redux: Bah Humbug

July 4th. Bah Humbug!!

A July 4th photo from many years ago. I always think of it on the 4th as Bob’s expression so conveys my own feelings about the 4th of July … most particularly the fireworks … and not public shows, but the individual stuff.

Although, for the record, Bob is likely looking so irritated because I kept trying to take a photo with him wearing the ribbons and he was not having it. He was a curmudgeon extraordinaire, but also a snuggle boy when he felt like it.

Emmett and Auggie are not perturbed by fireworks or gunshots or thunder. Last night, Mother Nature told the fireworks how amateur they are. We had a thunderstorm that went right overhead with the kind of thunder that makes me think the sky is splitting. They both slept through it. I did not, but since they do not get upset, I am free to enjoy … which I do except for knowing that there are many animals that do get upset … RATS.

I entertained some hope that the Lakota Sioux would take some revenge for Wounded Knee, but no. Probably for the best, I would hate to see any (Sioux!) go to prison or be hurt or killed over the idiotic event. In high school, I wrote a research paper on the 1890 massacre and subsequent events. I have ever since been appalled by Mt. Rushmore … a desecration of sacred ground.

So, I end as I started. 4th of July: Bah Humbug.

Stay home, wear a mask if you must go out, keep your distance. Let’s get through this with some discipline and respect.

We are starting our 6th month. WWII … 6 YEARS of rationing, life disrupted.

A public service announcement :)

So, I believe that I have done the last upgrade needed to allow the subscription plugin to function properly.

AND, I believe that those who previously subscribed are still subscribed … if you receive an email about this post and would not mind posting a confirmation comment … or if you don’t like to comment, send me an email: .


This is kind of the tale of the “cobbler’s children” … the cobbler being so busy making and repairing shoes for everyone else and no time to shoe his own children.

Anyway, hopefully we now have COMPLETE update and resolution of all things WordPress (my blog platform).

Meanwhile, my least favorite “holiday” of the year is upon us.

But, thankfully, Auggie and Emmett are not sensitive to the noise of fireworks which is a good thing as the noise has begun …

Who cares?

I do, but I am so very grateful that Auggie and Emmett do not.
