December 1, 2023
Here we go … headed toward Christmas and the end of 2023.
Some catching up from late September …
My work hiatus/retirement that occurred 7/6 … kind of came to an end in early October. I was not actually thrilled … I had a LOT of time to think about things.
Short story is that I realized how much anger/angst/annoyance had been involved in the work environment. And at 68 with hopefully 20-25 ish years left on this earth … I re-evaluated and decided that my mental health and happiness did NOT lie in that situation.
The work hiatus started/stopped and holy cow … what a mess. I could not just walk away as I had been paid and owed some hours. But I did make clear that I would work those hours and then I was done … time for me to move on.
It was not what I planned. I hoped to work into my 70th year (end of 2025). We (tech team) had a great plan and I anticipated that we would complete deployment of that plan in 2025 and it would be a timely time for me to be done: 2 more years of income at a level that would allow me to get the house in shape to be most easily maintained as I aged as well as a good reserve.
I saw two quotes that resonated with me.
“Sometimes, no matter how much you love what you’re doing, it’s not worth becoming the person it’s turning you into.”
— Whale Harbor Dreams (Saltwater Sunsets Book 1) by Fiona Baker ***
And …
“What you tolerate is what you validate” … Instagram anonymous.
Those words helped me understand my need to step away from my plan, from a long-time team and client and from sure-ish income.
I should be done, i.e. fulfilled my hours owed commitment by 12/20 latest: Merry Christmas to me!!
Meanwhile …
I need to fill in some income in order to stay in this house. Or I could sell and be able to buy a little house in a different area for cash and … well be darn comfortable. I want to try to keep this house … I think.
So, I have some “irons in the fire” !!
Social media content producing: I enjoy the videography and photography AND writing so I am pursuing that.
Business consulting: Not my first choice but maybe some opportunities to leverage my own experience.
My own social media: I’ve had limited success with blog and YouTube, but I haven’t been giving it my all, so maybe a possibility
Various online work from home gigs: bookkeeping, virtual assistant, database entry/programming ???
At any rate, some options and I am excited to see what happens.
I did an experimental walk through of Wild Thing (RV) using my 360 camera. This was to give info to a consignment dealer as well as gain experience with doing interior 360 video:
Thanksgiving 2023 … I had a lovely day … cooking, walking and being outside with Oscar and Emmett, a delicious meal … it was one of those days where I just relaxed and did all that I wanted to do. As I was doing all, I was posting photos and short video to Instagram stories. Finally, I made a mini-movie from all of the IG story posts:
One of my “for fun” things … I decided to learn watercolor painting and colored pencil drawing. I am very much enjoying both! It is relaxing to spend some time in the evening messing with one or the other.
I did realize that I needed a spot somewhat dedicated to painting and drawing. I ended up getting a small art/drafting table. The bookcase in my office was really just a place holder piece of furniture so it went away and the art table is in its place.

The table fits perfectly in place of the bookcase. It has a pull-out shelf which holds my iPad so I can follow along with tutorials. Two small drawers to hold supplies or at least supplies for current projects. To the right is a ring light. I bought that for multiple purposes: light on me for Zoom meetings, light on objects and/or food for photography and videography and light on that table for evening painting. The ring light is shown fully shortened but it extends to nearly the ceiling. It has a built in battery so can be run cordless, thus easy to move around … AND it has a phone holder so I can set up my phone to record video. There is an adjustment that allows the ring light to bend to 90 degrees and all in between. I have used it with much success.
Ultimately I am thrilled to be semi-retired and exploring other projects and light work opportunities.
AND!!! It is December 1 and we woke to an inch of snow and 2 Winter Storm warnings … YEA!!

Here we go Winter!