Posts from the ‘Photos’ category


If I need to go to Home Depot, I like to go early in the morning. There are usually plenty of Home Depot people available if I have a question and not too many customer people other than contractors. I wanted to get a wet vac before memory of the “flood” cleanup faded and I would decide I didn’t really need one…

Not too big, not too small and I will take it out of the box soon and make sure it works.

Karl and I took the scenic route to Home Depot. Actually, the normal route is scenic but I added an extra dose by taking some back roads I like. We stopped at an old church turned into community center where Karl attended puppy Kindergarten. I knew we could walk around and it was just some place a little different than our usual walk spots.

Down the road further, Whitefish River and a few side creeks wind through the farms and ranches on the valley floor.


Let there be light

Genesis 1:14
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years…”

To celebrate the first day of summer, the summer solstice, the separation of seasons, the longest day of the year – this sunrise photo from Western Wings RV Park, Roberts, ID, taken on June 13, 2009.

Western Wings

Birds on the pond at sunrise.

Photos taken 6/13/2009: Western Wings RV Park (Roberts, ID), walking with Karl before we left for home.