I found these things…a raven feather and a heart-shaped rock.
The rock is so interesting to me not only for its shape – who can resist something heart-shaped – a symbol of love – but it is so smooth on all of its edges. It was in the ground like a stepping stone amongst the dirt, weeds, other rocks and what are probably the tips of boulders that are along a path I often walk near my home. How many times did I step on it, over it, near it before the day I actually saw it…. I could spin all kinds of stories around that…
The feather – there are feathers around fairly often, but this is the first raven feather. Ravens are not uncommon here – I don’t know how often they drop feathers but probably that is not uncommon either. This caught my eye as it was in such good condition and although it looks black as night on the ground, when you pick it up and light catches it, there are the blue and green reflections in the black.
And then there is the Native American lore surrounding the Raven. I went searching on the internet hoping to find some prediction of good fortune or ???
As in all things of lore and mystic there are various interpretations and tales of what things mean but here is what I found that is from tribes in my area:
Raven’s medicine is magic. She is the Great Mystery of the Void. Black, to Native Americans, is a color of magical power, and only to be feared if misused. Raven symbolizes the void – the mystery of that which is not yet formed. Ravens are symbolic of the Black Hole in Space, which draws in all energy toward itself and releases it in new forms. The iridescent blue and green that can be seen in the glossy black feathers of the raven represents the constant change of forms and shapes that emerge from the vast blackness of the void. In Native American tradition, Raven is the guardian of both ceremonial magic and healing circles. She is also the patron of smoke signals. Raven’s element is air, and she is a messenger spirit, which Native American shamans use to project their magic over great distances.
So, it is a message, I just don’t know what the message is….