Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

View from the dump

I lived in San Francisco for 2 years and then Los Angeles for 13 before moving to Montana in early 1994. Any spot in California with even a snippet of a view of anything was extremely expensive. It was astonishing to come to Montana and find ordinary spots with stunning views… the MacDonald’s in Polson sits on a hilltop with a beautiful view of Flathead Lake and the southern end of the Swan Range and the Flathead Valley. The Flathead County landfill, just south of Whitefish has a gorgeous mountain view in the north end of the valley.

Yesterday, after dropping trash at the county green box area (various of these scattered around the county for the drop off of residential trash) on Montana highway 82 which runs along the northern end of Flathead Lake, I noticed the lake and the clouds and the sky and the colors. I pulled off right in front of the dump area to see what I could capture…

It is a bit hard to see in this reduced photo but if you look closely – at the horizon “line”, you can see a sliver of lake – ruffled from the wind with whitecaps.

The view from the dump…

On eagles wings

From the Front Porch takes off in a slightly different direction today. I have removed ads and closed comments. I was starting to get too concerned about what my “audience” might like, feeling like I needed a post up every morning – usually putting one or 2 together at night whether I felt inspired or not. It is time to get back to the root of my writing and photo shooting and editing so I’m taking away my motivation to please anyone other than me.

I very much appreciate the community of readers and bloggers and hope that when any of you choose to visit From the Front Porch, you find something of interest, beauty and meaning. My email is ann at beardogco dot com for any personal communication.

I will be writing, shooting and editing from my heart as often as I feel inspired to post something that I want to remember and share – mostly a simple chronicle of my daily life and thoughts, illustrated by photographs more often than not.

Young (immature) Bald Eagle – Wayfarer’s Park, Bigfork, Montana – June 30, 2008

1st verse and chorus from “On Eagles Wings” a song composed by Michael Joncas in 1979 based on Psalm 91. The 91st Psalm was a favorite of my first Sunday School teacher and to this day I can see her face, smiling with Joy, as she taught us this Psalm.

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord
who abide in His shadow for life,
say to the Lord: ‘My refuge,
my God in whom I trust!’

And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of His hand.

Lake views

Yesterday late morning, I combined a lunchtime errand run with a stop at the state park to let Karl play in the lake. After a drink and cool off in the water, we walked a short way up a loop path to where there is a rocky overlook.

Clouds on an almost summer day

Happy first day of Summer!

Here at 48 North (latitude) sunrise was 5:37 and sunset due at 9:42 on this solstice day. Yesterday was close in duration and these photos taken on the evening walk. Skies to the east were blue with only a few white clouds, while skies to the west were full of dark clouds. It was very quiet like before a storm but nothing happened – at least I don’t think so. I was not feeling well yesterday and went to bed after supper… Not quite 100% today but I think better.

Biscuits were made but my heart really wasn’t in it – they were flaky and tasted fine but no rise … and I didn’t feel like photographing the evidence. No wire so electric is delayed. I think I should quit writing about plans and just report after the fact.

After my second nap of the day and before supper I took Karl for a quick walk as a dog needs a walk and I thought it might make me feel better as well. It did, even if short-lived, and the clouds and scenery were worth capturing.

Blue skies above, then turning around – blue meets gray.

This first summer day has dawned clear and blue with not a cloud to be seen.

Early morning

I am a morning person…it doesn’t matter what time zone I’m in or what time I’ve gone to bed, I am up with the chickens…maybe before. This morning it was 4:25 a.m. And this time of year, it is getting light by then. Sunrise is about 5:30 but there is light in the sky, behind the mountains, through the trees.

Karl and I walked down the driveway and across the front property line and back to the house through the front part of the woods – our usual beginning of the day little walk. I carry my first cup of coffee (AND the pepper spray…) and enjoy the morning air, the birds singing and the quiet.

We end up on the front porch where I like to sit for a moment and watch the day grow. This late spring, early summer ritual is a joy to me and I’m grateful for every beautiful morning and also for the circumstances in my life that allow me to start my days in this beautiful place.