Posts from the ‘Photos’ category

Iowa workday #2

The wind stopped and the clouds came back this morning. I am not complaining as the returning clouds made for a most glorious sunrise that Karl and I watched as we finished our morning walk.



In between fighting my fledgling knowledge of C# (C-Sharp – programming language) I tried out a new electric kettle…

Electric Kettle

I went hunting for a small crock pot yesterday and came home with this. It reportedly slow cooks, steams, deep frys and ??? – I guess anything else you need a medium large pot to do. So far it has dealt with one of those pasta-chicken-veg meals in a bag and today it was home to the makings for Italian Beef Sandwiches. About 3:30 after no lunch and living in close quarters with the smell of roast beef, italian sausage, green peppers and au jus on the simmer, I succumbed…


I think I’ll make it through the rest of the work day…

…but it did break my heart to make this without Bill – one step forward, two backward or something like that…

Work Day Evening

Just photos…a long work day ending with an evening walk…thinking, wishing, watching…


The barn I like in Iowa…




another favorite “subject” – sun rays through clouds…


after the walk…


My Good Dog.

Work Day

I am working today… just taking a little break from dealing with frustrating code to play with photos…

I’ll spare everyone yet another barn photo, but I could not resist a few sunrise photos from this morning. This part of Iowa has rolling contours and right now the fields are mostly dirt. There were no clouds this morning – I’m fairly sure that yesterday’s wind blew them all away…and it is not done as it is supposed to be even windier today.

Back to this morning, I was walking Karl – there was light but the sun had not crested the top of the field to the east.

Iowa Sunrise

Iowa Sunrise

And then….once the sun was high in the sky…


so much fun to see these guys bloomin’!

Well, time to get back to work…


not everyone on this “ship” is working…

This old barn

…this old barn – it sits across the fields from where I sit parked in my motorhome.


I have no explanation for why it intrigues me except that it provides an interesting foreground to the sky. I have taken MANY photos of it…




On the road side of this property is an old farm house. The first several days I was here and walked past with Karl, I was VERY careful to keep Karl out of “the yard and grounds”. Then, one day, I noticed that the upstairs windows of the farm house were missing. I also noticed how neglected everything looked. I asked Jeannine….it is empty. SO sad as it is a beautiful barn and property.

This old barn – it fascinates me and begs me to keep taking photos of it.




a Country mile

So, just after I posted about how cold it was here in Ohio, we had the most beautiful “spring-like” weekend with temps in the 60’s and sunshine and I was back in shorts!

Overnight, the grass looks a little greener, there are buds on some of the bushes and LOOK!

Daffodil Buds

Daffodil Buds

Daffodils poking their heads up! And the air feels soft with that hint of warm that feels like spring morning.

Too nice to be inside and considering the amount of food and wine consumed – between friends of many years duration (I am not supposed to say “old” friends…) – anyway, we decided long walks were in order. We have been walking around the “block”.


…I’d like to say a country mile – except it is a country “square mile”. Not that exactly either as part of the “block” winds around and would be more like 5 miles so we cut short the 3rd mile leg and walk back along the railroad tracks.


There is something that feels adventurous about walking on the railroad tracks – like we are being a bit “bad” – breaking some rule…

On the road, we walk in the middle as there is very little traffic – not that many houses and the fields are too wet for the farmers to be working so it is mostly just the two of us.

Barn and Tractor


Sunset night before last…I have relied on photos recently and I will again – a tough, rough, sad evening last night… As always, playing with light and color … helps.

rural Ohio sunset:

Rural OH Sunset

Rural OH Sunset

Rural OH Sunset

Rural OH Sunset

Rural OH Sunset