Sweet stuff

My sweet boys!! Honestly!!! It is three weeks since Oscar joined Emmett and me and it is pretty incredible how well he has settled in to the Fambly Summers! A lot of credit goes to Emmett. Emmett persevered calmly through the initial hissing and spitting … respecting Oscar but never giving up trying to be friends.

I am so very happy with how they are interacting.

Baby portrait!

That little face … looks so innocent and sweet, doesn’t it???

Well, mostly it is, but Oscar has his moments :) And I am glad for those also – he gets the “kitten crazies” and zooms around the house or plays with his toys (he only has a few … ) and HOLY COW … how does a 4.5 pound kitten make so much noise???

I know he is 4.5 pounds because we had our first vet visit on Tuesday. Oscar was pronounced a well adjusted kitten: a little shy as befitting his home, not crazy scared … in the middle of the kitten spectrum. Dr. Jim, whom I’ve known for 26 years!! came into the room and said: “Was this planned?” … which sent the tech and I into gales of laughter …. it was kind of like he asked if it was an unplanned pregnancy. Anyway, I got to tell Oscar’s story and Oscar got high marks for demeanor and health plus his first vac.

Another vac in a month and then the BIG OP in February and on we go. It was good. The first vet appointment with a new family member is always a bit emotional for me and it was helpful to start with a laugh. Kudos to Dr. Jim and all of the Bigfork Animal Hospital staff and techs. They are so very kind. And I was extra anxious as I had to take a 5:20 p.m. appointment which meant toing and froing in the dark. I do not drive at night very often and it is challenging for me, but obviously, I did it and all’s well that ends well and mostly, I am thrilled that Oscar had a good first visit with no ramifications from his shot or the car ride.



At home.

That first cat tree … history. I didn’t like how it looked. I didn’t like that it didn’t have staggered levels. Oscar never went beyond the first level and mostly ignored it.

I got the same tree that I had for Auggie.

Everyone is happy!!

For me, it is “nose to the grindstone” … next week is the last full work week of 2021. I will work a bit after, but not a lot so I want to get my task list in shape and hours in (hired gun programmer = paid by the hour!) so we all eat in January.

It helps to have helpers…

So much sweet!

I can help ??!!!

Like his brother before him, Oscar is a “programming kitten” :)

And we are a technical FAMBLY !

This year, my black Friday splurge was a Keurig coffee maker. And not just any Keurig coffee maker. As befits my I.T. professional status, I bought the new-ist Keurig: K-Supreme Plus Smart.


It connects to Wi-Fi and my phone and my Alexa. So, I have phone and voice control.

I.E. I can start the darn thing from bed in the morning so as to have a cup of coffee waiting for me when I get to the kitchen. DREAM.COME.TRUE.

The previous three images are screen shots from my phone.

I am so happy!!! And it is 2 days and all is working well and I have a first cup of coffee to get me on my way with Emmett for our first out … AND an easy afternoon decaf.

Life is sweet!

Sweet stuff at my house!

***re the recent AWS (Amazon Web Service) outage … which did affect Emmett’s GPS collar, but not my home Alexa stuff. This kind of thing happens. I am not concerned. All parties will review and consider/implement redundancies. I stand by Internet reliant apps!!!

About those plans

Oscar has gained almost 2 pounds since he came home … he is up to almost 4 pounds :)

He has gone from hissing if Emmett just looked at him to playing hide and seek and toy keep away.

Oscar has the run of the house day and night and is constantly exploring spots to climb and hide.

Thankfully, he is so far, sleeping all night, i.e. no middle of the night kitten crazies. He has chosen to sleep on top of one of the big pillows that I use in lieu of a headboard.

Meanwhile, last Wednesday, a new cat tree arrived: assembly required. I planned to put it together Thanksgiving day. I also planned to do a bit of work Thanksgiving day to make up for the previous Thursday and Friday that I did not get much work done between getting Oscar and helping us all get situated.

I put the cat tree together yesterday, Saturday … “best laid plans”, etc., etc.

But it went well!

The carpeted board on the chair and those 3 bags on the floor are all of the parts.

