Posts from the ‘Pets’ category

A Good Morning

The lupins are blooming…

The sun is shining and there is fresh snow on the mountains!

Bear and Auggie keep an eye on things in the woods … Auggie’s eyes are on a squirrel and he abandoned the walk to stay at his observation post.

The lilacs are blooming also – so fragrant and pretty!

Auggie returned shortly, thankfully without a squirrel, but with wet and dirty feet.

A good morning!

The week

All is well with all of us, it was just an intense and full work week. After feeding us all, making sure we played and exercised, doing the work and sleeping … that was that for the week!

It was mostly Spring-like outside, except when it wasn’t…

This happened for about 20 minutes on Thursday.

Bear was not bothered. Auggie was out and about on his morning hunt and the snow shower did not bring him home so I guess he was not bothered either.

By yesterday (Friday) morning, things were a bit dire around the kitchen:

… almost empty granola jar…

… completely empty cracker jars! Even my backup pack of saltines was gone.

I enjoyed a relaxed day in the kitchen as it alternated between clouds, rain and sunshine.

Granola soon to fill the granola jar.

Cracker jars topped up.

I have nothing that I must do tomorrow, Sunday, and am looking forward to my day of rest.

The week.

Sunday afternoon

The snow is mostly gone with nearly Springlike temperatures of upper 40’s F. Today was cooler at 39F, but sunny and we played outside until late afternoon…

… and then it was nap time.