Feeling my age

Sheesh … first the long snowshoe (Wednesday) and on Thursday I did a bit more snow clearing than was wise.

That’s what I felt like. My only consolation is that when I joined our Thursday, early afternoon work session and admitted that I was feeling my age, a co-worker had a similar feeling from a bike ride.

We had a short work session!

Then I took a short nap.

Friday, I was “feelin’ my oats” again, but exercised a bit of caution and went on a medium length snowshoe outing. When I returned, I had a bloody nose which took a bit of effort to get stopped. I am not prone to this and the day was warmer and more humid than the previous cold and dry days, so ???

Anyway, between that and wanting to stay quiet-ish and not restart things … we’ll call Friday something between a sick day and a mental health day, i.e. it was a no work day :(

We started Saturday watching the 23rd finish by Manuel Cousin of his Vendee Globe race. There are 2 more racers on the course and 2 sailors who are finishing their circumnavigation out of the race due to issues that forced them to port to fix. The people of Les Sables d’Olonne turn out as much as they are able (a LOT) due to COVID-19 restrictions … every sailor gets a hero’s welcome and from comments and view numbers, other internet followers like me are watching each sailor home as well!

The reason for the extra snow clearing on Thursday, was to allow delivery by FedEx of my new computer – YEA!!

I started the set up about Saturday noon…

It actually went very well – much better and faster than setting up my back up machine … partly because I just went through the process and made some notes :) … and partly because there were some things already set up that I did not have to download (Office 365 being the major and largest download).

At any rate, all was ready to go and approved by Emmett, by midday Sunday. I will likely find little things that I forgot to transfer or setup, but my work tools and most of my fun stuff is up and running. I’m happy with the new machine so far!

During the waiting for download prompts, I worked on my loop yarn throw …


I need to find a nicer dog blankie for the little sofa seat … but I am very happy with the throw. It did get a bit tedious toward the end. Overall, I enjoy the crochet squares for the large afghan I’m working on, but this was mostly fun.

Sunday treat in honor of getting things done and really, I don’t need a reason … I was hungry for eclairs and they are easy so I made a small batch. YUM!

And, we were outside for walks and play and learning new things! It is getting ugly as it warmed up, snow dropped off the trees, the wind blew and brought down branches … but there were some pretty moments and best is getting out in the air and tromping around with Emmett. Auggie stayed near the house out out of the mess!

The above mess was a squirrel’s …

So, despite the challenging end to last week, it was a good weekend. Lots of things got done and here we go Monday!

Oh, the movie. I have all of the bits of video organized. Now … maybe midweek after some work deadlines, I can take some time to put it together!!

A bit more Winter

We had early Winter late October, early November and since then, it has been Winter-lite.

Until last week when it got VERY cold …

But now, it has warmed and at my house, on the very edge of the storm(s) causing havoc in the mid and south … a very nice 8 ish inches of powdery snow – YEA!

…the end of the dark o’clock walk this morning.

Some small critter … you can kind of see the arc of prints to the right of the porch upright … the prints had fun around the house, but the snow was so light, that the impressions were not distinct: too small for raccoon, too small for fox … I don’t think skunk would be out … I don’t know!

After walk treat time! Auggie does not go on the dark o’clock walk, BUT he does participate in the treat ritual :)

Holy Cow!

Emmett and I did the “state land short loop” which is a just over .5 mile jaunt. I was on my short snowshoes. My thought was to get a track down while the snow was light. It is supposed to warm into the upper 30’s/low 40’s and I thought it would be easier to “lay a track” while the snow was light and dry.


It was deeper than I expected and I was EXTREMELY challenged on my ‘shoes. Walking, on dry ground, I do this bit in 18-20 minutes. In the deeper snow, on my short ‘shoes, it was 33 minutes … a LOT of breaks to catch my breath and by the time we finished, I had perspired through my first layer and my legs were wobbly and I was VERY happy to get home.

I should have taken a photo … shortly after I arrived home, my watch gave me notice that my “recovery was delayed” and I was “likely to feel more tired”. Ha! I already knew that!!

Naturally, Emmett recovered fine! But, in my defense, this was after a 2 hour nap. If I had taken a 2 hour nap, I think I would have recovered fine also.

Above photo, late afternoon as he “porpoised” through the snow after an industrious squirrel: plop – plop – plop. Good for Emmett!!

Thankfully, the warmer temps enticed Auggie out for a longer time. Auggie has been pestering Emmett and me … cabin fever!!! … some outside time hopefully takes the edge off.

Otherwise, work is busy, 2 more Vendee Globe skippers finished (YEA! They make my days and bring JOY to my heart!), some cooking/baking things to share are in the works … AND, I have spent some time with video and hope to have something video-wise to share after the weekend!!