Naturally, I had plenty of help …

Bits and pieces…

Fortunately, everything had a number or letter label – YEA!!

I started at 9:15 a.m.

About 1/3 done and I took a break …

Oscar started having fun even before the tree was assembled.

Back to work … another level and then I assembled the “condo”. Oscar is lying on the cover for the condo … and went to sleep … AND the sun came out, so Emmett and I went for a walk.

Blue sky, fresh air … it was wonderful to stretch my legs and putter about in the woods for a bit. We had an extra long outing to give Oscar plenty of time for a long nap … and for me to procrastinate!

Assembly complete. PLUS, I took apart the giant dog crate that Oscar was no longer using … the office is back to mostly office except for the tree and a lot of new cat toys…

I am sharing my mini-trampoline with the cat cave and a feather toy … so far, the cat tree is a bit lonely …

And a boot box is the preferred play spot.

Thanksgiving 2021

I started the day with joyful and thankful remembrance of Auggie … photo is from last Thanksgiving. Thoughts also of all times spent with Bear, Bob, Karl, Gus and Zack … they all came to mind and I enjoyed looking at photos of all of them and remembering their antics and the beautiful times we shared.

When a pet dies, that special place in our hearts feels so empty. But we realize, as time passes, that animals have a way of teaching us about loving, about loyalty, friendship, and joy.

And whatever we’ve shared in their presence can never really be lost.

Writer unknown

From Irving Townsend … these words have helped me when I’ve been in that place of “how/when”…

Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season; its seeds must be resown. But a family cat is not replaceable like a wornout coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated. I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded, but not replaced one another.

And so, this Thanksgiving I remember all that I shared in the presence of Auggie, Bear, Bob, Karl, Gus and Zack … and also embrace a new season of Emmett and Oscar.

We had a lovely day together!

We settle in…

Oscar is settling in very well and Emmett and I are adjusting :)

I took over 20 photos to get one of “morning with Oscar” where he was not a complete blur. Emmett is on the floor because Oscar is here, there and everywhere, i.e. a wiggle-worm! I told Emmett that it was payback as in Emmett’s puppy days my vision of him snuggling next to me with Auggie on my lap did NOT happen for a long time … Emmett was the wiggle-worm, then.

I am so pleased that Oscar is now ok with Emmett getting close and even some light play. Emmett would love to play chase, but Oscar is not quite ready for that. They do play hide and seek around the crate and curtains in the office.

Once again, I have to negotiate with a feline for my office chair …

Ha! I got MY chair and Oscar has the spare … but mostly, I was on the spare :(

Last night, we tried a bit of all of us in the “grown up bed”.

More wiggle-worm, but he finally settled and almost went to sleep. I gave Emmett one of the bones he likes, which he only likes to have at bedtime … if I give it to him in the daytime, he will hide it and then get it when we go to bed. Anyway, I thought a treat might help him ignore whatever Oscar got up to and it did … Emmett paid no attention to Oscar’s shenanigans on the pillows.

I decided that we will try overnight this weekend when I don’t need to work the next day.

Kittens are exhausting … but FUN!

We are settling in.

I added 4 feet to the house…

You can only see 2 of Oscar’s feet, but he does have 4 :)

After 2 aborted appointments at local shelters (I backed out), and numerous times of picking up the phone and then not calling … AND, last Friday being rejected by the adoption organization where I got Auggie, because of Emmett … grggh*!%$& … Thursday, in my normal perusal of the local “Mountain Trader” there was an ad for kittens and the thought immediately came to me: “Oscar”.

Now, I had been rolling names around as I saw cats and kittens, but Oscar was not one of them.

I don’t fool with those kind of thoughts so I called. Vasily, texted me photos … and btw, yes, he is Russian and did not have a lot of English and I asked and he laughed so I had a fun feeling of connection. I am sure that I was not at all politically correct and he was not offended. We arranged that I would see the kittens at 1:00. This was about 10:00 and a 35 minute drive to see them.

