Some Winter, some Spring
Yesterday…March 17…St. Patrick’s Day…
Winter came back.
So did Spring!
In the form of a Robin.
The Robin.
Some Winter, some Spring.
Yesterday…March 17…St. Patrick’s Day…
Winter came back.
So did Spring!
In the form of a Robin.
The Robin.
Some Winter, some Spring.
March arrived in the same way that February left: Full of sunshine!
…in more ways than just the weather.
Last Sunday, I had a stomach bug. You know the thing…24 hours of misery during which I considered pre-writing my obituary. At about the 24 hour mark, the fever spiked, I broke out in a sweat and then…done. I took a shower and felt like I’d never been sick. I googled “24 hour stomach bug” and it says that it does not exist. Huh.
Anyway, onward. But, it kind of set the tone for the week and between this, that and the other I was feeling frustrated and annoyed and completely out of sorts.
Then I read the news.
And thought about my life.
And counted my blessings: BIG TIME! I live in a place where I do not have to worry about walking out in my yard and being shot or bombed or kidnapped, i.e. I am safe. I am warm. I have plenty of food. I have Bear and Auggie and good work. I have a loving family and wonderful neighbors.
There is more, but the point is that Life is Good for me and mine.
And there is sunshine.
I am grateful for everything. Mostly I am grateful that I have peace and safety. I seriously cannot imagine what it must be like in some parts of the world and I found myself praying this week for those that do not have peace and safety.
Perspective is interesting.
Mine shifted yet again.
It was a wonderful week and weekend.
Despite the date of February 15…it feels like Spring!
It has been sunny and warm … all is relative, but this is Montana and it has been above freezing for over a week!
And it has been sunny since Friday.
It feels like Spring!
As I write this, on Monday morning, it is pouring rain. I mean pouring! It is about 34F so the good news is that it is a warm stream of moisture, hence rain. If it was snow, it would be wet, heavy and no fun at all…not that the pouring rain is fun, but it doesn’t need to be shoveled.
Yesterday, though, was mostly pleasant.
It has been above freezing for 4 days and nights so the ice situation improves daily and my sidewalk is completely clear of ice. New thing this year is that I cleared significantly on both sides of the walk so there was somewhere for the snowmelt to go and I would have a chance to get the walk cleared. The other reason was to allow me room to back the Jeep up to the front porch and make loading/unloading easier without the death defying walk on ice carrying groceries. Win-Win!
By early afternoon, it was nice enough that I decided to do a bit of yard cleanup. The amount and size of the downfall from the big melt after the big snow was an unsightly mess.
The area of the yard and Beardog point that we all enjoy is suddenly much nicer…
A little sun and blue sky didn’t hurt our enjoyment, either!
It was only a little snow…
…but it changed everything…
The walking was better everywhere.
We had an absolutely beautiful morning out and about time.
So much fun.
Snow day.