Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

Karl and a bit of mountain gold

We left for an afternoon walk with the sun starting to hit the tree tops and a strong breeze which was causing larch needles to drop all around us. The first vista when we cleared the woods was of gold and mountains and blue, blue sky…

Karl had been napping in the motorhome most of the day. Random gunshots kept him in one of his favorite hidey-holes between the back of the motorhome and the bed. I was in and out of it most of the day and kept trying to coax him out but he was having none of it. Finally, I got a bit more insistent and off we went. Once he got going, he was full of it – sure, HE was plenty rested!

…afternoon walk…

Stand and sniff the air…

Sit for a bit and enjoy…

Get a good bottom scratch…

…and a bit more gold at the end of the walk.

Sky fire

My property sits on the eastern edge of a heavily wooded foothill. I can see through the trees to the east – to the Swan Range, sunrise color, and sunset alpenglo – but sunset over the valley is something I rarely see. I don’t go out much evenings… But last night, the sky overhead and over the trees to the west was shot with magenta and fiery orange. I called to Karl, grabbed the camera, jumped in the Jeep and drove down the hill. I gasped at the first site of the clouds and color and then sped to a spot where I could park the Jeep before things changed – the light and color can be so fleeting sometimes. But tonight, the show went on for awhile. I took some photos but also just sat with Karl and watched – sky fire – beautiful!

The road home: Fall edition

To the right of the road in the above photo.

In the park by the lake before returning home: the larch are starting to turn – light green to gold.

A gray, drizzly day meant Karl and I had the park to ourselves.