Posts from the ‘Montana’ category

September Moon and Karl “in the dark”

This post will Groundpossibly add evidence to conjecture about my level of craziness… 5 a.m. this morning I stepped out with Karl.  It did not get extremely cool overnight – a balmy 56.  I looked up – these photos hardly do the sky justice but the moon at about 3/4 was surrounded by light cloud cover that had cracks between the cloud sections making a beautiful mosaic pattern – backlit by the moon… I put Karl’s bed on the ground to take these photos as best I could.

If I was smart, I would put the camera on the tripod the night before during near full moon nights – just in case- so far I have never remembered to do that.

So, the pillow-bed on the ground – me on the dog bed looking up and trying to keep the camera steady enough for a focused shot.



Karl in the dark…when I moved to my previous house I bought a lighted collar for Karl.  He has always been easy to train to stay in the yard and off the road, but it only takes one mistake and Fall, Winter, early Spring in Montana it gets light late, and dark early so first and last outings of the day are in the dark.  I found a great collar from Auroralites in Canada – a lot of lighted dog collars blink – that would annoy me and I’m thinking make Karl crazy!   This collar has a neon blue constant light powered by a 9v battery in it’s own little zippered compartment on the collar.  When I first put the collar on Karl I nearly peed my pants from laughing.  The collar sheds light out in a radius, but the dog’s head blocks light directly ahead.  Karl was mystified – he would turn to the left – light disappeared, to the right – again!  This went on for a bit while I got nearly hysterical.  Ok, everyone calmed down and Karl apparently accepted that it was peripheral light and out he goes on his usual nightly rounds.  I’m on the house steps and now there is this blue band bobbing around the pasture – more hysterical laughing as it looked like some cartoon of the invisible dog.  At any rate, Karl and I are now both used to the thing and he wears it at this house so I can watch where he is in the woods and keep myself on the driveway in the dark where I have a fighting chance of not tripping over anything.


Karl II

How the garden grows

The garden…I have a kind of love-hate relationship with the garden.  On one hand, when I bought this house last fall and it had the large garden with raised beds, 2 patches of strawberries, some rhubarb, asparagus, fruit trees and other stuff I couldn’t identify – I thought, what fun!  I hadn’t really grown stuff I could eat since my Ohio days – a lifetime ago!  And my last house had a beautifully established herb garden – perennials – all I had to do was weed, water and enjoy…and I planted annuals around and in pots for color.  But here was a REAL garden.  Turned out that it was/is a lot more fun in theory – at least for me.

I spent several weekends in the spring cleaning up the raised beds – the strawberry patches were particulary awful as they should have been cut back in the fall so I had to cut dead runners, pull weeds and try not to kill the new growth in the process.  By the time I left for Colorado, the entire garden looked wonderful – I had been able to enjoy the rhubarb and the strawberries were in bloom with little green berries starting, and some Iris planted along a border had bloomed.  Iris are a particular favorite of mine, but ironically, I am not a huge fan of strawberries – I like a few now and then. I spoke to my neighbors about keeping an eye on the house, yard and garden while I was gone – making sure my “irrigation system” did not run amok, etc. and said they were welcome to all of the strawberries – which they were thrilled about.

On my return, the neighbors had had their fill of strawberries … the irrigation system did fine and everything thrived, including a LOT of weeds…  I found out that I wasn’t really into gardening on the scale of the BIG garden.  I have decided – I think – to take it out.  A little more grass would be easier and I have another smaller spot by the garage that would make a garden area – veg garden – plenty large enough…and in fact I think I’ll just do container stuff – a pot of tomatoes, peppers, etc. – and easy to rig up a drip system and cover them with some sort of mesh to keep the deer out – so that is the plan.


And in the meantime, I have the plants that I brought back from Colorado – Egyptian Walking Onions, Pimiento and a Pepper started by my step-Dad, Bill.  The pimiento was eaten to the quick by a deer but Bill says it will recover and I should be able to winter it in the house – ditto the pepper and he says the onions “are not mortal” and I definitely cannot kill them!  These onions are wonderful – something on the order of sweet scallions – and you can see below – they make “babies” on the tops – cut the “babies” off and put them back in the dirt – more onions – it is like magic!  Well, it’s fun.



Above right – the photo makes the garden look much better than reality at the moment…I have a bumper crop of thistles, quack grass and other weeds I don’t know what they are called.  It is green, though….

Whitefish morning

When I first moved to Montana, I lived in Whitefish at the base of Big Mountain Ski Resort.  I moved from Whitefish in Fall, 2002 south to Bigfork area.  I still see Whitefish Doctors, Vet, Hair salon and friends…  Yesterday morning, I was there for some appointments – it was cool enough to have Karl with and we always stop at what is now the Soccer Fields and a monstrous subdivision called “The Lakes at Whitefish” – very la-di-dah!  When Karl was an itty-bitty-puppy-boy, for off leash training we came here and walked in the dirt tracks and it was just a nice, big, kind of wild place – well, things change…   It is pretty, just different.

