Island Paradise??? (Friday morning…snowing)

Well at least there is sun, now. (Friday, late afternoon)

And FedEx brought 3 boxes, total weight a bit over 200 pounds.
I bought a Kitchen Island.
On Amazon.
Amazon Prime!
It came FedEx 2day … free. I have absolutely no problem with Amazon increasing the Prime membership to $99.00!!

The unpacking.
Each box had a list with the contents of the box.
Every single piece had a little sticker with an alpha character that corresponded to the content list.
Hoo…I say HOO-RAH!

There was no mystery about which piece was which.
The directions were explicit.

The top was all in one piece!
The good news is that I didn’t have to assemble drawers or drawer rails, etc.
The bad news is the top weighed a bit over 60 pounds.

Bear stayed out of the fray in the sunroom.

Auggie, naturally, was my supervisor-helper!

Working alone (no other human) required a bit of creative thinking in how to balance things so that all of the pegs and holes lined up as I went along. So, it took longer than if there were 2, but still manageable.
It helped greatly that everything fit perfectly!

I put Auggie in the sunroom with Bear so I didn’t have to worry about something heavy falling on him. He took it well and I heard no complaints.

This is about the 1 hour, 15 minute point. I decided to clean up some of the wrapping and regroup before the last push.
I was worrying a bit about getting that heavy top on and needed a little time to think.

Ironically, the part that I least suspected would have alignment problems…did. The holes for the hinge screws for the eating leaf were completely out of alignment for 1 hinge.
Power tool to the rescue. I drilled new holes and all was well.
Getting the top on top of the base actually was no problem. I set it against the length of the base, tipped it up and moved it into position.

My first glass of wine and a bowl of salad, feta and kalmata olives.
I’ve looked at islands since buying this house but everything I liked was VERY expensive.
I’ve tended to often eat my meals at my desk instead of the table…partly as I am looking at food blogs or the news and partly because the table is not that comfortable…low and a bit dark.
A couple of weeks ago, I thought…boy, I’d really like to sit higher and be looking out the window…
On a whim, I searched Kitchen Islands on Amazon….

I absolutely LOVE the island.
There is plenty of room around it.
I have some new storage area and new work space near the stove.
I have a bright spot to have my meals.

I might need another chair…

Island Paradise.