Posts from the ‘Yard and Garden’ category

Officially Spring!

What is this???

Jars of herbs…hydroponic herbs.

So pretty!

Even if the herbies don’t grow, I will have a rainbow of jars for my window.

I decided to start with just one jar as the instructions have temperature and “hours of sunlight” guidance…

I started with Greek Oregano in the yellow jar.

We have sun!

Auggie is very into bug hunting!

The Bear-boy… and a request.

Bear had a recent checkup and bloodwork and the scary thing in blood work is back. We are headed to Missoula (100 miles south) on Monday. Bear, me, Auggie…in Wild Thing…will go to Missoula leaving Monday noonish. Bear has a late afternoon appointment with a Veterinary Internist. I didn’t want to drive home late and/or need to be staying for follow-up appointments, hence the Wild Thing trip as well as my request for prayer and/or good thoughts for the Bear-boy. He is a sweet boy and I hope and pray that this is just an “ageing” thing.

Feels like Spring

Despite the date of February 15…it feels like Spring!

It has been sunny and warm … all is relative, but this is Montana and it has been above freezing for over a week!

And it has been sunny since Friday.

It feels like Spring!

Yard work

As I write this, on Monday morning, it is pouring rain. I mean pouring! It is about 34F so the good news is that it is a warm stream of moisture, hence rain. If it was snow, it would be wet, heavy and no fun at all…not that the pouring rain is fun, but it doesn’t need to be shoveled.

Yesterday, though, was mostly pleasant.

It has been above freezing for 4 days and nights so the ice situation improves daily and my sidewalk is completely clear of ice. New thing this year is that I cleared significantly on both sides of the walk so there was somewhere for the snowmelt to go and I would have a chance to get the walk cleared. The other reason was to allow me room to back the Jeep up to the front porch and make loading/unloading easier without the death defying walk on ice carrying groceries. Win-Win!

By early afternoon, it was nice enough that I decided to do a bit of yard cleanup. The amount and size of the downfall from the big melt after the big snow was an unsightly mess.

The area of the yard and Beardog point that we all enjoy is suddenly much nicer…

A little sun and blue sky didn’t hurt our enjoyment, either!

The week before

I’ve been head down, nose to the grindstone this past week…


ROAD TRIP is a week away!!

As long as the sky does not fall nor too much snow (not in the forecast), Bear, Auggie and I are set to board Wild Thing and roll in a generally southerly direction to my folks.

Loading has commenced.

Both Wild Thing and Jeeper have had a multitude of maintenance and are ready to roll.

I am also.

The plan is to finish loading and go when ready next Friday. The first night is always a short hop of 110 miles and from there direction will be determined by weather.


I’ve been wanting to get a game camera and with the excuse of keeping an eye on things while we’re gone, I bought one.

I have it temporarily on the ladder so I can move it around and decide which tree and how high on the tree to get the best view.

It is rather a cool thing. It has a motion sensor and you can set how long after motion is detected to either take photos or video and how many/how long. At night, the infrared thing kicks in.

Below is the first capture of wild life.

Pretty wild, eh??? In case you are confused…Bear to the right (the 2 white dots are his eyes in infrared) and me on an after dinner down the driveway walk. Sunset is about 6:45 now, so it was full dark at 7:32.

I didn’t know until I saw the photos that the temperature and moon phase are also recorded.

I’m kind of happy with this thing.

Onward with preparations: the week before.

Summer’s End

Here, in Northwest Montana and in all of the U.S. Mountain Daylight Time area…Summer ends at 8:29 p.m. this evening – or more accurately, it is the time of the Autumnal Equinox in my time zone:

The September equinox occurs the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from north to south. This happens either on September 22, 23, or 24 every year. source:

Ironically, we are to have a week with temperatures in the low 80’s, i.e. Summer temperatures. But we are down to 12 hours of daylight and the sun’s path is lower to the south than during summer, so it takes all day to hit the high briefly before it cools quickly.

This weekend was to be in the mid-70’s with lots of sun and it was. Bear and I started the weekend with a dash to town for a few supplies and the farmer’s market. Our market stops the third weekend in October so there are only 4 more left :( !

We were at the organic grocery I like at 7:50 a.m. and I was 1 of 2 shoppers when I started. I noticed the SNAP sticker on the window. It has probably been there always but I had no idea what SNAP was until several weeks ago. As I shopped, I took a better look at prices. The bins and produce area have prices I think doable on a tight budget. An advantage of the bins – and I often use them this way also – is the opportunity to buy/try small bits of things. I did notice that flour per pound in the bins is higher than buying a 5 pound bag – but not too much and if I was starting from no supply and small budget, I could buy what I needed to make bread items for a week. Rice and grain varieties as well as all of the beans are more reasonable. And while nuts are expensive, again…from the bins you can buy a very small quantity and maybe add some nuts. I will have to try a real shop to really know how low I could go.

I’m not sure why, but this store always seems to have the best organic produce. I picked up some items that would work for a week, weighed and calced the price – doable, I think.

When I checked out, there were no other customers so I asked the checker if the SNAP option was used much. She said yes. The SNAP benefit is loaded on an EBT card in our area. The store computers know which items are eligible so a customer hands over the EBT card and then gets a total that must be paid for in cash which would be non food items. Seems a much better procedure than the old food stamp books and the buyer having to separate things and then maybe the checker having to negate something…all making it VERY obvious to others.

At any rate, more learning on my part.

On to the farmer’s market. Some commenters on Beth Moncel’s SNAP Challenge which she is writing about on her blog Budget Bytes , noted that many Farmer’s Markets are working with SNAP. I was at the market at the starting time. here were lots of vendors, lots of people and the Market Organizers were very busy so I did not have opportunity to ask.

I did have opportunity to get some nice vegetables! That huge bag of spinach – I’m going to freeze most of it and this year in addition to puree for sauces and soups, I’m going to try freezing some chopped to use in different ways through the winter. Most of the spaghetti squash, I will freeze as well, although Lasagna stuffed spaghetti squash is on my supper list this week. I’ll eat as many of the tomatoes as I can this week, then chop and freeze the rest. The cabbage I use in my salads: I’m stuck on a mix of cabbage, cashews, pecorino with a honey mustard vinaigrette ( Rachel Ray’s honey-mustard vinaigrette). I also like to put a chili-beef sauce over the cabbage and sprinkle some cheddar. It will be a good eating week and the summer/winter squash as well as pumpkins are coming on strong. I also noticed some local apples, but he was jammed with people …next week.

There is always a branch or 2 of the larch that get a jump on Fall color. The larch typically peak in another 3 weeks: October 12-14.

Auggie suggested that I was dragging my feet on cleaning up the wood cutting venue. The wood cutting happened 2 weeks ago, so he had a point.

Sunday, I put on my work clothes and just got ‘er done! On the advice of my neighbors, I saved some of the larger pieces of bark to put on the ground between the new wood that has to dry for future years and the damp ground. I also sorted and restacked what we didn’t cut.

The burn pile is not too bad and maybe I will wait until Spring to burn. Although if I got with the program and gathered up some downfall, I could have a Fall burn. We’ll see.

Wild Thing is still at Billy Bob’s RV and Truck Service waiting on a back-ordered part. Maybe this week she will come home!

Meanwhile, rest and relaxation…

…catching the last Summer rays.

I did “last weekend of Summer” R & R my way!