Posts from the ‘Pets’ category

Musical Beds

Auggie started the day in my bed. Actually, he spent all night in my bed. Yesterday afternoon/evening something happened. At 5:30 P.M. which is full dark, he’d been out for 2 hours without checking in. Bear and I were out about every 30 minutes walking around and calling. At 7:30, I phoned my neighbors and they had a look around. Nothing. I took another perimeter walk and just as I was getting back to the house, there was Auggie. He wasn’t injured but he had a bunch of loose fur on his shoulder that came out when I brushed him. He came straight in, ate an entire can (small can, but still) of food and went to bed.

This morning, when I got up – late! – he stayed in bed. He finally arose and seemed himself. I checked again and didn’t find any hurts but except for a brief time in the morning and then a walk with Bear and I in the afternoon, he stayed in the house. But he played with toys and ran around so something happened outside. Another mystery in the life of Auggie!

Oh, look! The dog is in the dog bed – a rare occurrence!

At the same time, Auggie is in the chair in the kitchen. He’s sleeping on the cushion of the chair for the island as I moved him cushion and all so that I as in ME – could have my supper sitting at the island. Not a bed, but the island is MY spot for meals.

At least Bear was on his own bed.


After a long time under the low clouds of inversion, we had two days with a LOT of rain.

During a sun break … the grass looked better and greener than it did all summer! In fact, that photo looks more like a summer day than most summer days did. There really should be snow on the ground.

Oh, we had some wind. The chairs typically tumble around, but I guess the first whoosh convinced them to just lie back and let the wind pass. Which it did. The trees around my house, thankfully stayed put. One large tree on the state land did not. I heard the crack and boom shortly after the whooshing started as Bear and I ran for the house.

Other spots around the valley had worse, but all in all, this part of Montana fared better than Washington and Oregon and we ended the week with a Winter Advisory in place which so far has turned out to be mostly more rain.

The weather is what it is. I had a good work week ending with being caught up from the previous light week. Saturday, there was a bit of sun and I enjoyed that outside with Bear and Auggie and had another round of “pick up sticks”. I made peppermint ice cream and mixed dough for sugar cookies. Bear and I made a quick run to Bigfork for just a few supplies needed. We got out of town before Santa’s arrival but did note see that the elf manning the Salvation Army station was equipped with a smartphone. I asked if he was texting Santa. He said no but he did at least laugh.

Today’s projects were a new curtain rod and cutting out and baking the sugar cookies. I attempted to multi-task…

I don’t know what it is about curtain rods.

I always have a bit of trouble.

I can hear step-Dad Bill and neighbor Mike wondering why I need a vice-grips to install a curtain rod???

The answer is because I had a bit of trouble with the first screw and when I wanted to remove it and start fresh, I needed the vice-grips because I had destroyed the Phillips head of the screw.

Meanwhile, to take a break from saying bad words, I cut out cookies. No trouble there!

Ultimately, the curtain rod was successfully installed and it was not raining so I went outside to enjoy Beardog Point with Bear and Auggie.

They were waiting for me.

Perfect end to Sunday afternoon.

Let it snow

As early as Sunday evening, a Winter storm was forecast: wind, snow and blowing snow.

Pretty much on time, it started snowing and blowing.

I was grateful to be home working as it started warm with a cold rain which quickly froze and then the snow and wind. There was a lot of slipping and sliding around the valley, including an accident nearly at the end of my driveway. There is a curve and one or more did not negotiate it and collided. Heads were bumped, but all released. It did take forever to get tow trucks for the vehicles because of other accidents.

Ultimately, the snow fall was on the light end: 3 inches in town and less than a half inch at my house.

Today, Thanksgiving Day, dawned clear and very cold at 8F.

It was a good day to have the oven and the woodstove going.

A beautiful, beautiful day that included walks in the woods, time on Beardog Point…

and time in front of the fire.

Now – Let it snow!

Treasured moments

Years ago, when it was Zack (part Karelian) and Gus (my first cat, a tuxedo cat) … they were both near me as I spent some morning quiet time before starting my day. Gus snuggled against my chest and hugged my neck. Zack lay on the floor near my chair.

Then Karl and Gus continued the pattern and when Bob joined the family, Bob took a spot on the ottoman by my feet.

Bear has mostly moved from his living room chair sleep spot to the bed when Auggie and I get up. But, occasionally he will join Auggie and I in the kitchen and it is a treasured moment.

All of us together: quiet in the early morning. I do not take these moments for granted.

Shortly after taking these photos, I read the following in a murder mystery book: The Thames River Murders (Captain Lacey Regency Mystery series) by Ashley Gardner.

… one never anticipates where life will lead. I knew that tragedy could follow hard upon happiness, and so I treasured the moment… I hugged it to me, and let it go only with the greatest reluctance.

Treasured moments of quiet and joy.

Fire and rain

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain
I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end… James Taylor

Finally, rain! Real rain as in not just mist or rain that lasts 2 minutes.

It was dark and off and on rainy on Thursday.

Friday, it rained all day.

It didn’t pour, it was a nice gentle, soaking rain. I felt like things were damp enough that I could have a fire in the woodstove.

So I did.

First fire of this Fall-Winter season.

And as it was Friday and we had our Friday work session early, i.e. my time was flexible for the rest of the day … I had my lunch in front of the fire.

Not everyone was as thrilled as me about the rain.

Especially Auggie.

Oh, dear … seriously sad face.

But on the bright side, there was a warm fire to curl up in front of…

… or to be silly in front of.

And then today… more rain.

“Maybe if I don’t look, it will go away”.

I was grateful for an excuse to avoid yard work.

I baked – perfect occupation for a dark and rainy day!

Sourdough crackers – this recipe uses starter that is unfed and to be discarded. One of the things I find difficult about the maintenance of the sourdough starter is the “throw away half and feed more” part of it – particularly the “throw away half” part. I saw this recipe and not only does it use a good amount of discard starter, but it makes great crackers – YEA!

Usually Thanksgiving creeps up on me and then it is only 4 weeks until Christmas and I feel like the holidays are over before I have had time to anticipate, prepare and enjoy. But, this year, I am ready. It feels holiday-like already.

I wanted something molasses-gingery.

The biscotti jar has been empty for a good while.

Gingerbread Currant Biscotti. They are pretty good. They are especially good dunked in hot, spiced apple cider.

Fire and rain.

Fall Light

The larch have turned gold.

It is cooler, blue sky, perfect weather for Bear, Auggie and me.

The larch seem to have their own Fall light – spectacular when the sun hits them.

And Auggie … in Fall Light.