Terrific Thursday: new mattress and logging
I know … mattress and logging … they go together like ????
In July 2015, I bought what I thought would be a great mattress. I went to a local store, spoke to a sales person, tried out several mattresses and made my selection.
Not a great mattress and over the past year, I have tried to decide what to do.
Making a long story shorter, after spying an ad: “I am a mattress tester and this is what I sleep on” … and no, I did not rely solely on that ad. I read reviews for the choice and looked at a number of reputable rating sites. The mattress referenced consistently had good reviews as well as rating in the top 3 on the rating sites.
Considering that my last purchase in a store with “testing” was not a great purchase … I decided to go for a “virtual” buy and ordered.
The new mattress arrived yesterday: white glove (removal of old, removal of packing material and placement of new). It was slightly more than I paid for the store version.
Last night was the first sleep and WOW!!! early days, but I am very happy. Emmett is also. Emmett has always been a good and quiet sleeper, but this morning, he did not even get up with me … snuggled down for a bit of a lie in :)
We will see how it goes with time … there is a 180 night trial and free return, but based on last night and how good we both felt this morning … I think we might be good to go.
On to the rest of Thursday.
My neighbors … the ones with a backhoe and dump truck and chain saws… are doing some cutting of standing dead trees.

That is 4 trees, I think. I have plenty of firewood, but needed those dead trees down so the trade is: logging for firewood … they will take the firewood and I will benefit from those trees down and out vs maybe falling down in a wind storm. I am thrilled!

The mark of the beast :) … backhoe tracks.

Those 2 standing dead are left to come down … maybe tomorrow.

Meanwhile … the weather is gorgeous with sunshine, blue sky and mid-60F temperatures.

Terrific Thursday: lovely new mattress and logging operations at my little spot in the woods.