First day of Winter 2022

Holy darn cow!!

Yes, we had the forecast super cold. December 22 started at -18F at my house. Per NOAA it was -32F on the valley floor.

Super cold!

And then at 7:15 a.m. the power went out at my house and approximately 3799 others in my vicinity (total homes in my area being 77000 approx …for perspective)

The local power company: Flathead Electric Co-operative did a pretty stellar job of keeping us informed. For most of us, the issue was a problem with Bonneville Power Authority feed to our specific area. (more to come on that).

So. The day before, knowing the forecast and with heavy snow, I took a look at the FEC outage map and saw that there was a 5 hour outage across the lake (Flathead Lake) due to equipment failure. Hmmm.

I typically do not run my woodstove overnight … fire concerns, etc. BUT. Given the forecast for extreme low temperatures and the potential for equipment failure … I ran the stove overnight.


So, when the power went out, the stove was full steam ahead and I had LOTS of firewood to hand to keep things going.

Additionally … last year … not sure exactly, but it was Winter, we had 2 morning power cuts that interfered with my ability to make coffee!!! In response, I purchased a 1 burner Butane stove thing as well as a large battery powered lantern.

AND … as time it is a changing re infrastructure … I also purchased several largish water containers.


I was ready!!! (…ish)

Yea for my EcoFlow Max! It powered my electric fireplace for some helper heat in the sunroom. It is pointed towards the closet where the pressure tank lives. Pressure tank is 25 gallons of water and in the absence of power to run the well pump, that 25 gallons plus water heater water is my in house water. Additionally, the closet gets cold before the rest of the house and given the subzero temps I wanted to make sure to keep that closet warmish.

Yes! My butane 1 burner … Coffee!!! And later, I made my breakfast on it.

Thank you to last year’s wake up call.

The entry door … insulated curtain that is usually my “double entry” but I move right to the door when it is ultra cold…

Down throws at the base for draft stoppers.

Both make a HUGE difference in how much cold gets in via the entry door. Not noticable except when it is super cold!

-16.6 is super cold in my book!

And it was warming from -18.

The woodstove operating as a REAL woodstove, i.e. loaded full, locked down and running hot and radiant vs as a “fireplace”.

Ultimately, I was able to keep the house about 61F which in “all is relative world” was very comfortable. I ran the electric fireplace sporadically to give the closet extra heat while conserving battery backup.

My iPhone, iPads, laptop, internet MIFI … all kept topped up via other battery banks.


The upshot from Flathead Electric Co-op and Bonneville Power Administration re the outage:

I would love to add to my EcoFlow system when budget allows but good grief!!! It did amazingly well on an ultra-cold day, and I am very happy. I had power to spare but will admit that I am VERY happy to have power restored before a 2nd very cold night.

Off to make my supper on the butane 1 burner … trying not to tax power supply more than absolutely necessary.

Weather forecast improves for my area after tomorrow.

The rest of the U.S. has challenges upcoming…


Prayers for the wild animals and livestock and pets.

Winter Solstice 2022

A couple hours ago … official Solstice.

Shortest day of 2022.

And Holy Cow!!! This year we are so far having a real as in an old time Winter … or late Autumn Montana thing…

The last several years we could not count on a White Christmas.

This year it is a given!

After a very warm and dry October we had the crazy early November snow which did a lot of damage.

But, then … a segue into an old time Montana late Autumn/early Winter weather pattern.

New snowshoes!

Red and very cool easy on/off bindings and flexible poly ‘shoes.

As of this writing, I have snowshoed more so far this year than the last 3 years combined!

The snow is perfect.

Today, 12/21/2022, Winter Solstice … we are on the cusp of an extremely cold … maybe record breaking cold weather event.

Yesterday through this morning we got a foot of new powder snow.

Snow part of the event is likely done, but the cold-super cold has a day or so to go.


Much fun experimenting with new 360 cameras.

Stay tuned for more :)

Thanksgiving Day 2022

Double Mocha Latte … my Christmas mug is the only mug that will hold my favorite double … that is fresh nutmeg on the top – YUM!

YIKES … kind of redish sunrise but then…

And ultimately the day turned sunny!

We all got outside – YEA!!

I am not cooking a big, traditional dinner today … maybe on Saturday :)

So, today was a day to enjoy the sunshine and relax and be incredibly thankful for:

Emmett and Oscar and me all in good health,

Work and fun stuff and a wonderful home and property to enjoy all,

Holy Cow!! I am beyond thankful for all :)

While it was sunny and not too cold (33F), I replenished firewood close at hand … it is supposed to get very cold and more snow Fri-Sat-Sun ???

Meanwhile, though … sun (this is 11:30 a.m. and at 48 North, the sun is making a low pass vs Summer’s high overhead arc). Still … SUN!

Throw WUBBA!!

It was a lovely time outside.


Turkey dinner will be had on Saturday.

