Full moon Friday

According to my moon app, the moon is full at 8:38 p.m. this evening. I took the photo, Thursday (last) evening. The conditions were perfect with enough light from the just set sun, very light smoke and the moon risen in a low spot that allowed me to also capture the gold field. AND, Emmett and I headed down the road, in the Jeep, at the perfect time.

The sunset colors were beautiful as well.
I might try to get moon set tomorrow morning as it should be 5:45 a.m. which should be perfect morning light. We’ll see!
Meanwhile, we are enjoying what is forecast to be a short respite from heat and heavy smoke. It was a beautiful 48F at my house this morning. Emmett and I enjoyed it as long as possible.

I have dough rising for a bread bake while it is not so hot AND a beef roast to prepare as well.
At the moment, I am writing from a tire shop where the Jeeper is getting new tires and a minor service. I got lucky again! I was on my way to the grocery … again while it is not so hot … the tire shop looked empty. They had the tires I wanted in stock and could do all right that very second. It is supposed to take an hour. So, some downtime to write this post. There is a very nice setup to wait: comfy chairs and small tables set on the periphery of the showroom. The shop is separate so minimal noise from the work area. I am pretty happy!

All was done in slightly less than an hour and that includes the “shopping”, the work, the payment … holy cow!
A quick grocery trip and then home, lunch and back to work.
Well, that is what I wrote, but now at 4:14 p.m. … not a lick of work done. But all groceries put away, lunch was had, bread(s) baked …

A semolina-durum sandwich loaf.

Seedy spelt boule.

It has been a productive week: work, some chores, the financial stuff and ending with relatively pleasant weather.

Full Moon Friday!