I had big plans for the weekend.
After a very rainy week – and actually the last few weekends have been rainy – and with Wild Thing in shape to de-Winterize, load, etc… my weekend plans included getting her situated for at least some short outings, mowing the lawn, blowing pine needles off the roof of house and garage and some general yard pick up.
The plans went awry.
Between a medication, summer light and nighttime wildlife (skunk!) causing serious sleep disruption…my get up and go, got up and went. I had some energy first thing but by late morning…pfft…out of gas.
I’m not a “just push through it” kind of person as well as I know when I try to do things when I’m not 100%, I often end up hurting the equipment or me and/or botching the job, so I came inside, made a batch of herbal iced tea and wiled away the weekend streaming tv, reading and puttering just a little in the kitchen when I felt like it.
Actually, it felt pretty good to have a low, slow, quiet weekend.

Bear and Auggie enjoyed cool mornings… walk and a treat…

I don’t think the treat was shared.

To the left (north) of the front porch is the cat hidey-nap spot that was a favorite with Bob…

And now with Auggie.

I can find him there most afternoons.

Bear prefers the cool house and his gecko.

Chutney was on my cooking list. I added strawberries to the small amount of rhubarb I had for a strawberry-rhubarb chutney.

Dump all in a pan and cook down to desired consistency.
The house smelled wonderful…

And a beautiful jar of chutney was the result.

I love a little on a spicy, sausage pizza. Also good on grilled salmon or chicken. Or coconut-curry rice. Good stuff!
I did get Wild Thing de-Winterized and a tank of chlorinated water is in her. I’ll drain, rinse and refill during the week as there is time. The grass…well, it has been long before…all will get done. Just not this first weekend of Summer