I am sorry if you are somewhere where the winter storm thing is dangerous… My thoughts and prayers with those that are without power, etc…

Minding our manners

For this post … minding our front door manners!

I am not a stickler for sitting and waiting at the front door, BUT, we have worked on:

Not blasting out the door

Not trampling over each other

Allowing ME to enter with groceries, etc. without being trampled.

So, a short video on dealing with those times when Auggie or Emmett can not go … even though I am making all of the exit signs:

Exit signs.

Emmett is particularly aware of the signs: I have my phone, I don various garments (even in summer: over the shoulder thing that has bear spray, pick up bags and other stuff). And … typically, something kicks in for a bathroom visit :)

Whatever … we exit the house calmly. And on our walks, there is no issue of me being overrun or herded. Neither were issues with Karl and Bear, but with Emmett, being a herding dog, I took care to teach him from puppy-hood and it has paid off.

I knew that as I was 62 when Emmett joined my family … it was important that he learned to be gentle with me. We play and tussle, but it is by invite from me, so I am prepared, vs surprise “attacks” :)!

I think that Emmett is “wired” to be a caretaker. He fusses over both Auggie and me if we have injuries, if we sneeze or cough … he is Nurse Emmett.

Auggie has some similar behaviors and will nose an injury.


I am well looked after! And I look after them.

And we all “mind our manners” and live with respect to each other :)

A cold, but beautiful week!

Yea baby, it is cold outside!

The bitter cold was forecast and actually, it did not get quite as cold as forecast and additionally, we did not get as much snow as forecast.

Still. It was a cold week!

When it gets below 10F, Emmett gets “Musher’s Secret” on his paws. It is a wax that protects his pads and helps with the melt/freeze/snowballs between his toes. Going from 62-64F house to below 10F means his warm feet melt snow and it quickly freezes and causes discomfort!

Auggie checked it out. Auggie has been going out on the front porch and occasionally as far as the garage, but then he sneezes and heads for home. Smart cat :).

Meanwhile, Emmett and I have been taking more frequent, but shorter walks and outside play time.

Inside games commence!

Enjoying the sunshine inside and a view outside…

Me … I am liking a warm fire!


The Vendee Globe sailing race continues with 6 skippers crossing the finish line this week, including Pip Hare, the first British skipper (and 2nd female skipper), Kojiro Shiraishi, the first Asian skipper, Alan Roura (Swiss), Stephane le Deraison (French), Arnaud Boissieres (French), Didac Costa (the only amateur … finishing his 2nd Vendee Globe).

I have watched every finish, every channel parade and every press conference.

I have applauded, jumped up and down, fist pumped and cried at each and every finish. The joy on the faces of the skippers at having completed their “around the world, solo, no assistance” races is just stunning and never fails to move me.

And then … the finishers are not only met by as much crowd as is allowed with COVID-19 restrictions … and this is often in the wee hours of the morning with wind blowing, COLD rain falling … but this is the pride of France and all supporting people … AND, by the competitor skippers that finished days ago that are still in the area. They turn out as well with hugs all around.

There is a shared experience and risk in a very remote part of the planet, that goes beyond who wins. It is sportsmanship like nothing I have ever seen. It restores my faith in humanity and in perseverance and dedication to a dream.

There are 5 more skippers on the race course. There are 2 skippers that had to abandon the race for repairs, but chose to finish their circumnavigation (vs shipping boats home). I will be watching until the last skipper is safely back to Les Sables d’Olonne.

It has and continues to be a life changing experience.

I have resolved to learn French before 2024, the next Vendee Globe. Although many of the videos and content was in English and/or had English subtitles, there was much content that was in French. It is a French event. COVID-19/social media/WhatsApp/YouTube made it a bit more international, but I would love to get the entire experience.

PLUS, learning a new language … brain exercise and I take as much opportunity as I have time for, to learn new things!!

I spoke to a work colleague who came to the U.S. from Nicaragua as a youth. I asked for any advice regarding learning a new language. His response was “Immersion” … immerse yourself in the new language … no mollycoddling!! He didn’t say mollycoddling .. my words, but his point was that he gained fluency very quickly because he didn’t have a choice.

So, while I have a subscription online for Babbel (French), I am also watching YouTube French videos … all of the Vendee Globe which I will rewatch and try to train my ear to hear words. I watched a lot of the videos with French subtitles to help me hear words.

I have 4 years.

I don’t think I will be a fluent, grammatically correct speaker, in 4 years, but I hope to be able to listen and understand.


*** Friday, 2/12/2021 was Emmett’s 3rd birthday! I am more about his “gotcha” day, but we had a good day :)

Cold and getting colder

Today (Tuesday 2/9/2021) started at 4F and topped out at 14F.

Cold, but we are due to be even colder.

The good news about bitter cold is that it comes with clear skies!

A lot of short walks, but they were beautiful under cloudless, sunny skies with about 8 inches of new snow.