Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

chop chop!

High winds, courtesy of the pressure gradient and a jet streaking down from Canada (per NOAA) kicked up the lake this morning. The jet is supposed to usher in cooler weather, but this morning the wind was very warm, almost hot.

Flathead Lake from Wayfarer’s Park, Bigfork MT (Double click to see the screen sized version)

A change from lupins

I’m not sure what these are. I’ve been saying Bluebells to myself, but I couldn’t find them in my book this morning by that name and after a quick look at the blue and purple section,I did not find a match. Help from the audience, please.

**EDIT – 7/1…the consensus (see comments) is Penstemon. And add’l info from my mother:
“Penstemon is also known as beardstongue. According to my books it is very hard to decide which one you are dealing with since there are about 15 different ones. The purple/blue one is common in the West in June and July We have a lot of them and after the lupines they are a welcome sight of blue.” **

Whatever, they are pretty – they are blooming now and they are a change from lupins.

Photos taken 6/19/2010 in Wayfarer’s Park by Flathead Lake, Bigfork, MT

The color of the woods

The sunshine that started yesterday morning lasted all day. The air was clean and clear. In the Spring, on days like yesterday, the color of the woods shines as bright as the sun.

The early wildflowers bloom. Indian Paintbrush started its show this week.

Photos taken 6/3/2010.

a picture perfect day

Photo taken this morning, 5/22/2010 on the way home from Kalispell. Currently, reader PatW’s recipe for Old Fashioned Rhubarb Torte is in the oven and smelling wonderful on this sunny, cool (50ish F), Saturday afternoon…results later.

The forecast rain looks to be heading south. The air is clear and bright. It is a picture perfect day.