Posts from the ‘Yard and Garden’ category

Thistle saga

I have spent a fair amount of time whacking thistles this summer. They are extremely prolific!! And the St. John’s Wort. And most of the other weeds classified by the State of Montana as noxious weeds…weeds that by law must be eradicated. For me, it is not just the law, it is thoughtfulness for my cattle ranching neighbors as well as for the health of my woods.

So, I’ve been pulling weeds and whacking thistles. But, this year…the thistles, especially, are out of hand!

Thistles, like most of the noxious weeds have their beauty. They attract butterflies and bumble bees. My first practice shots at getting bokeh were in a small patch of thistles in my woods. As a side note…bokeh and/or depth of field – it is that part of photography that I love most. Depth of field is the one thing that I set my camera for with intent. For me, it is the way to tell a story with a photo. I highly recommend reading, practicing, learning…how to use depth of field. Thus ends today’s sermon :)!

Albino thistle??? I don’t know, but pretty!

Back to the out of hand thing. The thistles…they are out of hand…and they are impossible to pull by hand unless you have steel gloves. Hence my whacking approach.

But…I googled….and I bing-ed and I discovered that whacking them off did little to control them. Thistles have a strong and deep root system. Rats. Now, what???

I hated the thought of a chemical solution, but after some discussion and reading, I decided on RoundUp applied low on the thistles to avoid the seeds that birds, bees and butterflies eat.

I bought a new sprayer.

It has a 3 gallon tank and is mounted on a wheeled frame.

As I was looking up information on the ratio of the RoundUp Pro concentrate to water, I happened on a tidbit of info that sent me away from RoundUp. The original patent was held by Monsanto. I will not knowingly use a Monsanto product.

A week or so earlier, I had read about using vinegar on weeds. I had even dumped the end of a bottle on some driveway weeds and was astonished to see them turn brown overnight. I use a vinegar mix – half distilled white vinegar and half water – as my household cleaner. I spritz it on the floor before damp-dusting with a cloth mop. I clean counters and appliances with it. A spritzer sits in my shower and I spray the shower walls, doors and fixtures as a daily cleaner. I even spritz my head once a week to get rid of hair product build up. I use the same kind of vinegar full strength to clean my coffee and tea pot.

And then I found this article: Vinegar as an Herbicide


The thistles drank Heinz Distilled White Vinegar – straight up – this morning.

So did some of the driveway weeds:

Above was taken mid-afternoon after a morning spray with straight vinegar.

It is hard to tell from this photo, but the thistle leaves have started to brown and curl also.

I have yet to find anything that suggests there is a downside to using vinegar on weeds. Time will tell if this really works, but I’m far happier spraying vinegar than any chemical.

But, what to me my love, what to me???

Yea, yea…the herbs go with my eyes…but…I notice there’s no catnip in there???

***Bob is not actually interested in catnip. My tuxedo cat, Gus (departed 8/14/2005) LOVED catnip…or more acurately, he went berserk over it and I think for him, it was a hallucinogen. Bob…no interest or reaction :)!

Another foray into gardening

There was a time when I planned to turn Beardog Hill into an herb garden. ( Herb Garden, Part 1 )

But, that was before it was Beardog Hill and since Bear has taken as much of a liking to it as Karl did… well, I think it will stay Beardog Hill! (Bear on Beardog Hill)

At my Swan River Road house, there was a gorgeous herb garden right in front of the front porch.

Sage, chives, mint…. I was spoiled by being able to skinkle down the front porch steps and nip off a few fresh herbs when I wanted.

The fresh basil and cilantro from Swallow Crest Farm have renewed my want of my own fresh herbs. Although I’ve been buying the live basil and fresh parsley and rosemary…the grocery store “fresh” herbs do NOT have the intense flavor that the basil and cilantro fresh out of the ground have.

So, this morning, needing nothing from the regular grocery, I whistled Bear to the Jeep and off we went to Hooper’s Nursery to see about some herbs.

