Posts from the ‘Pets’ category

Playing in water

Wild Thing: Bright and Shiny!

That might be an exaggeration, but the temperature was above freezing, most of the snow was gone and the forecast was for colder temperatures so I decided that this was my chance to get the road dirt and ice melt chemicals off the motorhome before they had a chance to do damage.

I have an adapter for my kitchen faucet that allows me to hook my hose (garden hose) to it and have warm water. I used that to fill the hose with warm water, thus making the COLD hose easy to work with vs a cold non-cooperative hose.

Once the hose was warmed up, I re-connected it to the outside spigot which has LOTS of pressure and rinsed off Wild Thing and her undercarriage and her newly installed propane tank!!

Whilst undergoing this operation, it was raining. It was 37F. I hope that the folks that pulled into the new construction project did not see the crazy person “washing” a motorhome…in the rain…at barely above freezing temperatures.

Oh, well.

There was no soap involved and it was not really a wash, it was just a rinse off of the worst of the road dirt and ice melt chemicals.

But she looks much better.


Yep, not much snow left.

And it is raining.

Auggie played in the garage.

And that hose is the hose that rinsed Wild Thing… drained and coiled neatly awaiting Spring-Summer.


It was a workout.

Everyone is so tired that a nap was in order!!

And then…


It started “slushing”. It looked liked snow in the air, but it was slush on the ground.



Playing in water…

Snow, the dream machine and O Christmas Tree: Part deux for all!

Back to yesterday (Friday) morning.

I was up a bit after 4:00 a.m. It had snowed and was still snowing, but the forecast was for minimal accumulation and a changeover to a rain/sleet mess. I emailed my neighbor (with the backhoe) that if he did driveways to skip mine as in addition to thinking it was going to change to rain, I had neglected to set markers along the drive for several obstacles and the drive edges – something I usually do mid-October before the ground freezes.

It kept snowing and when I went out about 8:30 to shovel, it was a bit over 6 settled inches of snow. Huh. THAT would make a horrible mess if it rained. At that time, the snow was light and powdery.

Three or more years ago when I finally gave up on my original snow thrower, I looked at a Honda 928…my DREAM machine. I just couldn’t do it then and one thing and another.

But, now. I felt like I could not keep relying on my neighbor – my driveway is 175 yards long and the turn around…wear and tear on the backhoe as well as fuel.

I looked at my bank account and I also grabbed the title to the Jeep and headed to town determined that one way or another, I was getting the snow thrower that I needed.

And I got it. I didn’t have to hock the Jeep, either. Turns out there was a Honda Equipment promo with 18 month same as cash deal going on. I qualified. The dream machine was delivered to me just after 6:00 p.m. Friday evening.


This morning, the dream machine and I made friends and we threw some snow. It might not look like much, but things are clear.

It also might not look this pretty for long.

The forecast continues to show warming and freezing rain and then rain and above freezing temperatures.

If that is correct, it is going to get very ugly, very soon.


My neighbors can thank/blame me. I think it is like when you get your car washed and then it rains. I have the dream machine for snow clearing and now we will probably not get snow.


Next up for this Saturday was the Christmas Tree!

All is ready in the living room…

Christmas Tree putting up would not be complete without a cat with his nose in the goings on!

…AND in the bringing in!

(***I didn’t know Auggie was following until I saw this photo :) ! )

All set in the stand.

Lights and snowflakes are on the tree. I stopped there. The tree is drier than I thought and I’m not sure it will go the distance until Christmas so I decided minimal decoration was best. It smells wonderful and the lights are beautiful and I am happy.

So far, Bear and Auggie have shown minimal interest, but some of that could be due to all of us being outside for quite a while and they are just tired!

I’m a little tired also.

The dream machine is heavy and although it doesn’t require me pushing it, it does require me controlling it. It is still a good workout, although I imagine it will get easier as I learn more. I spoke to the dealer after the first go and he gave me some advice about handling which I’ll try next round. But, bottomline, it is powerful, capable and it has a BIG LIGHT!!! and the tractor drive and IT IS RED :) – it matches the Jeeper and I like red!!

***It IS raining here, now. And it is warming up. Phooey!!

***AND, Margaret…after my “snow does not stick to Auggie’s fur” reply…today, in the warming snow…poor guy came in with “snowballs” in his stomach and bottom fur! It thawed, but he was walking a bit bowlegged for a little while.


Mama, there is a LOT of snow!

Srsly…a lot.


See all that snow on the chairs ???


Where Bear goes, Auggie goes!

Snow cat!

Deep snow for the Auggie-cat.

Ok, that’s better – a shoveled spot.

Even better…the DREAM machine…more on it tomorrow.

Yada, yada, yada…throw another log on the fire will ya ?!!?

Settling in

I’ve owned this house since September 2006.

I’ve done a number of RV trips, but tallying up time in the RV vs time at the house…time at the house is FAR greater. And yet…I immediately am at “home” in the RV and on returning to the house…it feels so strange and it takes me awhile to feel at home – at home. I don’t get it, but it is not a new feeling and now I just go with it, knowing that eventually, the house will once again feel like home.

After a relatively balmy first day back, the forecast was correct: it got very cold, very fast and it snowed. But not much snow: less than an inch.

