Posts from the ‘Photos’ category


The weather has been gray and dreary and a very un-January-like above freezing kind of mish-mash. Because of the snow depth, there is still snow-slush to snowshoe on. Auggie is able to walk on top of the mess. Bear is dealing with a mix of breaking through slush and the firmness of my snowshoe paths.


It is what it is and the forecast is for 20’s overnight and upper 30’s-40’s F daytime, i.e. continued slushiness.

The good news … actually, the GREAT news!! is that the only thing we have to complain about is the weather – small potatoes!!!

And today, mid-afternoon…Bear and I made a quick run to Bigfork for a few items that the House Summers required. And we were rewarded with clear roads as well as some unexpectedly beautiful vistas, particularly across Flathead Lake.

The best views were in spots of travel with no safe place to stop and take a photo. We ended up in the parking lot of the Flathead Lake Brewery, formerly a bowling alley. The brewery-pub is very nice and has a primo spot overlooking the lake. I’ve enjoyed a glass with a friend on the deck … last summer. Today, it was a park and shoot affair.

It was beautiful.

And in the midst of gray and dreary, there was stunning light.

In memory of the fuschia

I brought the fuschia home on May 2. They had a wonderful late Spring – Summer and early Fall on the front porch. I have never had outside baskets that lasted as long or were as beautiful as these from this Summer.

But, then it was time.

In memory of the fuschia.

Mind and Body reboot

First: Auggie, Bear and I are all fine – YEA!!

But, I did spend Sunday afternoon at the ER (Emergency Room of the local hospital) … with blood pressure through the roof!

It came down with medication and has stayed down: body reboot.


Despite a childhood climbing trees, skating, running, playing all manner of sports…I’ve not had the occasion of being an ER patient until this past weekend.

It was an enlightening experience.

Because I had very high blood pressure ( I went to a local Urgent Care facility first ) … as well as some chest pressure issues (seriously, I attributed them to sinus related issues from the smoke and dry air) – I was moved – at the speed of light- to a trauma room and hooked up to all manner of equipment. Blood was drawn.

And then…a man was admitted to the unit next to me…separated by a curtain…and before they had a chance to gown him, he had a combination seizure/heart attack. But they revived him. And administered all the things they do…and he had a second seizure/heart attack – but, they revived him.

As anyone can imagine, it was unnerving to have to listen and watch a bit … there was a window and reflection.

I was praying for the man, for his wife who was in the room, for me and for the care team…the entire ER staff was involved.

Incredibly, after each attack, the man was speaking coherently – asking for his wife. His wife was there and answered confidently: “I’m here, honey!”. Her poise and her staying – she thanked the ER crew for letting her stay – such courage! She’d moved to a corner out of their way. It was VERY obvious that it was important to both her husband and her that she be there.

Then, it was decided that he would be moved to a hospital approximately 15 miles away – a hospital that had a cardiac unit. I was both grateful and fearful. This man had had two serious events that took the entire ER staff to deal with – what if he had an event in transport. And it was obviously crucial that he had contact with his wife. She could not ride with him – she had friends who took her and an ER nurse went with the ambulance.

I somewhat witnessed the transport and heard details and later found out that he arrived at Kalispell Regional as did his wife. Beyond that I will likely not know. I continue to hold them in prayer.

Meanwhile, my own blood pressure slowly dropped, despite what was happening beyond the curtain.

And while a medication was a bit delayed, due to those happenings, after given, my blood pressure continued dropping and after four hours in the ER, I was cut loose with a prescription, direction to contact my primary care physician and the OK to drive myself home.

I slept VERY well that night and despite being in the house for longer than normal, so did Bear and Auggie.

And my blood pressure has been normal, since.

Body reboot via medication.

Mind reboot via … focus on good health trumps everything else ??? Don’t know, only know that at this time, I feel very well.


Mind and body rebooted and on we go.

Green and growing things: Greek Oregano and Organic Basil.

Growth means life and here at my house…Bear, Auggie and I – we are alive and well!