Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

Saturday WITH the camera

Shortly after I wrote the post about not taking the camera, the sky came alive in a different way as the setting sun hit the stratus clouds changing them from wispy white to firey pink and orange…

There are all kinds of beautiful.

On the hunt

It was overcast, cool, blustery, rainy and drizzly. There must have been something good out there as Bob was out until the drizzle changed to sleet.

An editorial comment???? – put another log on the fire!

As a well trained human, I put another log on the fire.

Later in the afternoon, there was some blue sky, a bit of sun and no rain – Karl and I headed out for a walk. Rain in the valley, but a tiny bit of snow on the mountain!

Signs of Fall

Fall arrives sometime on Monday but out and about today there were the beginning signs…

You’ll have to trust me that they are headed south…

I saw the yellow aspen and red and yellow ??? behind Karl on a late afternoon walk. Clouds were starting to roll in as forecast – a few thunderheads starting to build behind the mountains.

As I write this, early evening, thunder is rumbling behind the mountains and it has become very still.

Signs of change, signs of Fall.