Here we go, 2021

At my house … I am thrilled to have the initial political transition behind us. I am disappointed in some initial reactions from the GOP taking their grievances to the media vs a civil discourse with the President or whomever. I so wish, we could put the past modus operandi behind us and move forward in a better way. Maybe things will smooth out.

On a more fun note, the Vendee Globe 2020 sailing race is approximately 5 days from the front of the fleet crossing the finish line. AND, in an unprecedented scenario, there are 7-10 boats that are within spitting distance of each other so it will be “down to the wire” for the finish.

AND, the end of the fleet is due to round Cape Horn Saturday-Sunday-early Monday, i.e. before the front finishes. This, is also unprecedented as typically the fleet is stretched further apart.

It is Friday, early afternoon as I am writing this. My most favorite weekly recap is probably available on YouTube, but I will wait until I finish my work day and enjoy the recap … with a glass of wine :) …

But, NOT at the computer, because YIKES!!! Just before New Year’s, I was watching a recap (the recaps are really extraordinary in their story telling), on my computer, with a glass of red wine at my elbow. I spilled. The laptop drank. Disaster.

Short story is that I took the laptop to a local shop. Meanwhile, I set up my backup laptop. My most crucial data is backed up to cloud servers, so except for the start and wait and watch of downloading software and data, it was not an issue of losing work or personal data.


There were a few files not in the cloud that I would have liked to recover. And if the laptop could be cleaned and operational – YEA! The primary issue was that the laptop would not recognize the power supply and so the battery would not charge and ultimately, it was not able to start. But, I knew all but the power supply port was operational.

Skipping the issues with the shop, I ended up with the laptop in pieces.

The Solid State Drive (hard drive) is actually a small circuit board kind of thing. I bought a case for it that included a USB cord.

Bottom is the SSD drive. I should have put my finger along side for size reference. It is about 3/4 inch by 2 1/4 inch. The middle portion is the guts of the case and the top is what the middle portion slides into.

The top bit (angled up) is the SSD “underside” with all of the pertinent info about it’s type. FWIW, in real life, I needed a magnifying glass to read the print and so find the correct case. This after I ordered an incorrect adapter :(

Put it together…

And now we have a little (1 terabyte) external SSD drive.

I was able to access all I wanted and actually see all of the contents of my Dell SSD drive. HOO-RAH!!

I learned a LOT! I had no idea that the SSD was an itty-bitty “card” thing. I had no idea that there were “cases” for those card things.

The rest of the laptop ??? I don’t know. The laptop is old enough that it is not worth much so I am not inclined to try to put it together. I may offer it to a neighbor or co-worker if any would like to try. Meanwhile, my backup is working very well and I have the “external” thing in case there is anything I’m missing and ultimately, I am in a better position for work than I had been … my backup laptop is actually better/faster than the Dell, so …

On the Auggie and Emmett scene:

Normal life!!!

Auggie went to the vet for a routine vaccination. This is on his return.

Emmett: Are you OK????

It was pretty funny. Auggie wanted out, but Emmett had his head in the carrier, checking Auggie. Emmett is the ultimate Mr. Nurse!!!

Auggie: I am fine!!!

Dignity and Civility returns to the White House

For the first time ever, I watched a Presidential inauguration.

So, I have nothing to compare to, but I thought that everyone …. everyone!! …. Democrat, Republican … EVERYONE, behaved beautifully and looked stunning and happy and peaceful as well as adhering to COVID precautions.

I hope that my perception is correct.

Maybe just words, but I thought there were some excellent ones:

From President Biden: “Here’s my message to those beyond our borders… we will repair our alliances… and we’ll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.”

By the power of our example!

Also from President Biden: “Politics does not have to be a raging fire” – which does not mean that we will not disagree and that we will all have to negotiate and compromise and listen and learn. But, it does not have to be mean or bullying or blaming or many of the other incredibly juvenile behaviors that were part of the previous administration.

By the power of our example!

If the leaders … any leaders … lead with an example of dignity and civility and respect, we have a much better chance of overall success and greatness.

