Posts from the ‘Yard and Garden’ category

Snippets from Saturday

Just cut rosemary…for crackers.

Croutons for salad or soup.

Ripening avocados.

An heirloom tomato and sweet grape tomatoes…and lemons…and sunhine in the yard.

Afternoon nap.

Afternoon nap outside.

The rosemary gets ready to jump in the crackers.

Sunroom light.

A bit of work.

Rosemary garlic crackers.

Snippets from Saturday.

**latest news from my folks: the fire has calmed a bit as it moved out of the beetle destroyed trees into healthy aspen and ponderosa. The wind shifted. At the moment, things look better for South Fork. My folks and their pets are comfortable.

A better day

Bob’s ear is looking much better. The infection is a yeast infection and I can’t really tell how that is going except that he is not fussing with his ears so am guessing that is better. The hematoma – broken blood vessel under the skin – caused by him rubbing or scratching looks better. I’ve been able to keep the slit clean and open so it is draining and not filling. I don’t really think that drain was going to drain well. Bob and I are both happier with the current scenario. He doesn’t seem to mind the warm compress routine or the ointment.

There was frost on the rhubarb this morning…

…but the sun came out and it got to a very warm 61F this afternoon.

Bob is maybe looking grumpy because I moved his bed away from the dryer vent. Right now it is inside with a fresh washed cover. I got to thinking that maybe lying with his head under the dryer vent…warm, moist, air – the cause of the yeast? I don’t know but it doesn’t seem like a good idea to continue.

Oh, well…eat some grass and enjoy a nice day.

Bear and I enjoyed the side yard a bit later as it has stayed warm this evening with a wonderful breeze blowing all kinds of good smells his way.

Betwixt and Between

April, here, is a mixed bag weather-wise.

One day warm-hot and the next it snows.

These last days, though, have been warm-hot with temperatures in the 60’s, blue sky and warm winds.

We are enjoying outside as much as possible.

I hope the herbies are thinking about growing.

A few sprouts of day lilies shot up – it seems like overnight!

Wild Thing is raring to go. So am I. We await Bear’s recovery which is going well.

Meanwhile, we enjoy this time that looks and feels like early Summer.

Summer today…late Winter next week… Betwixt and Between.

Just after sunset

Sunset today was 4:59 p.m.

Bob on the front porch, Bear in the yard.

I stopped a work session at 4:30 so I could get us all outside for a time before it got dark. …priorities, you know!

Some clear sky to the East, gray to the West, beautiful in the front yard…just after sunset.

The frost is on the pumpkin… the first of probably several pumpkin posts…

If I had pumpkins outside, they would certainly have frost on them as it was 27 by my thermometer this morning.

Thankfully my pumpkins are inside, in a sunny window.

And so are the herbs. I have a plan for 2 window table/shelves and some extra lighting to see if I can coax the group to stay alive and growing through the Winter. I’m not much for inside plants so we’ll just see how this goes.

Rosemary…probably my favorite herb…she is nice and green, but the whole growing thing has not been happening. I did some reading. Rosemary likes sun and heat. Hoo, boy – she definitely will need the grow light AND the best sun spot. And she likes to be moist but not wet or dry. Rosemary, she is high maintenance: pray for her, please!!

Back to pumpkins. I had three from my CSA farm distribution. One has been dealt with…the smallest I cooked with the smallest squash to refine the process and decide if I wanted to buy a few more for extra pumpkin as well as squash puree.

I do! The process is easy and not time consuming. I think I have 20 minutes in this morning’s effort and that includes doing the dishes after.

The hardest part is slicing them open! I found that taking off the top is fairly easy. Then, halving and quartering is not so difficult as trying to halve from the get go. I think there is a physics principle in there somewhere about the strength of a sphere…

I put a bit of water in a pan, quartered (or smaller) pieces flesh side down and bake in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, the seeds. I LIKE pumpkin seeds and they are full of good stuff. I buy them roasted (and shelled!). I decided to try roasting a few of my own as long as I have them. It is not the roasting, but the shelling part that might be the show stopper.

I’m not big on a mega processing kind of thing…a whole day making jam or dealing with the veg – I much prefer doing a number of small batches. So, one or 2 pumpkins at a time. But the seeds I decided to save until I have enough for a cookie sheet full. Today’s chore was just the cleaning and that was easy…soaked them in some water and the pulp slid off.

These went into the frig for later roasting…probably :)!

Pumpkin is done.

The skin is easily peeled off with a paring knife at this point. I defy anyone to peel an uncooked pumpkin with a paring knife and as far as I’m concerned peeling an uncooked pumpkin is putting fingers and hands at great risk with a large, very sharp knife that is apt to careen off who knows where. Too scary for me.

This method is easy, safe (r!) and I didn’t lose much pumpkin in the process.

I gave it a light mash – just enough so that I could pack and measure. A pie takes 2 cups.

Unfortunately, I decided to taste the mashed pumpkin. It was good!

A few bites too many and I ended up with a bit less than 2 cups. So…1 cup for the freezer and the partial for the frig and something other than pie. I haven’t decided what but I’ll probably share the result(s).

Why did I wait so long???

I don’t know why I waited so long to do container herbs…

These pots…on the front porch…so pretty and they make such a huge difference in how the front porch feels.

I added peppermint and spearmint this weekend. Pay attention to that spearmint!

Oy-vay!!! Crushed spearmint…and ice cubes!!!…in my wine.

I know that if I was a food stylist, I would have plucked a beautiful sprig of spearmint for this photo, but the truth is, that any herb…including spearmint…”leaks” its best flavor when it is crushed.

I.E. – crushed spearmint leaves, a few ice cubes, some Chardonnay = summertime bliss….to me!

And inside??? A sprig of basil, several sprigs of lavendar, a crackle vase from my Grandma Ruthie = heaven on my desk.

The sight, the smell, the taste….why did I wait so long???