Big Mtn

The Lakes


Cowgirl Coffee

Above right – Cowgirl Coffee – on the way to Whitefish…my favorite Cowgirl Mocha a spicy mocha latte… at least the coffee has not changed!

More normal

Things continue to get more “normal” – temperature/air quality-wise.  Karl and I took a long walk yesterday for the first time in many weeks.  The sky was cloudy, but patches of blue and the clouds were just clouds, not smoke.  The air smelled clean after the rain and I was comfortable walking in shorts and sweatshirt.  They have allowed a lot of evacuees back to their homes and are starting to get containment on the fires that were threatening structures.  It is still far from over and the “wrong” weather could kick things up again but for the moment it feels more normal.



Blue Skies

Blue SkyBlue sky! – not a lot but the first that I’ve seen for awhile.  And the other bits are clouds and NOT smoke.  A little rain last night cleared things for a bit and more rain forecast for this afternoon and this week.  The wind in front of the rain made everyone nervous and they evac’d some around the active fires, but everyone back home today.  Engine 7 from my district is back as well as the Fire Chief and Dept President that went to the Black Cat Fire.

Everyone is talking about Fall – this will be one of the most anticipated and appreciated Fall seasons since I’ve lived in Montana – although most everyone enjoys the color, the cool, crisp days…the lack of tourists.  Even though the tourists provide the foundation of our local economy…they take up parking spaces, and restaurant room – and this weekend… I was entering the grocery and nabbed by one who wanted to know what there was to “do”, where was a farmer’s market??? And when I hesitated – because most of the farmer’s markets are on Thursday and I was trying to remember if the one at the mall was on Saturday – and while I was thinking, he had the nerve, I say THE NERVE to laugh AT me and make a comment about having asked the wrong person.  I should have laughed back and walked away but felt compelled to defend myself and made some suggestions all of which he shot down as his wife had already done those things –  a blown dry, CA – yuppie baby boomer – WHY did they even come to MT???  And why was I not smarter in response??  Plus, I was at the grocery story in town that I HATE and always swear to never go in again, but went because I wanted just a few things – arrgggh!  Luckily, it was cool enough to have Karl in the car with me and he kissed me on my return and all was well – we went home, had a good lunch and played nerf football – all better!

My impatiens…I bought them late after returning from Colorado – 1/2 price at the nursery – gorgeous… I put them in the shady part of the garden when I went to Missoula thinking they would get plenty of water from the garden sprinklers, but on my return they looked dead – I wish I had taken a photo.  I almost threw them out, but decided to see if they would at least partially revive and so I apologized to them – over and over – and gave them a good drink and by the next morning they looked well, although no blooms.  So I kept it up and after the foilage seemed good, gave them some food and WOW – you would never know that they had suffered a drought. 

Impatiens Porch


from the front porch again…

Sunday morning – FROM THE FRONT PORCH!!!  The smoke is not entirely gone, the fires are not near being out and in fact the Black Cat fire near Jim n Mary’s RV Park crested Evaro Hill last night and is bearing down on the town of Arlee, MT – which I know from a fire department email alerting us (fire dept volunteers) that Engine 7 manned by the Chief Mahugh and Fire Dept president John Klippel left the district at 8 p.m. last evening, responding to a statewide mutual aid call on this fire.  Two men with wives, children and businesses on an at least 24 stint on a fast moving wildland fire – God Speed to them and all the firefighters.

Here – at my home, things seem much improved.  The sunrise was pinkish and there is still a lot of smoke but not as much and no ash and it is very pleasant at 53 degrees.  A favorite breakfast of chicken fried steak, pan gravy, poached eggs, fried potatoes and strong black coffee started the day.  I’m enjoying the last cup of coffee on the porch as I write – I’m also enjoying the company of Karl and Bob and what, except for the interruption of the hot, smoky, waspy summer – had been our routine – enjoying the early morning outside together.

Actually, it is just after 9 so hardly “early” but it’s Sunday – a slower start…and we were all up at just before 3 a.m. as a group of coyotes were “singing” close enough to wake the house and all of the dogs within earshot.  Karl joined in the chorus…  It is one of those things that is eeirie and beautiful at the same time.  I have always liked waking in the night and walking around a dark house or better – a moonlit house.  Luckily I have a dog so can excuse myself for venturing outside to look at the stars and moon because “the dog wanted out” – truth is he rarely does unless he’s ill and he doesn’t go far in the dark – sticking close to backup – me!!! And often I have to coax him out with me on my middle of the night ventures – it’s not like we go far – I just like to step off the front porch and look up.  I don’t have “security” lighting so there is no “light pollution” to get in the way of seeing the night sky. 

Wow – it is so quiet and peaceful … and beautiful in a smoky/misty way – there is a forecast for rain today and more this week and hopefully in enough quantity to offset the wind coming with – hopefully to be help and not hindrance to the fire fighters.   It is late August with September just around the corner – the start of my favorite time of year. 

I read something awhile ago that comes to mind on occasion… along the lines of “if you think of everyone the same then no one is special.”  …as in if there are no valleys then you cannot have the mountains – I thank God for the special people, special pets and special times in my life – gifts from a GOD to whom all are truly special.