What NOAA calls a dry cold front whooshed through yesterday. Temps were slightly lower yesterday after the front, but the big difference was the humidity dropped from upper 30% (high for here) to the teens. That allowed normal overnight cooling into the 50’s making for a beautiful and cool morning!
Auggie kept me company while I had my coffee … on the chairs, watching Emmett play in the sprinklers.
This weekend, I broke in a new steam canner and I am sold on steam canning: less water, faster to canning temp and it holds 7 quarts vs the 4 pints of my small batch stock pot.
My local organic farm has been offering a “pickle pack”: 7 pounds of pickling cucumbers, a batch of dill and a bulb of fresh (vs cured) garlic. This makes 1 batch of the sweet and spicy pickles I like and 1 batch of dill. The last 2 weekends, I took 2 mornings to make the 2 batches.
Today: I sliced and brined all. Then, walks, play, breakfast all around and finally processing.
I took the 2nd batch of jars out of the canner at 11:30 a.m. Another walk and play session, clean up the kitchen and just after noon, I was D.O.N.E. An enjoyable process and all jars sealed.
As I started this morning, 51F. When I finished, it was 70F. With an exhaust window fan, the house and kitchen stayed cool – YEA!
It is supposed to be a warm week: 91-94 until Friday. And I think I’m ready for a break from weekend canning.
Still … it was a beautiful process … have a look!
That is the dill for the dill pickles, on the left: so pretty and so fragrant!
Nothing to do with pickles. Spearmint on the front porch.
Again, nothing to do with pickles … Auggie on his morning rounds.
We end with a clean kitchen, pickles all sealed in jars and joy in the process of preserving good food!
After 2 days of upper 80F temperatures and 1 night of clouds, so not much cooling … last night was clear and cool. I was up at 1:00 a.m. shutting down A/Cs and fans, opening windows and even going outside briefly with Emmett.
This morning, it was 55F at my house … wonderfully cool. We had a short “business walk”, some play, treats and coffee and then I got my big camera to talk a long, slow walk to enjoy the morning.
I invite you to come along and encourage taking your time and using your imagination to hear the birds, feel the breeze and just notice the light, shadows and colors.