Today is an Italian Garlic Pepper (black pepper) beef stew and some prep for Saturday: cranberry sauce, brioche for a leek bread pudding …

As in past years I have devolved into a lazy-relaxed long weekend with the “traditional” dinner being when convenient and otherwise enjoying time without work constraints.

***to note … if you follow my Instagram … early November after a very warm October, we got 8 inches of very wet and heavy snow. That resulted in a significant amount of damage to trees in my woods … mostly the young Western Larch. It means a hefty and expensive cleanup this Spring … no use doing much now as the trees were very stressed and more are likely to break/come down between now and late Spring.

So … I am in “frugal mode” so as to be able to pay for the cleanup (heavy equipment, hauling away, etc., etc.) That translates into no RV trip … probably. I will see how things go. I have some local folks scheduled to give me advice on cleanup.


BUT!! When I think about Florida post Ian and other disasters. All in all, I have it easy. My home is intact and my work is good, my health and pets health is good. Tally ho!!!

To and Fro and back and forth

The motorhome and Jeep maintenance issues continue!

The motorhome has new tires – YEA!

The Jeep had its Lube-Oil-Filter (LOF) and then a follow up maintenance thing.

The motorhome is in the shop for its LOF, generator oil change and general all-around service.

The shops are all about 22 miles one way from my home … nearly an hour round trip … and gas. Although a neighbor would help me, it is a HUGE ask particularly as I had multiple appointments at various shops.

So. Motorhome takes Jeep for Jeep appts and or to provide a way home from dropping the motorhome.

Lots of to and fro and back and forth!

Good exercise for the vehicles AND for me … I definitely felt the up and down of the hooking up, unhooking procedure. But that is good!


We have had a record warm October which is due to end tonight through the weekend.

It has been several weeks of upper 60F-low 70F daytime and 40F overnight. Kind of perfect. We enjoyed!

Lots of walks, lots of outside play.

We’ll see what next week looks like. I hope to have the motorhome home with all systems good. The Jeep is good. Weather … it will likely bluster and then stabilize.

I still hope to take a short miles trip for maybe a week or 2 or ??? but all up in the air at this writing.

One day at a time!

Not from the road :(

Wild Thing is back in her spot and NOT on the road.


The good news is that I found tires for her, and she should have her new “shoes” on Thursday – YEA!

I thought tires would be the challenging thing, but turns out the LOF and general engine service is proving more difficult to arrange.

I had a tentative appointment for all some weeks ago, but it was cancelled by service company … too many “Fleet” vehicles backlogged, and RVs are “not necessary”. All exacerbated by lack of personnel. I won’t even go there as it is beyond my comprehension.

Again, BUT!!! Tires were the most crucial impediment to hitting the road. I knew when I finished my last trip in 2015 that I was at the legal age limit for my tires, but knowing I would be off the road for some time due to Bear not being able to get in the RV … I did nothing. And then Emmett and then COVID and now scrambling. When I had issues getting any appointment, I decided to split the issues and try for tires.


I have a few more thoughts for the other service, but we’ll get the tires, get our work week in and regroup.

Meanwhile, the front porch plants are winding down…


This “side” had a run in with some critter(s) overnight, but have mostly recovered.

This side was not disturbed!

The mint (upper right) is doing well considering it started the season as sprigs after a challenging over-Wintering inside! I am not going to over-Winter anything this year. As soon as a hard frost is forecast, I will harvest what herbs I can and let Nature take her course.

As of this writing, we have two days of upper 70’s F forecast and then a cool front. The nights are wonderfully cool.

We are enjoying as much time outside as we can.

Maybe “not from the road” as I’d hoped, but making progress towards that :) !!

So happy … mostly :)

I am so happy that the weather and calendar have turned the corner to Autumn!

This is my favorite time of year: lovely temperatures, lovely light and hopefully some rain this week … it is scary dry in my woods!

But …

Wild Thing!!

She is in the prep area.

I am cleaning up, checking all systems and hopefully a road trip is in our near future.

A slight “fly in the ointment” … I opened the water heater compartment, preparing to get it ready for loading water and found several disturbing things. Rust was the least of it …

I didn’t take a photo (I DID take video :) ) … a mouse nest sans mousies thankfully and a lot of mouse poop.

The mouse leavings are removed and cleaned up. The rust elimination process is in progress.

One thing at a time.

If there are no setbacks as to road worthiness and livability and/or work projects … I hope to take off next Sat-Sun-Monday. Weather is also on the list.

Destination is not very distant … 270 ish miles to Anaconda, Montana vicinity. It will be a combination “Wild Thing” shakedown and look at that area plus thinking about RV downsizing and house moving and … what do I think after nearly 7 years without venturing out and about?

I have zero expectations.

I will see what I can see and think on all things.

So Happy!! Excited to change things up a bit.

*** Right. So, neither Emmett nor Oscar have been rving … :)