On my way out to get the mail, I noticed this guy and his friend out the window. The first shots are through the window and I didn’t have time to try for a bokeh shot. This young buck has been around a bit, but I mostly see does so fun to see this guy. In a fit of cleverness I decided to call him “Bucky”…
He obligingly looked right at me – tree shadows, and general deer coloring versus woods coloring – natural camouflage… sometimes they are standing very still and I walk nearly up to them or get surprised to suddenly see a small herd in the yard.
That’s 8 points on that beautiful set of antlers! I am going to have a talk with him about staying in my yard during hunting season. I have posted “No hunting” as does my neighbor – he is too visible with that “rack” and although locals hunt for meat, there are those who hunt for trophies – would hate for Bucky to be that. I wouldn’t mind finding the shed of antlers, though!