Posts from the ‘Photos’ category


Paradise, Montana that is… The Clark Fork River Valley is a beautiful river valley west of Flathead Valley. The drive there is along Flathead Lake for 25 miles and then east over the southern Bitterroots to Plains and then Paradise, Montana. We drove to several high points and along the river.

A day in Paradise.

Dogs in the sand (from the archives)

Karl and his friend Bella, a 1/2 Karelian-1/2 Yellow Lab – April 2003 on Flathead Lake while the lake was at its pre-runoff low. We got to the sand from Somers. The dogs ran in the sand, seemingly just for the joy of running.

It was one of those idyllic mornings – still, beautiful, serene.

Moon shots

In the early morning hours for the past week, the moon has been bright in the southern sky. Karl and I usually head down the driveway for our early “perimeter patrol” about 5 a.m. He wears his lighted collor (neon blue LED strip) and I carry a flashlight but I don’t like to turn it on unless I really need it. A month past the equinox, it is still fairly dark at 5 a.m. but with the recent bright morning moonshine, the moonbeams through the trees have been plenty of light.

It was hot yesterday, topping out at just below 90. Forecast clouds kept the temp above 60 all night and this morning, the air was still and a bit heavy for Montana. That extra bit of humidity, the stillness, the crickets – summer sounds that signal a warm day and hopefully some rain. But it was the clouds around the bright, morning moon that inspired me to get the camera AND the tripod and see what I could capture. More and more frequently, I have been shooting in manual mode and feeling every more comfortable with my ability to get the exposure I’m looking for – helped by a little camera that has some great “through the viewer” meters. The first photo above was cropped and lightened a bit. The photos below are cropped but otherwise straight out of the camera.

Looking up

And, of no particular relevance to the photos or looking up…all morning, I’ve had this song running through my mind:

Slow down, you move too fast
You’ve got to make the morning last
Just kickin’ down the cobble stones
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy!
(La,la,la,la,la,la, feelin’ groovy)
Got no deeds to do, no promises to keep
I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me
Life, I love you, all is groovy!

The 59th Bridge Street Song, “Feelin’ Groovy” – Simon and Garfunkel

Hope you and yours are “feelin’ groovy” this Monday morning and that things are “looking up” in whatever you are doing.

early light

early light on the mountains, the fields and through the clouds on the way to and along an early morning walk…