Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

Lake walk

A bit of heat and neighbors in residence have kept the walks short and confined to the woods. The woods is drying, crackly and scratchy, but shady…

Yesterday, though, started cool and crisp. A fresh breeze plus a high temperature of 74 – and a need for a few grocery items, sent me to the park by the lake for a walk with Karl before taking care of the shopping errand.

Although we were both plenty warm by the time we finished the loop trail, it was beautiful – blue sky, white clouds, sparkly lake with enough wind for white caps and the light that is changing towards the fall angle…

The views, the sun, the breeze, the smells (Karl’s thing) – all worth getting a bit warm for.

After the front

Wednesday morning was blustery as reported yesterday…and although forecast to clear, it continued dark, then rainy ( wonderful!!!) and topped out at 63 degrees with a breezy “wind-in-the-pines” all day long and into the evening. The house was cool enough that I closed all but the bedroom windows – it was a wonderful (to ME!) reminder that Fall was next.

Yesterday morning dawned with not a cloud in the sky and the temperature hovering near 40 and dipping slightly below before starting up for the day. The cool temps, moisture from the day before and cloudless sky at sunrise set the mist forming in the valleys.

Sun, Blue Sky, Karl in the woods…

Karl and I returned to the house to find Bob waiting…annoyed at having his breakfast delayed by our walk…

Does and a fawn had their breakfast on the new grass!

It was a lovely, cool, beautiful day…after the front.