This morning, I do not need to decide

This morning, I do not need to decide.

That has been my mantra since I started the financial process which will ultimately lead me to … do I have a choice :)

But, having gone through a week or so of round and round and round and round, early May, and then realizing that I did not have to decide everything and needed to explore options …

When I wake up, I tell myself: this morning, I do not need to decide. What I DO need to do is to enjoy this day, take care of myself and of Emmett: feed us, get us outside, teach and learn and do my work and my chores … and let the rest go. At the current time, all information is in the hands of the bank and I await THEIR decision, their request for more. Meanwhile, I choose to LIVE to the fullest in my little house in the woods with Emmett.


A new bun recipe: The Perfect Loaf Soft Sourdough Potato Buns

The first round … ok, but not as soft as the sweet potato buns that I have been making.

Still, great flavor, they hold together for a burger or other “sloppy” fixin’s and I will give it another shot and see if a 2nd go turns out different … i.e., was it baker’s error?

A great riff on tiramisu! I saw it on Instagram and oh, my…

Raspberry Pound Cake Tiramisu from GirlVsDough

So. Using pound cake vs lady fingers, a mix of mascarpone-whipped cream, raspberry jam, fresh raspberries … yes, please!

This is my second version. This was on Memorial Day weekend and I was out of mascarpone so made my own which turned out a bit runny … so combined it with some cream cheese and the resulting texture and flavor was right on with the original mascarpone-whipped cream combo! I also used thawed, frozen raspberries vs fresh. I am sure fresh would be prettier, but flavor-wise … it was good.

Ultimately, it is a mix of creamy, raspberry jammy filling between layers of pound cake which after a stint in the refrigerator becomes a wonderful thing.

And then … I have been growing micro greens and sprouts for fresh greens, but stepped up my game …

Eatin’ good here and taking things one day at a time.

It is June, 2021!!

Memorial Day, 2021

In the United States, Memorial Day is a day honoring all those who died in U.S. wars. This day has come to be more meaningful to me as I get older, gain more knowledge of history and particularly this last year and some months (COVID-19 Pandemic).

I was not much interested in history when in school, but have since, particularly the last 6 years, read a lot … particularly of the WWI and WWII years. It makes me ashamed of how we have dealt with the relatively mild restrictions of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It also makes me VERY appreciative of the sacrifice of all who gave their lives in defense of democracy.


Today, I not only turned my thoughts to those who gave their lives … in all wars … some very recent … but also to the families and loved ones that have had to live with the loss.

To honor the sacrifice, I appreciate what I have … in my beautiful bit of woods and comfortable little house with my dear dog.

Rainy day Sunday

Last week looked the same and finally, the fuchsia moved inside to escape the cold …

But above photo was taken on Saturday morning. The sunshine held, the temperature rose into the 60’s and the fuchsia moved back to the front porch!

The fuchsia are rallying, despite the cool temps and inside time…

That bud looks close to blooming!

I am bursting to get more plants, but the forecast is for a return to cool-cold and rainy through the end of this week, so I have resisted…

After a balmy, sunny, Saturday … Sunday returned to rainy and cool.

BUT, I saw my first lupin bloom!

Soon, the woods will be full of the purple blossoms and we will be walking through Lupin Lane(s)!

I brought some lilac inside to brighten things up.

Meanwhile … we walk…

But, shorter walks in the rain and more inside games and teaching. Mainly for my safety!

I stay on game trail paths, but they are strewn with downfall branches and sticks as well as the tops of rocks … all very slippery when wet, despite my good boots.

Emmett tends to be a bit lazy on rainy days as well…

Rainy day Sunday.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Let’s Zoom.

Who knew that “let’s Zoom” would become a thing.

I and my work group have been Zooming for years! Well Zoom for a few and GotoMeeting before that, but at any rate, we have been working via the internet using collaborative tools … 3-5 people across several time zones.

Sometimes we connected and worked with occasional questions, “could you look at this”, work sessions just as if we were all in the same room working and interacting.

The very cool thing that we all discovered … long ago, was that we could work in our own workspaces, sharing screens and asking questions as needed … and HOLY COW!! … we got a LOT done as a group. PLUS. PLUS!!! It was enjoyable :)

Fast forward to the COVID Pandemic. Now, many are using Zoom. So many, that for a brief time, our work group looked to see if there was an alternative. But the Zoom people stepped up VERY fast and we (work group) continued on Zoom.

It is a GREAT collaborative platform.

And not just for work! Families and friends all over the world used Zoom to meet and share and be together. Zoom get togethers alleviated feelings of isolation in all age groups.

And this week, I happened on Zoom can help older people stave off dementia . VERY Interesting!

I have preached the importance of technological competence to many. The thing is, if we (a collective we) do not embrace current technology, we get “left in the dust” and risk feeling isolated … especially as we age and maybe become limited in mobility. It is no different than refusing to be “on the phone” circa 1930’s-40’s.

