home, the bears to their summer home.

…somebody lives there, but we did not stop to visit or inquire…

…somebody slept there – actually several somebodies as there was a group of spots…probably the deer as some very small spots and there are a number of does with fawns around.

It is nice to be back in the woods.

Herb Garden, part 1 aka “stopping to smell the roses” or whatever

Yesterday afternoon I needed a break from programming and was thinking on a little strength training session. But, it was beautiful outdoors – not too hot, nice breeze…so I combined a bit of strength work with the start of my herb garden project.

The “plan” for the herb garden is to smooth out the pile of dirt – topsoil pile left by the last owner and somewhat commandeered by Karl. (see King of the Hill )

The weeds and grass need to be removed. I am going to mow around the pile a bit and surround it with a rock border. I’m not sure what herbs or other things I will plant – I will wait and see what the nursery has when I’m ready. I hope to be ready to go to the nursery by mid-August when they put all perrenials, including herbs on sale. This should work well as I don’t plan on killing myself to get the dirt ready for planting.

This not killing myself to get it all done RIGHT NOW – this is a recently acquired “skill”. In my youth and not so distant past I would have decided it all needed to be done immediately. Yesterday, as I approached the dirt pile with my first wheelbarrow full of rocks and looked at the grass and weeds that needed to be pulled – and I was already hot from picking up rocks – I said to myself…”Hmmm, think I’ll just clean up this one little corner for today”. That’s when it struck me that I’d changed – and the thing is, it is a good change and a change that makes the project more fun than work! I don’t NEED to do it all RIGHT NOW. I can do a bit at a time – taking breaks in my work day to get outside and do something active. And I find myself looking forward to what little bit I might get done today – and enjoying thinking about how I might arrange rocks and what plants I might get…some day…

This change to doing projects a bit at a time – yes, partly due to the fact that it is not as easy at 52, almost 53 to work physically hard for hours, but it is driven more by an appreciation for enjoying the moment and the task versus a “just get it done” attitude.

I cleaned up the little corner of the dirt pile, dumped my first load of small rocks and took a moment to look at the progress. The sun warmed dirt and just pulled weeds and grass had that “working in the garden” smell. Karl was working on a stick nearby. It was a simple, joyful, moment – one I might have missed if all I had in mind was getting it done.

I’ve got plenty of rocks to choose from…

Enjoying the moment, smelling the dirt, feeling the sunshine…Herb Garden, part 1.

early light

early light on the mountains, the fields and through the clouds on the way to and along an early morning walk…