A new front door

My little house’s front door opens into a small space which has a coat closet, small area for boots, shoes, hats, gloves (I call it my mudroom :) ), and the washer and dryer. I.E. the front door opens into a combination foyer/mudroom/laundry room. There is an overhead light but that light was necessary on the sunniest day. I had a dream of some natural light via a door with glass.

Dream come true – today!!

It wasn’t so much the door as having someone install the door and after Handy Bears Handyman family installed my mailbox, I asked about the door and some other things … and then ordered the door and new hardware (lock/deadbolt).

I had seen the door I wanted at my local hardware: craftsman style with a window. The doors are fiberglass and since I was replacing a door with existing hinges and existing holes for lock and deadbolt, I had to provide precise measurements for hinges, hardware “holes” and height/width.

I measured 3x on 3 different sheets of paper to make sure I got same thing each time. Above was what I emailed to the hardware …

Thankfully, all was good … some minor adjustments for the top hinge which Handy Bears was able to do on the wood frame.

The door fits nice and snug. The lockset works beautifully. The old lockset was loose in the door and its insides were not moving well. The old door … was never meant to be a front door. I think it was a “house to garage” door. I tried numerous ways to seal up around it and it was always drafty.

AND … there is natural light in my little entry.

I am SO, SO happy!!!

And that is not all. I had exterior light fixtures that I purchased YEARS ago and just did not install.

Replacing an unattractive brass fixture … brushed nickel like the new door hardware. That black print is a sticker that I need to remove.

When it warms up (see last photo), I will get out my trim paint and touch up the trim. I MIGHT paint the trim black instead of the gray, though …. thinking about it! The “nicks” are from the temporary screen that I have used in the summer. I’m not going with the temp screen this year … I might have a wood screen made, that I can pop in and out. I mostly only want a screen here, early morning when it is cool.

While all of installation was going on, Emmett and I did some training with 5 year old son of Handy Bears. All had been pre-arranged and Eric did beautifully at doing as I asked. Emmett is bark-y with children and we worked on that. Eric was also in the house part of the time. He had his tablet to do some school work and entertainment. He ended up curled up on the daybed in the boy’s room. He could hear and go see his folks and they him. Emmett and I were in my office. All of that, also helped with Emmett as 5 year old boys are not quiet … they run and jump and stomp :) So, we (Emmett and I) practiced being calm and just watching.

Overall, it was a productive and exciting morning and I think all of us are tired!

Oh … the other surprise to the day…

It snowed.

I think there were 3 snow squalls while work was happening. In between, the sun came out.

But, a good time was had by all and my little house has a new front door!

This week: a wrap!

Despite our little mid-week hiccup … we had a pretty good week!

I completed a number of work tasks – YEA!

A fun bread bake(s) using a new bread board for shaping:

I have noticed that when I take time to shape properly, my final results are much better. And I noticed that many of the shaping videos I watched … the bakers were shaping on wood surfaces.

So, I went searching and found the bread board above on www.Overstock.com … same supplier of our beloved little kitchen sofa. The board arrived this week and I’ve taken it for a spin for rolling out Naan (above) …

…as well as shaping a new recipe: Seeded Spelt-Rye Sourdough.


I am pretty happy with crust, crumb and flavor. I will be experimenting with some variation in flour and hydration, but this first go was very good and I loved working on wood! AND, the lip will be great for attaching my pasta maker which has had issues trying to attach to the counter top.

Today’s weather was 100% blue sky! It was cool with a VERY brisk and fresh cold-ish wind, but still … just wonderful to be outside. Today is also the 3 year anniversary of Emmett’s arrival at the fambly Summers so we had extra walks and treats and enjoyed and reflected. Yes, horrible sadness that Auggie is not with us, but we did have 3 years all three of us and they were wonderful years.

The first little lupin!!! For reference, the lupin above are about the size of my little finger fingernail. But, there were a lot of them here and there.

The two of us …

After our walk, I set up 4 cameras: DSLR, Omni Action, iPhone, iPad … and filmed something that I am calling “The games we play” (much editing to be done!)

Above photo is the end of that session. The pillow is a target for one of the games and Emmett decided that he had had enough of everything and/or was just tired (me too!), so “the end”.

Happy Friday to all and on with the weekend. Some exciting plans in the works … stay tuned :)

A beautiful day (not speaking of weather)

Holy Cow! Crazy day yesterday and the biggest craziness was how fast the “bad” stopped. A day of feeling like every movement was VERY difficult and kind of mildish flu-like symptoms that just disappeared early evening. Like a 24 hour bug … BAM, they were gone. I am not complaining at all, it was just a bit bizarre!