I am so very fortunate that I have many blog readers, Instagram friends and my work group … we learn from each other and teach each other and ultimately relate to each other in a way that keeps us connected.

Zoom, zoom, zoom :)

***Edit 5/20/2021 2:00 P.M. (-7 UTC) Please read comments. Reader and Internet friend Margaret, made some excellent points about challenging use as well as varying equipment and infrastructure.

Also, although I featured Zoom in this post, there are so many technological tools that make life easier … even with something as simple as a smart phone: banking, text alerts for so many things (severe weather, credit card use, shipping/delivery, other information that is important [to me/you], the ability of text to go “through” when voice might not (safety). Wearables that detect falls, heart rate issues and increasingly more health issues … and then communicate to the wearer as well as the wearer’s list of emergency contacts (this is HUGE for me, living alone and rurally).

Week end

I am writing this early Sunday afternoon. I am cooling off after a morning of various food prep, garage clean up and grass mowing … re the grass, I mowed about 1/3 of my mowing area. I have learned that 1/4 – 1/3 at a time means that I do not wreck myself for doing other things that day!

When I came inside, the temperature was 64F. I know that doesn’t seem exactly hot, but I had perspired through my denim shirt, etc. and was ready for a long, cool glass of water and ultimately a shower.

Oh, Emmett and I had 3 morning walks, one which was our long (3/4 mile for me, twice plus for him) walk finishing with playing in the hose.

At any rate, I am happy with the morning progress.

It has been a full week!

Work, the financial stuff (going VERY well), outside time with Emmett and then the longish list of Spring chores. …AND … the Saturday excitement, for me, was a salon hair cut! The first salon cut since January 2020. The salons here have been open for some time, but I did not care to go until things settled a bit. So, I have been trimming what ultimately became what I called “an old lady bob”. But, yesterday, there was no one in the salon but my stylist and me and we are both fully vaccinated, so a no mask catch up visit and a cut and it was just a great time, plus…

I am so very happy with the result … just what I wanted for Summer!!! I booked my next two appointments as my stylist is not only very busy catching up with normal stuff, but she does wedding hair and makeup and has 80 weddings booked between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Holy Cow!! I am so happy for her as she has worked very hard to develop the wedding business and last year put a wrench in the works.

By the way … the color in the 2nd shot is accurate. The first shot is a “mirror” shot and my bathroom mirror is not color accurate ???? I am fully gray with some white “highlights” :)

This week was warm enough that I was inspired to stop by the nursery and select 2 Fuschia hanging baskets for the front porch.

It is early enough that the baskets do not have blossoms, but I found that the last 2 years, I missed out waiting too long. I hope I can keep these 2 happy!

I bought 2, versus 3 as my other purchase was the tiered planter on wheels. I hope to fill that with herbs and lettuces and I am not sure what all. The thing is on wheels so I should be able to roll it around so that everything gets both morning and afternoon sun … AND stays on the front porch, hopefully protected from deer.

And you might notice, some new cushions on the Adirondack chairs. I am spiffing up a bit and a few more cushions are on the way. I tried washing what I had … which were 20 years old!!! and probably predictably, they fell apart in the process. All to the good! I LOVE the new Adirondack chair cushions which are back and seat – so comfy!

Bread, of course!!!

The loaf is my new favorite: seeded spelt sourdough. Breakfast is my everything bagel (sourdough) with goat cheese, heirloom cherry tomatoes and my own home grown micro greens.

Week End. It has been a very full, very productive, very good week.

Hump day

Yowza! This week, Wednesday, today … it really is hump day as in we are over a hump(s)!

The financial reorganization ball is rolling. The paperwork has been submitted. Here we go. Thankfully, the “paperwork” is actually PDF file editing, i.e. no handwriting – YEA!!! And gathering the info is so much easier, with the combination of my own digital records and online records and ultimately, the process was CONSIDERABLY less painful than previous times.

Then … work … we have had a busy Mon-Wed which looks to continue. But, it is fun stuff and I am enjoying it. The timing, along with the above, makes for some long days, but all to the good.

And in between, never shortened … time outside with Emmett!

Some added fun to the day … today Emmett had his yearly checkup at the vet. Emmett got a good report and all updated on vaccinations, just like me :)

It was an emotional visit. Dr. Leslie wrote me a beautiful note a few weeks after Auggie’s passing. I thanked her today and that opened the floodgates … for all of us. But, the timing was good. I have struggled the last several weeks and talking with Dr. Leslie and the tech who was with us and also knew Auggie … it was the right stuff at the right time.

I did, however, get home feeling exhausted … so was Emmett!

But a long walk, some time playing in the garden hose and we were both feeling ready for some time in the house: Emmett napping and me working.

Hump Day! It is downhill to the weekend :)

A little bonus … I took some video of Emmett pre-vet ..,