I read a lot of English “cozy” mysteries and often the condition of plumbing in an English country house is referred to as the condition of the drains.
The drains.
Really, plumbing is all about the drains!
The condition of the drains in my house has been mixed. After much trial, error, venting and some kvetching, it was determined that my washing machine was draining into a dry well versus the septic system. I actually had no idea there was such a thing as a dry well prior to this diagnosis.
Bottom line, the dry well was apparently clogged with lint and/or ??? and because the washer backed up to the kitchen sink we assumed that the kitchen sink also drained into the drywell.
What to do.
BUT…it suddenly occurred to me that we *assumed* the kitchen sink drained into the same spot as the washer.
However, I had info that my plumber did not. The kitchen had been redone by the previous owners shortly before I bought this house.
Fast forward to some testing done with the help of my neighbor and we determined that the kitchen sink drained into the septic system.
HURRAH – hopefully not a bad project to reroute the washing machine drain into the kitchen sink system and “Bob’s your Uncle” – we have excellent DRAINS!
Meanwhile, my plumber had some emergency stuff to deal with and as I told him, my washing machine is hardly an emergency on par with no water or no toilet or gas line ER, etc.
But I still wanted to run the washing machine versus going to a laundromat.
I got to thinking about my washing machine’s proximity to my front door. All I really needed to do was get the drain water OUT the front door.
I went to the local hardware store to buy some drain hose…

And rigged up a sump pump hose to the washer drain hose…

…which I ran out the front door.
I call it “redneck plumbing”. There is probably a more “politically correct” term, but I’m happy with mine :) !

Auggie loved it!

He was fascinated.

Every time I did a load of wash he stayed by the hose watching and listening.

Ok, sometimes he got a bit bored – HUGE yawn!
But, today…
Plumber Pernell arrived and did the re-routing and now I am doing laundry like a 21st century person with good drains!
It is wonderful.

Auggie might be disappointed, but I am not – Thank you, Pernell of Touris Plumbing!
In other news…on the sidebar is an Instagram icon. Yep, I joined Instagram and will try that out as a way to make mini-posts of life here on the road home.
AND…in addition to resolving drain issues, Wild Thing was delivered into the hands of BillyBob’s RV and Truck Service to have some maintenance done on the levelling jacks and related room hydraulics.
Meanwhile, the work day was on the extra light side so much catching up to do, hence mini-posts on Instagram.
All good things.
Bear, Auggie and I wish all a good and happy Friday and if you are of the U.S. persuasion, we wish you a wonderful Labor Day/end of summer week end.