Back to yesterday (Friday) morning.
I was up a bit after 4:00 a.m. It had snowed and was still snowing, but the forecast was for minimal accumulation and a changeover to a rain/sleet mess. I emailed my neighbor (with the backhoe) that if he did driveways to skip mine as in addition to thinking it was going to change to rain, I had neglected to set markers along the drive for several obstacles and the drive edges – something I usually do mid-October before the ground freezes.
It kept snowing and when I went out about 8:30 to shovel, it was a bit over 6 settled inches of snow. Huh. THAT would make a horrible mess if it rained. At that time, the snow was light and powdery.
Three or more years ago when I finally gave up on my original snow thrower, I looked at a Honda 928…my DREAM machine. I just couldn’t do it then and one thing and another.
But, now. I felt like I could not keep relying on my neighbor – my driveway is 175 yards long and the turn around…wear and tear on the backhoe as well as fuel.
I looked at my bank account and I also grabbed the title to the Jeep and headed to town determined that one way or another, I was getting the snow thrower that I needed.
And I got it. I didn’t have to hock the Jeep, either. Turns out there was a Honda Equipment promo with 18 month same as cash deal going on. I qualified. The dream machine was delivered to me just after 6:00 p.m. Friday evening.
This morning, the dream machine and I made friends and we threw some snow. It might not look like much, but things are clear.
It also might not look this pretty for long.
The forecast continues to show warming and freezing rain and then rain and above freezing temperatures.
If that is correct, it is going to get very ugly, very soon.
My neighbors can thank/blame me. I think it is like when you get your car washed and then it rains. I have the dream machine for snow clearing and now we will probably not get snow.
Next up for this Saturday was the Christmas Tree!
All is ready in the living room…
Christmas Tree putting up would not be complete without a cat with his nose in the goings on!
…AND in the bringing in!
(***I didn’t know Auggie was following until I saw this photo :) ! )
All set in the stand.
Lights and snowflakes are on the tree. I stopped there. The tree is drier than I thought and I’m not sure it will go the distance until Christmas so I decided minimal decoration was best. It smells wonderful and the lights are beautiful and I am happy.
So far, Bear and Auggie have shown minimal interest, but some of that could be due to all of us being outside for quite a while and they are just tired!
I’m a little tired also.
The dream machine is heavy and although it doesn’t require me pushing it, it does require me controlling it. It is still a good workout, although I imagine it will get easier as I learn more. I spoke to the dealer after the first go and he gave me some advice about handling which I’ll try next round. But, bottomline, it is powerful, capable and it has a BIG LIGHT!!! and the tractor drive and IT IS RED :) – it matches the Jeeper and I like red!!
***It IS raining here, now. And it is warming up. Phooey!!
***AND, Margaret…after my “snow does not stick to Auggie’s fur” reply…today, in the warming snow…poor guy came in with “snowballs” in his stomach and bottom fur! It thawed, but he was walking a bit bowlegged for a little while.