Again and then some…

Yes, again …

Not quite as intensive as last round, but it seems prudent…

I am currently treating what I think is scabies (burrowing mites) with NEEM oil. Itch and visible stuff seems to be responding. I am waiting on a telehealth appointment with my Dr.

Emmett after Bath 1 of 3. Emmett and Auggie had topical scabies medications. Emmett has some additional skin stuff and so medicated shampoo: 3 days of baths and then weekly for 3 weeks.
Fortunately, he is not adverse to the bath routine: sprinkler, suds up … run around, sprinkler, full rinse and then towel dry!

Meanwhile … farmer’s market tomatoes and plums and peaches and more deliciousness to come.

Smoke has descended.
Air quality is “unhealthy”.
Emmett and I are going out only as necessary. Otherwise we are playing inside games.
Auggie is inside and he is not happy about that, but it is crazy bad air outside, plus I have a horrendous fear of a woods fire start and not being able to find him … so we deal with a grumpy cat!

On the beautiful moments … on my new larger screen TV … YouTube from

Find JOY and Beauty where you can!