Hoopers is loverly!! The day was beautiful. At 10:30 a.m. this Saturday morning, there were more employees than customers and I had a chance to speak to several and ask all of my questions.

The Hooper’s folks are as wonderful as their grounds are beautiful and I came home with…

Chives, rosemary, sweet basil and regular basil, parsley and lavender. Cilantro, peppermint and spearment will be ready next weekend.

My plan/hope is for container herbs…transportable container herbs that can go in the motorhome as well as into the house for winter.

We shall see.

My thumb’s greenness has not been tested for some time.

But all of the children have new homes in new pots with good soil. A red flyer wagon is on its way to allow moving the little ‘uns to and fro in and out of the sun as needed.

Whoo!!… After all of that…

I put my feet up and poured a glass of my favorite summer wine: Paradise dry pear wine from Ten Spoon Winery in Missoula, Montana. I am not normally a fan of non-grape wine and definitely not of sweet wines, but I love pears and it said “dry” so I tried it a bit ago. While a wee bit sweeter than my normal Chardonnay, it is still a dry, crisp wine with just a hint of pear. Well chilled, it is a refreshing sip on a hot day and it is from Montana :)!

Beating the heat

Sherbet…I love sherbet…icy, fruity, sherbet.

I was talking to my mother about the frozen yogurt and she related that when I was born… August, 1955 – a VERY HOT!!! August…my grandmother made her pineapple sherbet. My mother remembered that the recipe included buttermilk. As we were talking, I was Google-ing and found a pineapple sherbet recipe…WITH buttermilk – and NO ice cream maker needed.

I had a fresh, uncut pineapple in my refrigerator. I had buttermilk. I had fresh basil.

Pineapple-basil sherbet – So VERY good! It was almost worth the 90-92F temperatures to enjoy this treat. I added the basil to the recipe and if you have not experimented with fruit-herb mix, I highly recommend. Basil and cherries is good as well. I will be experimenting further.

Today, Saturday, it was much cooler at 74F. At my house, the forecast rain did not happen and the overcast sky and heavy air was not as comfortable as 74F usually is in Northwest Montana…still – it was nice to have the A/C off and the windows open. We are to be at our normal low to mid-80’s this week.

Saturday evening: beating the heat.

The green, green grass of home

The bounty from Swallow Crest Farm is not the only thing that is green around here. We’ve had plenty of rain this Spring and all that should be green is VERY green. The green is so intense that it glows.

This weekend is the first in several that had mostly sunshine. We have been enjoying it. Today was the warmest day at 70F – perfect!

Sunshine, fresh green grass – what more could a guy like Bob ask for?

It was a day for Bob’s favorite grassy-sunny spot on the edge of the woods, just north of the front porch.

He’s there…just to the right…a small yellow-orange bit – that’s Bob.

And the grass, the trees, the sky – beautiful.

The woods grasses are in tip-top shape as well. With the exception of the “thorn-in-my-side” thistle patch, I’ve been able to keep up with the few other weeds that populate the woods: hand pulling. Good exercise and with the abundant moisture, the few weeds I find let go of the ground easily.

Bear was out also…WITH Bob! They studiously ignore one another – both watching me. I sing and talk to them both. I am very pleased that Bear does not feel the need to do something about Bob and is content in his own space. Bob goes about his own business like he is the only creature in existence… true Bob!

A noise, a smell, a sound…and the beardog is on alert: stationed at Beardog Point looking out for trouble.

Our lives, our Sunday afternoon: enjoyed all together on the green, green grass of home.

They’re blooming!


Lily of the Valley…

They’re blooming!

***Blooming in the woods right now: wild strawberries, violets!, pussy toes (LOTS!), heartleaf arnica (that’s in with the lilacs), yarrow is up, the lupins are sending up their blooming pods and with yesterday’s rain, it is GREEN :)!