And then, a light supper, a last walk and to bed 8:30ish … slept well and today, I feel 100%.

So, that is my experience. If you trawl the internet, you will find other … most in the 48 hour range. Mine was about 30 hours. I got off light and in theory, a reaction is indicative of a strong immune system. I think there is a lot of unknown, but I am happy to have my 1st 2 jabs complete and hopefully they work as advertised. I intend to follow CDC guidelines of continued masking, distancing, etc.

And speaking of CDC. My vaccination clinic handed me a flyer from CDC which had info for signing in with the intent to report after affects. I did and do and I hope everyone (U.S.) did/does but I am not overly optimistic… It IS the best way to collect data and to gain understanding of how the vaccinations affect people. So. If you have yet to receive your vaccination and are given the CDC request … PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE register and report your experience. You will be benefiting all of us!!

Off my soapbox, but honestly … it is easy to complain about lack of specific information and then easy to say … Oh, I can’t be bothered with “reporting”…

On to the weather.

We started overcast with a forecast of rain/snow/wind…

But there was some blue sky bits…

I tried to make up for yesterday with Emmett … He was a champ!! He has always been in tune with me and been kind of a Nurse Emmett with me as well as with Auggie. Yesterday, he seemed to understand that I was not 100% and did not pester for walks or play, although I did my best to stick to our schedule.

Today, we had extra of everything: walks, play and TREATS :)

We arrived home, from a beautiful long walk … just before it did this…


And then the sun came out and melted it all…

We had a beautiful day … BUT as I am writing this post … first it thundered, then a whoosh of wind and THEN…

It is graupel, not snow so I don’t think we can call if thunder-snow, but it is a bit unusual: thunder and graupel ???

Still, I am thrilled to be feeling 100% so … a beautiful day … bizarre weather or not :)

A rough day

Yesterday, Tuesday (4/6), I got my 2nd COVID-19 jab. I had only a little soreness in my arm for the first, but the 2nd … a tough night with really bad arm pain when I moved … ok when I stilled, but I think I woke every time I moved in my sleep so Wednesday started with that feeling of “I need more sleep” … BUT, I knew from 1st jab, that if I got up and moved around, the arm pain would go away and it did.

But, I was still in a state of too little sleep and also slight chills (nothing like teeth chattering kind of thing), mild nausea, fatigue …

So, side affects or just lack of sleep … whatever. After a short, a medium and a long walk with Emmett, I gave up and took a nap.

Did some work.

Everything kind of felt like it took horrendous effort.

Skipping forward to this evening … MUCH better. I did have an afternoon nap and considered a 2nd, but pushed through.

Ultimately, I got about 1/2 day of work done, nearly normal Emmett out and about and play, and fed us both – HURRAY!!

I think we will be good to go tomorrow with “normal” energy.

A year…

This date 2020:

102 year old woman… Make a List

Yes, that woman!! 102 and Zooming and making food for family and friends and generally just getting on with it! She was and remains inspiring to me.

What a crazy year, but … it was just one year compared to the WWII war years. We … as in the U.S.A. … are an incredibly whiny bunch. I am appalled … sometimes … BUT there are some stellar folks out there.

Montana Milk Moovers

And some of my favorite youTubers:

Refika from Istanbul!! She and her team are so full of joy and love for food! I love the Turkish spices and breads and everything. The above rice pudding is my Easter dessert. Go watch! Even if you are not a love of cooking … I almost guarantee that you will LOVE Refika and her team.

Lily’s Loaf … Good grief!!! This young woman started a micro bakery from her home. It is doing well. She is doing well. My favorite thing is how much she is learning and sharing from other bakers. Lily shares links and thoughts and ideas. It can be challenging to admit that you don’t know it all :) … and asking or looking for help from more experienced people … I absolutely LOVE that dear Lily is not only sharing that she is learning … but that she is LISTENING to experienced bakers, micro-bakery persons, etc.

This is an older pre-professional video from Nikki at Kitchen Sanctuary. BUT, it is going to be my Easter Dinner! And the latest from KS are super-wonderful videos. I have a number of NIkki’s recipes on my “to make” list.

Meanwhile, at the fambly Summers…

My Emmett … next to me

After the first daylight walk.

Bunny Rabbit survived until Easter morning – YEA … Happy Easter to all from Emmett and me.