Again and then some…

Yes, again …

Not quite as intensive as last round, but it seems prudent…

I am currently treating what I think is scabies (burrowing mites) with NEEM oil. Itch and visible stuff seems to be responding. I am waiting on a telehealth appointment with my Dr.

Emmett after Bath 1 of 3. Emmett and Auggie had topical scabies medications. Emmett has some additional skin stuff and so medicated shampoo: 3 days of baths and then weekly for 3 weeks.

Fortunately, he is not adverse to the bath routine: sprinkler, suds up … run around, sprinkler, full rinse and then towel dry!

Meanwhile … farmer’s market tomatoes and plums and peaches and more deliciousness to come.


Smoke has descended.

Air quality is “unhealthy”.

Emmett and I are going out only as necessary. Otherwise we are playing inside games.

Auggie is inside and he is not happy about that, but it is crazy bad air outside, plus I have a horrendous fear of a woods fire start and not being able to find him … so we deal with a grumpy cat!

On the beautiful moments … on my new larger screen TV … YouTube from

Find JOY and Beauty where you can!

Emmett’s tough day (afternoon) aka the itch is with us


Both Emmett and I have had an itchy summer.

We (vet and Dr. and me) do not know if they are related.

Auggie is not affected.

Current thinking is that Emmett may have seasonal allergies … he was itchy last summer but not near as bad as this summer … maybe due to age and or the super vegetation in the woods. Apparently, canine allergy stuff tends to spring forth at the 2 year plus stage.

My bites … maybe related hives … ???

Anyway, Emmett had a vet visit today and was treated with some medication which lasts 3-4 weeks which should take us to a hard frost and hopefully, if it IS seasonal, then we recoup until next summer.

Emmett was also treated for a “mange-mite” thing … a very long shot since Auggie has not had symptoms. The mange thing would/should affect all of us.

My bites have decreased a lot and the woods veg is dying and it is getting colder so hopefully my issues will go with the onset of Autumn as well.

Crazy uncomfortable for Emmett and me, but the shot Emmett received is supposed to mitigate his symptoms VERY fast.

The vet visit. With COVID-19 ongoing, I pass Emmett to the vet via a vestibule. I did send an email with all particulars. Then … spoke to Dr. Leslie mid-exam.

When Emmett was handed back to me, the tech … who I know well, said that Emmett was “very brave” this visit. Emmett has been a bit trembly and reticent since COVID-19 meant that I was not with him for exams and treatment. It breaks my heart, but so good to hear that he is doing better. I always tell him: “You are going to be in the good hands of the girls who love you and are glad to see you!” which is TRUE! Everyone from vet Dr. to techs love him and take time.



I hear ya bro … the vet is hard…

Chillin’ by me…

So done.

The morning walk: Ep 3

First morning of a short week after a 4.5 day long Labor Day weekend … a weekend during which I completed ALL of the chore tasks on my list and still had time for fun stuff and I started the day feeling SO VERY GOOD and kind of silly and ready to get back into things.

All above was helped by the cool front which cleared the air of smoke and got VERY cool and refreshing and so …

the morning walk:

It was a most beautiful morning!

This is my most favorite time of year: late Summer/early Fall in Northwest Montana = some back and forth between warm-hot and cool-cold and changing colors, changing light and anticipation of lovely, hopefully snowy Winter.

Soups and stews and savory pie things are on my mind as well as cosy clothes, fire in the woodstove, tromping through the woods and watching all of the changing colors.

On the baking front: a riff/mash of Erin Jeanne McDowell’s Black Forest Pie and Banana Cream Pie …

= Banana Split Pie!

And here I go all fan girl … I posted on Instagram and EJM responded:

Piesabilities is my new favorite word!!

Plan C is the winner

I am a pseudo planner.

I make lists, I think I have good ideas… good ideas at the time!


I have had the thought of upgrading my little (18 inch diagonal) bedroom tv.

Then an Amazon (who else) S.A.L.E. and I had a 32 incher on the way.

Yes, I measured and knew my existing “stand” was not enough, but thought I’d see how things looked before making a decision about modifications, wall mount, ???

New TV arrives … it seems HUGE. But it is light and sits on the existing stand combo … but not safely for a long term thing. I went looking at various mounting stuff and finally ordered a stand (that cost nearly as much as the TV :( … )


Some assembly required. I knew that, but I admit to being a little intimidated when I saw the packs of fittings…

And the instructions…

BUT. I did not reach the age of 65 without having assembled some things!!

My last big item: Kitchen Island


I watched a video. I took a deep breath. I reminded myself that I am the daughter of a mechanical engineer…

And I took my time and assembled the stand.

New tv on top … old tv bottom.

I lived with the new setup for 12 hours and decided that it was not right for me…

So … moved the new 32 inch tv and stand to the living room, booting the dinosaur LED/Tube TV to the garage…

Baby is back in the bedroom.

I’m happy.

Good grief… Buy a new TV.

Buy a stand for new TV.

Decide all is kind of a mistake.

Plan C.

Sit with my best boys and be grateful that all works out!


As a “hired gun” computer programmer … paid by the hour… for almost 35 years … I have long had a relationship with the value of time.

I cannot make more time.

I think about time a lot as in: did I finish a task timely, billable time, should I do something myself or hire it done … i.e. where is my time best spent.

I consider myself VERY fortunate that because I DO make my living on the clock, I am VERY aware of time.

There is much of my time that I wish I’d spent more wisely!!

But … here we are: September 4, 2020.

Six weeks ago, I planned on taking this week through the holiday weekend off. I planned on doing a number of late summer/early fall/pre-winter chores as well as FINALLY doing some video learning/editing. But, over the past three weeks, I took some days off here and there and some priority tasks and ultimately I am taking a 4.5 day long weekend.

And even though, not quite what I’d planned, I started my off time yesterday (Thursday) afternoon with my work task list at a point that allows me to take these days with NO worries about how I’ve left things work-wise. That has rarely happened when I’ve taken time off.

So … my enjoyment of yesterday afternoon and today (Friday) has been immense!!!

Well, there is the pretty stuff done.

Meanwhile … baking projects, a furniture item assembly, a few chores … and who knows what else.

It is Friday evening and I am in full staycation mode!



Forecast goes from HOT (Saturday-Sunday) to COLD (Monday-Tuesday) and you cannot see extended, but there is a rebound to 80’s … Holy Darn Cow!