Hot town: Summer in the city!

Yes, that is a song title from 1966!! I only know that as I Googled.

I was in “town” today … Kalispell, MT … for a dental appointment. I very much dislike leaving Emmett when it is so hot and I don’t like to leave the A/C units all running … my worry being fire. I set them up to 75F vs 68F so that the fans would run, but compressors not kick in unless house got too warm… AND, I have my Echo (Amazon) devices set to “listen” for smoke alarms … HOO RAH!!

Good news, is that I arrived home and house was 71F so perfectly comfortable and quiet-ish and no issues.

Emmett was happy to see me and we went out immediately to check things out: Jeep, garage, yard … AND play in the hose!!!

It is “slightly” cooler today … 93F vs 96F and even in town it showed 95F vs 99-100F. Still HOT!

I let the Jeep sit with windows and hatch open while in the dentist and even it was not as hot as I feared when I went to drive home.

So … semi-stressful run to town in the heat, but Emmett is well (!!!), house was not over heated, I was not over heated, the plants are ok … so YEA! PLUS, some things I thought might be dental issues are not and I am established at a new dentist and another YEA!!

Temps are to remain hot, but low 90’s F vs high 90’s and better overnight cooling.

For the curious and/or those of my vintage wanting to step into the way back machine :)

Outtake video: staking tomatoes…

Previous post … still photos of getting the last plants in planters including three tomato plants.

I had my phone rolling to catch a little video, which I planned on using as instructional (to me!) for sound and other video editing that I want to learn.

BUT, there was a snippet, that is so funny, that I am once more putting my vanity mostly aside … early morning with no effort at making myself presentable except for editing out a LOT of me bending over with my backside to the camera … no one needs to see THAT!!

So, here you go: staking tomatoes using Emmett’s stick. I know, that pretty much gives it away :)

Front Porch Gardening, cont’d

Before continuing …

Yes … YIKES!!!

The good news is that I have all three of my behemoth A/C units set up and running. Provided we have no electricity supply issues, Emmett and I will be cool :)

So, Front porch gardening …

I filled out the tiered planter with some herbs: 2 varieties of thyme and some coleus and impatiens for color.

AND, I bought 3 tomato plants: 2 “Husky Cherry” and 1 “Manitoba”. Both are low, shrub kind of plants that should do well in containers … hopefully!

A moveable “garden” … tomatoes in fabric planters in the wheelbarrow (for now) and the tiered planter.

All of the wheelie things allow a chasing of the sun!

Early days, but so far … all is doing well and no overnight critter munching!

I know it is likely to be mid or end of August before I have tomatoes (assuming things continue well), but one of the cherry tomato plants has a wee tomato and some blossoms. VERY exciting :)

Meanwhile … We take MANY “sprinkler” breaks!!

I am using time playing in the sprinkler as a reward for coming when called and generally good behavior of any sort. It also gives ME (and my back) a break as I do the “gardening” and other outside chores.


So.Much.Fun !!!

Sprinkler head!!

Small batch of potato and egg for potato salad. I captured in a video (soon :) ), but Instant Pot to the rescue for summer cooking: steamed beets, pasta for pasta salad and the above potato salad fixings.

Morning after planting … Tomatoes set to catch the first morning sun…

Lovely, cool, early morning … from the front porch.

Sharing, next to me … a little fuzzy critter on the impatiens!

Here we go, Summer!

FROM the front porch :)

A really good day

Terrific Tuesday here … great work day, great out and about and I don’t know … there are those times when everything just seems wonderful!

Nothing has been resolved re the financial vs hit the road decision. But … a first hurdle looks likely to be flown over per my financial contact.

My internet has recovered … at least MUCH better than last week.

Summer weather-wise … well, least said the better!!! It hit 87F at my house today and then we are to have a few days reprieve before we ramp up into the 90’s next week – YUCK!! Still, best to enjoy what we have now…

And so…

It was a really good day!

Summer … bah, humbug!!

Yes, well … if you are a long time follower, you KNOW that I am not a fan of Summer. I am a heat wimp. As have been all of my dogs and Emmett is no exception.

So far, we have had just 2 days of real heat, as in upper 80’s … 90F. But the forecast for the weekend and first of next week is 90-94F. Blech. Behemoth A/C time probably.


Until it happens, we enjoy the current lovely weather … and if you are Emmett, you enjoy your BIG stick…

And also if you are Emmett, you are enjoying the garden hose…

Wherever you are, whoever you are, I do hope that you are enjoying your spot!!

Summer 2021 … may we survive it :)

If you can’t say something nice …

That saying … “If you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all.” Right.

I think about that often when I am tempted to leave a critical comment on youTube or wherever.


Two weeks ago, watching a cooking video, that I felt was just awful in method and timing, I left a critical comment. And I received a reply/explanation from the host and another commenter. But, not leaving well enough alone and being further irritated by those replies, I rebutted again. GAH.

It was then suggested that I make my own video, illustrating my way.

At first, I was a little horrified, but then I thought … NO, that is a great idea and I need a video project that I MUST do to further my videography and video editing.

Last Saturday (6/12), I shot the video. Sunday (6/13), I edited … giving myself a headache AND realizing that I shot my intro in portrait and the remainder in landscape and at the end of Sunday, I was unsure if I could fix it or would have to reshoot. I had some test video that I did early on Saturday to test lighting and camera angle so quickly edited that.

In the process of uploading that short (relatively) video, I realized my internet upload speed had slowed to nearly unusable. After nearly 24 hours the short video uploaded.

Since the short video was less than 4 minutes and my full video was nearly 14 minutes … I did a Scarlett O’Hara “I’ll think about it tomorrow”. And then there was how am I going to work with my internet like it is and all of the calls, emails, chats, etc. during the work week.

Cutting to the chase, on Friday, my internet suddenly became nearly normal. So … did something break and was fixed or new capacity added??? I don’t know. Today, I felt able to look at the darn long video again. I was able to edit my intro so no reshoot was necessary … and it uploaded in 6 hours.

Good grief! I hope that I learned my lesson and will do what I usually do if I take exception to a video or post … move on!

However, I did learn a lot in the process of doing this and so ultimately, despite the angst, it was a good thing.

Above, my full video and below, my short test video for the buns.