I doubt that I will agree with everything that happens in this administration, but I do believe, with my whole heart and soul, that the ultimate outcome of the future will be positive and good for the many and for the world.

We are a global community. We need global involvement and a voice in global issues.

Ultimately, I feel very hopeful and also very grateful that dignity and civility have returned to the White House … to the leadership of the United States of America. I hope to once again, be able to be proud to be an American.

God Bless and God Speed to President Biden and Vice-President Harris, the Senate and the House as they lead us forward.

On being hopeful

Sometimes, I scroll through my blog or my Instagram and remind myself that I am a most fortunate person…

I hope that at this time next week, we (as in the U.S.) is on it’s way to being a more kind, more thoughtful, more caring country.

I know … that might be too much, too soon to ask, but I truly hope that the true spirit of this country will be for working together, no matter what “party” … to work together on all of the issues that we face. It sounds a little trite, but we really should be able to do more together … if we focus on what we have in common, what we want for our children and grandchildren, on clean air and a healthy planet.

There is a plethora of abhorrent rhetoric about each “side”. DROP IT! and focus on real progress toward a peaceful, sustainable world.


Meanwhile, YES, I am crazy following the Vendee Globe! As of this writing, 8 boats have crossed the Equator back into the Northern Hemisphere. There are only 3 boats still to round Cape Horn. It looks to be the equivalent of a photo finish, which is UNHEARD of in the history of the Vendee Globe!

I watch the Vendee Globe on YouTube and Instagram and in my watching and also watching various cooking channels, I happened on Refika!

Good grief! I am hooked. I love the spices and the recipes and I love Refika. She has marvelous energy and enthusiasm, plus she explains the why of things.

I am off to make Lavash Bread this Sunday Evening.

Cheers to all, I hope you all have reasons to hope for better times.

Auggie and I love Andi Robertson

Andi Robertson is the presenter of the Vendee Live YouTube that I have been watching daily since the November 8 start of the Vendee Globe.

He brings the race alive as well as conducts superb and genuine interviews with guests, skippers (via Satellite phone/Zoom/Visio, etc. … which often means delays for speach… it is NOT easy!)

From the start, I have appreciated that when he asks a question, he allows the person asked, time to formulate an answer. This is such a wonderful change from many U.S. anchors/newscasters that seem more interested in hearing their own voices, than allowing their interviewees time to answer the question.


Andi gets out of the way and I LOVE that. He has been criticized in comments for not being “emotive” enough. HAH! I am guessing that the critics are fellow Americans. I have the opposite view and am so grateful that he acts like a REAL journalist.

BUT, he does share in the joy of circumstance … reaction to many guests and comments and in particular to Pip Hare and her perfomance. And my favorite guests: Marcus Hutchison (Thursday) and Mike Golding (various appearances and a 4 time Vendee participant). And honestly, every single guest on Vendee Live has contributed to my understanding of the race as well as been insightful in life metaphors.

Honestly, have YOU NOT yet been entranced? So sorry if not.

Vendee Globe is so much more than a sailing race.

But as for Auggie and me … we LOVE Andi Robertson and we LOVE Vendee Globe.

My weekly JOY

Yes, more Vendee Globe.

The weekly recaps have been so incredible. Friday is always something to look forward to, but during this Vendee Globe, they bring JOY to my heart and soul.

This past week, 14 of the remaining (not retired) 27 sailors, rounded Cape Horn.

I will not rest completely easy until all are around.

The recap, above, features a meteorologist who explains some of what makes Cape Horn often a “mariner’s nightmare”.

Cape Horn is the 3rd and final Cape in the Vendee Globe.

Too late to be featured in the recap, but Pip Hare, who I mentioned in my January 3: Perspective changed post, had yet another glitch: a crack in her port rudder stock. She replaced the rudder … in the southern ocean and there is no follower of the Vendee Globe who is not incredibly impressed, proud and just “over the top” happy that Pip accomplished this … as well as she set things up to film it to share!!!

This weeks recap and Pip Hare’s recovery from a devastating breakage … Holy Cow!