Embracing the night

I am typically an “early to bed, early to rise” person, i.e. NOT a night owl … more of an early bird.

But, from childhood, I have loved getting up in the middle of the night to see the moon and the night sky.

Two years ago, when I had an unexpected work hiatus (30 days turned into 4.5 months) from July through October, my sleep/wake behavior got a bit topsy-turvy. I often napped late afternoon, and then up middle of the night … sometimes doing some baking in the wee hours.

As a 1 human household, there is no need to worry about disturbing anyone’s routine/sleep … I LOVE this and would find it challenging to accommodate another human …

Fast forward to now and this hot summer and work/living situation being on my mind … and I find myself again going upside down/topsy turvy with the sleep and work cycle. And I LOVE it.

It is approaching 10:30 p.m. as I write this :)

I napped this afternoon from 4:00 ish until 5:30.

Emmett joined me … he LOVES afternoon naps!

So, now … it is cooling beautifully, I had a 2nd wind of work time, it is time for a new moon …

Working in the night …

Shutting down now, thinking about a bit of a snack … then a last out with Emmett and then to bed: Embracing the night!

*** a post script for me so I can refer to this date … Emmett had an allergy/anti-itch shot today. Last year, I tried various remedies before finally taking him to the Vet (in September). This year we were proactive: skin/allergy shampoo … but in the last week, the itching escalated so … the shot which inhibits the itch/scratching so protects his skin as well as making him more comfortable. We continue with the shampoo. I have “bath” type as well as a leave in type (foamy mousse kind of thing) so we alternate.`

To everything there is a season…

And a time for everything under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 3 … King Solomon)

No definite information or decision(s) yet.

I continue to counsel myself every morning, to let all rest and enjoy the day, moment by moment.

I still do not have a preference … no definitive “I want to stay or sell” desire. I am still excited by either option.

In the woods, I look at the familiar progression of wildflowers, grasses, bushes and trees. (AND, I think of Autumn!!! … it is not near as hot as last week, but still hotter than I prefer.)

The front porch is a lovely oasis of beauty and peace in the morning.

I am loving the colors and variety and more than any year before, I am enjoying taking care of everything.

A time for every activity under the sun … we play!

“To everything there is a season. A time for everything under the sun.” I am unsure what brought those verses to mind, but it was good to think on them this morning … and let those words be my guide for the day.

Hot town: Summer in the city!

Yes, that is a song title from 1966!! I only know that as I Googled.

I was in “town” today … Kalispell, MT … for a dental appointment. I very much dislike leaving Emmett when it is so hot and I don’t like to leave the A/C units all running … my worry being fire. I set them up to 75F vs 68F so that the fans would run, but compressors not kick in unless house got too warm… AND, I have my Echo (Amazon) devices set to “listen” for smoke alarms … HOO RAH!!

Good news, is that I arrived home and house was 71F so perfectly comfortable and quiet-ish and no issues.

Emmett was happy to see me and we went out immediately to check things out: Jeep, garage, yard … AND play in the hose!!!

It is “slightly” cooler today … 93F vs 96F and even in town it showed 95F vs 99-100F. Still HOT!

I let the Jeep sit with windows and hatch open while in the dentist and even it was not as hot as I feared when I went to drive home.

So … semi-stressful run to town in the heat, but Emmett is well (!!!), house was not over heated, I was not over heated, the plants are ok … so YEA! PLUS, some things I thought might be dental issues are not and I am established at a new dentist and another YEA!!

Temps are to remain hot, but low 90’s F vs high 90’s and better overnight cooling.

For the curious and/or those of my vintage wanting to step into the way back machine :)


Outtake video: staking tomatoes…

Previous post … still photos of getting the last plants in planters including three tomato plants.

I had my phone rolling to catch a little video, which I planned on using as instructional (to me!) for sound and other video editing that I want to learn.

BUT, there was a snippet, that is so funny, that I am once more putting my vanity mostly aside … early morning with no effort at making myself presentable except for editing out a LOT of me bending over with my backside to the camera … no one needs to see THAT!!

So, here you go: staking tomatoes using Emmett’s stick. I know, that pretty much gives it away :)

Front Porch Gardening, cont’d

Before continuing …

Yes … YIKES!!!

The good news is that I have all three of my behemoth A/C units set up and running. Provided we have no electricity supply issues, Emmett and I will be cool :)

So, Front porch gardening …

I filled out the tiered planter with some herbs: 2 varieties of thyme and some coleus and impatiens for color.

AND, I bought 3 tomato plants: 2 “Husky Cherry” and 1 “Manitoba”. Both are low, shrub kind of plants that should do well in containers … hopefully!

A moveable “garden” … tomatoes in fabric planters in the wheelbarrow (for now) and the tiered planter.

All of the wheelie things allow a chasing of the sun!

Early days, but so far … all is doing well and no overnight critter munching!

I know it is likely to be mid or end of August before I have tomatoes (assuming things continue well), but one of the cherry tomato plants has a wee tomato and some blossoms. VERY exciting :)

Meanwhile … We take MANY “sprinkler” breaks!!

I am using time playing in the sprinkler as a reward for coming when called and generally good behavior of any sort. It also gives ME (and my back) a break as I do the “gardening” and other outside chores.


So.Much.Fun !!!

Sprinkler head!!

Small batch of potato and egg for potato salad. I captured in a video (soon :) ), but Instant Pot to the rescue for summer cooking: steamed beets, pasta for pasta salad and the above potato salad fixings.

Morning after planting … Tomatoes set to catch the first morning sun…

Lovely, cool, early morning … from the front porch.

Sharing, next to me … a little fuzzy critter on the impatiens!

Here we go, Summer!

FROM the front porch :)

A really good day

Terrific Tuesday here … great work day, great out and about and I don’t know … there are those times when everything just seems wonderful!

Nothing has been resolved re the financial vs hit the road decision. But … a first hurdle looks likely to be flown over per my financial contact.

My internet has recovered … at least MUCH better than last week.

Summer weather-wise … well, least said the better!!! It hit 87F at my house today and then we are to have a few days reprieve before we ramp up into the 90’s next week – YUCK!! Still, best to enjoy what we have now…

And so…

It was a really good day!