But, cold! 13F was today’s high.

Not enough to deter Bear and Auggie, though!

Last night, it occurred to me that Thanksgiving weekend I usually get out the Christmas decorations. Last night, the thought of moving any more stuff did not appeal at all.

But today, with the cold and the snow …I got to thinking about the Christmas stuff.

And about a Christmas Tree.

I’ve made do with my little silk tree for the last 4-5 years. Every year, I’ve said “Next year, I’m going to get back to having a real tree”.

Hee… That is the tree that Auggie had been using to get on to the garage roof and my neighbor cut it down so that I was not always having to “rescue” Auggie.

It is still green.

The TOP is beautiful.

MY CHRISTMAS TREE!!! – my real Christmas tree.

It is forecast to warm mid-week and then I will whack off the top of the downed tree and next weekend, I will put up my REAL Christmas Tree.

And we all say “YAY!!”

Okey-dokey! Meanwhile, Mel, my across the road neighbor with the chickens and fresh eggs phoned asking if I needed eggs.

YES, I said. Also, Jesse…Mel’s husband…is a tech guy and knows cameras so when I went to get the eggs, I took my lens with the cracked filter. He was able to remove it. Let me say that several men had tried to remove the filter, but he did more than just use muscle…he used brain power. He said that he could feel the point where the glass stuck and he worked with that and GOT THAT filter off! Happy, happy, happy me!!! It saved me a trip to the camera store and $$$ and I put a new UV filter on the lens and am back in normal business photography-wise.

AND, we had a fun time visiting: Mel, Jesse, their sons Hudson and Carter and Brewster their dog.

The eggs.

Back at the house: Christmas decorations.

The “Bear” Angel…it might be moved to the top of the REAL Christmas tree – we’ll see.

Table top venue…

Stockings hung by the chimney with care and a nice fire in the woodstove to keep us warm.

Settling in.

Friday and weather

So…It is not a bad thing to arrive home on Thanksgiving Day…fairly early…with another day before a weekend. Not a bad thing at all!

By Noon, Wild Thing was unloaded and winterized and airing out.

By 2:00 p.m. she was unplugged. I didn’t get to all of the cleaning, but there will probably be opportunity. I need to vacuum, dust, clean the refrigerator!!! and also give her a good wash. But meanwhile, she is safe and in good order to weather the weather:

Yikes! …the weather!

The home supplies are more than ample to weather the weather. We have food and then some. Food for me, for Bear and for Auggie.

And we have firewood.

We are ready for weather.

But, this morning, it started at 42F and went up to 47F while all of the unloading and winterizing was happening. Bear and Auggie were out with me and we walked together and generally all did our “thing”.

It has been cloudy and darkish and occasionally a few drops of rain and gusts of wind and finally, we all adjourned indoors.

Good grief…

…too cute!

Bear sighed deeply, but stayed put.

For awhile.

And the winner IS…

Outside, with the warm and the wind, the yard and driveway look much better than yesterday.

Friday and weather.

The run home

When we arrived in Dillon, it was so nice that I took Auggie out on leash and harness. He rolled in the grass and seemed to enjoy being out. I had windows open when we were inside and he had a good look around as well. I think we were all happy to be in sunshine with no wind and no neighboring rvs – it was a wonderful spot to spend the last night out.

I woke early yesterday and my head started working on the things I wanted to do to arrive home in good shape to unload and to winterize: I emptied the bedroom storage areas of unloadables onto the bed so that I wouldn’t have to extend the slides at home…I knew the toppers were nice and dry after the sunny afternoon and dry night – better for long term storage. I had just filled propane and looking at the weather knew that I did not have to complete unloading on arrival as I had one warm night and day to do that. There was enough water for my morning shower, dishes etc. and not much to be emptied on arrival. Gas was at a point that it would be very low as I got near home – perfect as I had some gas treatment to add before I put more gas in the tank and it is best on a low tank.

All of this running in my head over and over…I finally gave up on sleep and got up. I was showered, had my breakfast and was puttering when Bear started acting strange. At first, I thought maybe a seizure but then he threw up and I think he was just uncomfortable and concerned about making a mess. We went outside and had a normal walk, but on return I was thinking to help him on the steps – they are tricky as they are not always the same height and the openness, he sometimes stumbles. In the middle of this, Auggie decide he would go outside. He had not even tried previously – he’d stand near the door and sniff but showed no interest. Whether the previous day’s outing or just that it was mild or he was finally ready …out he went. We were nowhere near a road or other rvs and he seemed to be having fun running around so I was in and out calling and making sure he meowed back but otherwise let him explore. Finally, I went out with Bear and Auggie came up to us. Adventure over!

I think it was 7:00 a.m. by this time … a full early morning.

Final preparations and we were rolling at 8:00 on the dot.

From the road:

The Montana side of Monida pass…

Same spot as above but looking to the west.

Leaving the icy rest area. Walking was tricky there but the highway was fine – better than it looks in the photo…my windows were SO dirty!

Mission Mountains approaching Polson, MT.

I always anticipate this first view of Flathead Lake. The highway is above Polson and you come around a bend to a vista of the lake…and it also means we are almost home.

On the road home…

…and Bear knows it also. He stood up as we turned onto our road.

A good run home at the end of a very good trip.