The road home
“If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there.”
The Chesire Cat … Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
I do not know where I am going, but I had such enlightenment after writing yesterday’s post and then responding to Margaret’s comment.
All of the “what to do, what to do” rolling around in my head has given way to looking forward, with EXCITEMENT, to what might lie ahead.
And also, to focusing on enjoying NOW … enjoying each moment in my current home, with Emmett, in this time of Spring and the renewal of life that Spring suggests.

From Margaret’s comment: “exciting times ahead … “
I know that many approach change with trepidation and I am not entirely immune, but mostly I tend to embrace change with excitement … what might happen, what adventures might I have, what new things might I learn ???
Perspective is everything!
From my response to Margaret:
The good … actually GREAT news is that I likely have a lot of flexibility. Because of COVID and people transitioning to remote working and people WANTING to be rural-ish … property values in my area have skyrocketed. So, whether I sell or re-organize, I will be in good shape $$$-wise.
The trick, as always, is “what do I want?”
BUT, the other great news and exciting times ahead is that if I do sell, Emmett and I will board Wild Thing and explore. My thought is that if I sell and it IS a seller’s market in the Mountain West U.S. which is where I will stay … then we will live in Wild Thing and explore some other locations until the housing market cools a bit and then …. ????
I will post more on the blog, but my current situation is a consequence of my choices through the years. Through much life experience, I am somewhat prepared to deal with various uncertainties and enjoy each day :) i.e. “one day at a time” and enjoy “NOW” while in the midst of making decisions.
There you go. For me, the road home, is any road that takes me there … where “there” is, I do not know, but I am so looking forward to the trip!
My trip will be one day at a time, one moment at a time … enjoying each day whatever it might bring.
Once I changed my focus from needing to DECIDE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW, I was able to revert to taking one step at a time and understanding that I did NOT need to decide everything right now. I am gathering information, exploring options … all of the while realizing that there are many things I can do and really, they all sound very exciting to me!
Kind of crazy … for many, many years, I started my mornings with the day’s reading from Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest. After some time of NOT doing that, several days ago, somewhat in desperation, I opened my copy to the day’s reading which was captioned: “Gracious Uncertainty”. Good Grief!!
And from today’s reading:
The real meaning of eternal life is a life that can face anything it has to face without wavering. If we will take this view, life will become one great romance— a glorious opportunity of seeing wonderful things all the time.
Oswald Chambers … My Utmost for HIs Highest
The road home.