Next … kitten stuff: food, toys, itty bitty litter box for the crate to bring him home in, new toy(s) for Emmett also…

There is a newish place in Bigfork, 10 minutes away. I’d never stopped there.

Happy Hounds Pet Supply


Despite the name, they have stuff for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens – YEA! And I am so glad I finally went there – very nice couple who are owners and they took a lot of time to help me find what I needed. PLUS, you can order online and they deliver … holy cow!

So, I came away with stuff.

I fixed up the small crate that fits in the Jeep: Fleecy blanket and small litter box.

No doubts and off I went at the appointed time to get our Oscar.

Vasily was a friendly man of my vintage with sparkly blue eyes. He brought out a box with the kittens, picked one up and handed it to me … a male … our Oscar. That was that! I went inside and met Mrs. Vasily who looked exactly as you would expect a “Russian” (actually they are from Ukraine) woman who bore 11 children (“only” 11 per Vasily as he was one of 14) to look. No English, but a huge smile and the smell of chicken soup on the stove. I also got to see a family photo of all … taken 22 years ago. The 2 year old youngest in the photo just married and I got to see her wedding photo – lovely! I also got to see a photo of the mama cat, a Siamese. The papa is a ragdoll but I didn’t get to see him. All business completed, Oscar and I headed for home.

All the way home, whenever I could steal a look in the back, Oscar was looking back … calm and almost as if he knew he was going home.

First look for Emmett and Oscar. No panic, but when Emmett moved closer, Oscar growled. Emmett backed away, which is good as Emmett never really backed off from Auggie!

In the house, I closed off the office, opened the crate door and spent some time with Oscar. He started purring when I scratched his chin and his motor is amazingly loud for such a tiny kitten! (8 weeks old, just a bit over 2 pounds).

After a bit, I left him alone and went to get a very late lunch plus spend time with Emmett and take a long walk. I was back and forth the rest of the afternoon and evening, but kept a panel from Emmett’s puppy playpen between office and kitchen. Oscar left the crate and took up residence under the corner chair.

So … he liked a dark cave kind of spot …

I set up Emmett’s XXL crate with a fleecy blanket, Auggie’s laundry room cat cave bed and the small litter box … covered all with a quilt.

Oscar’s room!!

I had been wondering how to do things overnight so that everyone was comfortable, safe and all (ME!) got some sleep.

I have a baby monitor that I have used with Bob and Bear when they were ill/recovering from surgery. I set it up so that I could see and hear Oscar.

Although Oscar had been quiet all afternoon and evening, he decided to be an active kitten about the time I was ready to call it a day :) … so we played and Emmett came in with us for a little bit and finally, I was out of gas. I put the shirt and fleece pants I was wearing into the cat cave and then Oscar. He meowed a bit, but then made himself a nest and settled down.

Emmett and I had our normal last outs and went to bed.

First night success! We followed the same procedure last night, with a last meal about 7 and then some before bed play and snuggles and then into the crate with Oscar, to bed for Emmett and me. No meows at all from Oscar … he settled right into his nest.

After the very quiet first day, Oscar was very active yesterday. He also progressed from hissing every time Emmett looked at him, to allowing Emmett to approach fairly close before hissing. Emmett and I occasionally sat on the floor quietly and Oscar approached from behind me … played around my side and back.

First, I set the panel so that Oscar could get to the rest of the house, but could retreat to the office if he wanted and Emmett couldn’t follow. But as much as Emmett would LOVE to play, he is being very good about approaching slowly and backing off. Occasionally, he kind of groans in frustration and then takes it out on his new toy which is a big fleece ball with a squeaker … well, it did have a squeaker.

At any rate, it is not quite yet 48 hours as I write this and the house is wide open. Oscar is allowing a brief nose touch from Emmett and has explored all of the rooms on his own.

Synchronized chair napping … thankfully, Oscar chose the small chair … he was on it falling asleep and Emmett went to his chair. D’accord!

4 sweet feet added to the house … love, laughter and fun abound!

***I have loads of video, but it will take me awhile to sort it out. I sometimes just set up 2 cameras and let them roll to get the action so there is a lot for me to look through and put together the fun bits.